Chapter 11

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Three days later… The lives of the Detective Boys and the Seigaku Regulars somehow returned to normal after that horrible case. They were glad it finally came to an end, though. After the events at Hyoutei Gakuen, the Azuraya clan conducted a proper funeral service to Arisa and the victims of the tennis court murders. Cries and sorrow engulfed the family upon learning the truth about what happened. But they were glad that the family's search for Arisa was over. Coach Sakaki and the rest of Hyoutei Gakuen Tennis Team (both boys and girls) attended the funeral, as well. But for some reason, those past three days only made Ryoma do a lot of thinking about his considerably "outrageous" idea—at least on his part. He wasn't sure about how his parents would react to that idea but he has to tell them to get their consent with this. Of course, he has to gather his courage to tell it to Dr. Yanai Shouda since she was one of Kourin's guardians and the current leader of the Miyuzaki family. And that faithful day was the one he has been waiting for. With permission from Coach Ryuuzaki, Ryoma decided to skip club activity, much to the confusion of his teammates. The freshman has to go home early and eventually head to the Shinomiya estate along with his parents. That was the only time he could talk to the clan elders of the Miyuzaki family. "Oi, Seishounen, are you sure about going here?" Nanjiroh asked to Ryoma for who knows how many times. It irritated the freshman but he has to control his temper for this old man so he could still organize his thoughts. He didn't answer that since the door of the big mansion already opened. They were greeted by the butler of the family that he saw once before—Ihara was his name, or at least that was what Ryoma remembered. "Welcome, Ryoma-san. The meeting is already set in the conference room. I'll lead you there." And then Ihara proceeded to go to the conference room along with the Echizen family. Ryoma's heart was beating faster than usual as each step he did made him approach the room closer and closer. Though it was undeniable that he was getting even more nervous, he tried not to show it. After all, he has to stay strong. He was doing it for Kourin—that was what he has to remember. When they arrived at the conference room (which turned out to be a Japanese room inside that Western-styled mansion), Ryoma saw 4 elder men sitting on the futons. It was a surprise for him to see that since he thought that more than 4 people would be there to hear his idea. But then he realized that these four people were probably the most important members of the family. He remembered that the decision of the clan leaders were crucial for making an important decision, especially if it was for the sake of the family and of the princess. Ryoma and his parents sat on the futons laid facing the elders. "I know this conference is making you nervous, Ryoma-kun. But since you said to my granddaughter Shouda about your decision to talk to us, let's get to the point," the first elder said. "What is your business with us today?" Ryoma heaved a sigh mentally before he faced the elders. "This is about Rin. I'm not sure if you'll agree with this but at least I could tell you about it. I'm thinking about… letting my parents adopt Rin." What he said caused surprise not only to his parents but also to the elders. Yes, he knew his idea was considerably outrageous in many sense. But this past case made him think about it. "Boy, are you sure you know what you're talking about? Letting your parents adopt the Shinomiya princess would only make her even more vulnerable in danger than how she is now. Not only her, but also your family," the third elder said sternly. "I know that. I also considered the danger that it could possibly bring to my family. But whenever I see Rin's smile while she was with my parents, I couldn't help but to think about her feelings of having a family again. I'm not saying that you can't be a family to her. It's just that…" But for some reason, Ryoma couldn't seem to continue what he wanted to say. He thought he had prepared for this day. Yes, he did but then… "I think I can understand your point, Ryoma-san," the second elder stated after a few moments of silence. "But have you mentioned this to your parents before going here?" Ryoma shook his head instead of answering with words. "He didn't tell us about his idea but I wouldn't deny that I thought of the same idea when Kourin had a sleepover with us during the tennis court serial murder case. She might not be saying anything but her eyes show longing in them—she longs to be with her father," Nanjiroh spoke in a serious tone that Ryoma could only hear for a few times. "Ryuuki wouldn't want her cute daughter to be sad because of his death. It's been a long time since he died along with Rina and Hitoshi. It wouldn't hurt if you could at least grant my son't wish for Ryuuki's daughter." The four elders looked at father and son intently for a few moments as they were trying to absorb the thought of what the two people said. Then the fourth elder spoke. "Nanjiroh-san, it is not a secret to us that Ryuuki was your friend and that he entrusted you with the family's secret a long time ago. It's not that we're doubting your ability to be a father figure to the little princess. But you have to know that she still has the duty to fulfill since she's the last of the Shinomiya bloodline and the heiress to the position of the Four Families' leader." "I know that, sir. It's not that I'm taking that duty away from her. It's just that—" But Nanjiroh was interrupted when a voice of a woman suddenlyspoke something, making them focus that attention to the door of the conference room. "You want Rin-chan to grow up with a family, is that it?" They were surprised to see Kudou Yukiko and Doctor Yanai Shouda, both women had smiles on their faces. "Shouda-sensei, what are you doing here?" Rinko asked the doctor as the two women continued to enter the room. "Today is my day-off—at least an emergency day-off." And then the doctor faced Ryoma with a serious expression. "But I want to ask you something, Ryoma-kun. Why decide something like letting your family adopt Rin-chan?" It took a while for Ryoma to answer that question. It wasn't because he was thinking of what to say. He already know what to say from the moment the idea came to him. That was what made him find the courage to tell the doctor the reason. "To be honest, I thought about it when Rin stayed with us during the duration of the case. The first night she stayed with us, I saw how she got along with my family so well like it was her own. I saw her smile and laugh heartily for the first time. At first, I thought I was only sympathizing with her since she lost her family at a very young age—that she just missed her parents, her family. But as the case went along, I realized I was wrong. The feeling of excitement whenever we have practice matches together, the desire I have to protect her from any harm, the delight I felt whenever she laughs or smiles even in little things like a normal kid, the way I care for her and thinks of her welfare—those things made me realize that I was acting like a brother to her. I did promise to her that I'll always be a brother to her no matter what happens. But I also want her to have a life with a family who would care for her and love her the same way her biological family loved her," Ryoma explained while facing the doctor and the four elders intently, as if stating that he was serious about what he just said. Silence filled the air after that. The tensed atmosphere didn't diminish even a little bit. But Ryoma was determined when he stated his reason. Even his parents were surprised with that. But Yukiko and Doctor Shouda were just amused to hear something like that from a 12-year-old tennis player who became involved with the Shinomiya clan princess in a simple twist of fate. That silence didn't last, though, as Yukiko suddenly spoke—and in a grave tone, at that. "No doubt, Ryoma-kun became too attached to Rin-chan. I could tell that you're serious and determined. But for that to happen, there is one course of action that the elders have to do." "And that is…?" Yukiko faced Rinko who asked that question. "Rin-chan's existence as an heiress to the position of being the Four Families' leader must remain a secret for a while, just until the succession ceremony takes place seven years from now." "Yukiko, you know she still needs to learn a lot about her duty. How are we going to do that if she lives with the Echizen family, given the possibility that we agree to the boy's idea?" the fourth elder inquired. "Grandfather, I'm saying this for Rin-chan's safety, as well. The little girl won't turn her back on her duty and we all know that. Right now, only a few people besides the Four Families know that the entirety of the Shinomiya family was destroyed that night and Rin-chan is the only survivor of that attack. Letting her live a normal life before you impose such a duty to her will help her understand her surroundings more. A normal life with a family and no restrictions because of her position as a family princess—it's one thing Rin-chan needs as she grows up," Yukiko explained and then she faced Doctor Shouda. "What do you think? I know you also have to decide on this one." Doctor Shouda just smiled and chuckled soon after. "We may be her guardians right now but we still can't give her something that she needs. Yes, we are her family but the walls of our real duties to her would still be there, preventing us to show our concern for her welfare fully. To be honest, I could feel that wall until now even though she said that we are her newfound family. I have to agree with what Yukiko-san said. We need to keep Rin-chan's position to the Four Families a secret until the succession ceremony takes place. That way, her safety would at least be assured. For us to let that happen—" she paused and faced Ryoma. "I have to agree with Ryoma-kun's idea. We'll let Nanjiroh-san and Rinko-san adopt Rin-chan. We'll let her live with a normal family. I'm sure Rin-chan would be delighted to have you as her brother." Ryoma frowned when he heard that. "What made you so sure about that, sensei?" "Because I suggested the same thing to them right after the case." The family turned around only to see Kourin smiling at them. They were surprised to see her there. "How long have you been there?" Rinko asked. "Since you all came. SO basically, I heard everything. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I can't help it since I'm worried. In case you didn't know, the elders can be very scary when it comes to meetings like this. Even still, they're really nice once you get to know them." After that, Kourin chuckled for a bit. "I said the same thing to the elders right after the case. They said that they still need to talk to you about it since it's an extremely crucial issue. They were supposed to discuss it with you tomorrow but I guess Ryoma-niichan beats them to it." Nanjiroh faced the elders. "Is that true?" The four elders nodded with smiles on their faces. "All she said were true." "Then that means…" The second elder nodded once. "That's right, young man. We already agreed to your idea. That is, if you can promise us one thing." "What do you mean?" "Be a good brother to her. Protect her and care for her like a good brother would be. You know her responsibility doesn't end with just being appointed as a leader of the Four Families. Let her grow up into a person that everyone can be proud of. If you can do that for us, I'm sure she won't only stay with you for seven years but much longer than that. Be with her as she fulfill her own dreams. That is our only wish." It didn't take long enough for Ryoma, even Nanjiroh and Rinko to decide on that. The proof was already evident on their faces. "I will, sir. I won't fail you," Ryoma answered with determination. And with that, he faced Kourin. "Will you be my little sister, Rin?" Tears welled up on the brim of Kourin's eyes as she ran towards Ryoma and tackled him in a tight hug before uttering the word that the freshman couldn't believe he would hear from her for the first time. "Onii-chan!" Despite wanting to cry because of happiness, he tried to hold it in as he embraced the little girl tight in return. The people inside that room couldn't help but to feel happy for the princess. Of course, there would still be preparations for the adoption and stuff. But they knew it would go well. After all, Kourin would be living with a family who would love her and care for her… A family who would help her realize her dreams and let her fulfill them… -x-x- Outside the conference room… "I guess it's for the best, huh? Letting Rin-san live with Echizen-kun and his family…" Haibara said as they walked away from the place. "But I wonder how those two will react once they find out that Ryuuki-san really did consider Nanjiroh-san to be a father figure to his daughter." "Whether they find that out or not, it doesn't matter now. Rin is happy with her new family and will probably let her live a peaceful life for a long time. I'm sure the elders already read Uncle Ryuuki's diary. It didn't take them long to decide on the matter since Rin, and surprisingly Echizen-kun, suggested the same thing. And you're right, it's for the best that things ended this way for her," Conan replied as they continued to traverse the hallway leading to the dining room where dinner awaited them. "What about those Knights who would guard them in secret?" "Shouda-sensei already settled that. So don't worry. I'm sure she'll be fine. This is Rin we're talking about, after all." Haibara sighed as a sign of giving up since Conan was right. Kourin was no ordinary kid so she could pull through. "You're right…"
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