Chapter 3

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Seishun Gakuen Tennis Courts, the next day… Most of the students of Seishun Gakuen arrived early and that includes the members of the Seigaku Tennis Club. But their arrival to that school had gave them a scare and shock of their lifetime upon seeing something on one of the tennis courts of the school. Of course, one couldn't help but to scream at the sight that greeted them because of fear and surprise. The person who did that the loudest was Arai. This had caught the attention of the other students of the school. When they decided to check out what was going on, they were shocked as hell. Even the Seigaku regulars who had just arrived were stunned to know the reason of the students' commotion on that court. "Call the police!" Oishi shouted without looking away from the court. "We already did. They said that they're on their way and told us not to go near the body," one student replied. Just what was predicted, a murder happened at Seigaku. No one could say a word when they saw a junior member's dead body sitting on the middle of the tennis court with blood staining his tennis uniform, the net, and the court itself. His hands were tied with his arms spread wide onto the net. When Fuji looked around the court, his eyes (despite being close) spotted something. He saw an orange lily lying on one extreme edge of the court. As far as he could remember, the court was clean when they left it yesterday. But he couldn't just conclude that it was from the killer, although he had to admit that the flower itself proved to be even more suspicious than the dead body itself. A few minutes later, the police arrived. Of course, the regulars already recognized some familiar faces since it was just 2 months ago when they last saw those people. "Oi, they're some of the police we met during that case, right?" Momoshiro inquired as he saw Inspector Megure, Detective Satou, Inspector Shiratori, Detective Takagi, and Detective Chiba, among others, heading towards the crime scene. "You're right. They're the one in charge of the homicides in the metropolitan area since they belong to the Criminal Investigation's First Division." Other members of the police force also went straight to the crime scene to secure it from onlookers and to prevent the evidences from being contaminated. The police—especially Inspector Megure—couldn't help but to feel frustrated, disappointed, and angry. It would appear that despite their warnings to the students of Seishun Gakuen—most especially to the tennis club members, they couldn't prevent the murder from happening. Kourin and Conan were right upon predicting that the next target was from Seigaku. He knew for sure, just like the rest of the police, those kids would be as frustrated and angry as them. "Nya! Who could do something like this to him?" Eiji couldn't help but to ask as he continued to look at the gruesome scene. "Fsshh… This is surely getting way too far," Kaidoh muttered under his breath; anger could surely be felt from his voice. "But I guess it wasn't such a simple grudge that the killer was bearing inside of him. This is too much. His hatred for us tennis players wasn't as simple as I thought. His determination to continue this gruesome game could be seen in each of his victims," Fuji commented in a grave tone. The other regulars agreed to that statement. But while the regulars were giving their opinions regarding the case, Ryoma wasn't saying anything at all. He was still staring at the crime scene and the serious looks from the police officers as they continued investigating. Tezuka noticed this, though. Fuji and Oishi soon followed who sensed Tezuka's attention focusing on the freshman. "Echizen, are you alright?" Fuji asked. Ryoma answered with a nod without looking at any of his senpai-tachi. Fuji didn't say anything even though he perfectly knew that Ryoma wasn't alright. There was something that surely bothered the freshman rookie as Ryoma continued to look at the scene. But it wasn't just Ryoma who was bothered. Fuji was immensely bothered, as well. He was bothered ever since he saw the orange lily on the court. There was something to it, he could feel at least that much. Though it wasn't obvious, the other regulars were as bothered as Fuji and Ryoma. Only one truth prevails—Edogawa Conan once said that to Ryoma and the other regulars while they waited for Kourin to recover from the gunshot. Whatever the truth that lies within the series of murders happening right now, they might be able to find that out. Of course, it wasn't like them to act as detectives (with the exception of Inui, maybe). But they admit that they have incredibly curious minds and they were highly intuitive in some ways. They might possibly stumble onto a case related to this which could lead them to solve the mystery. -x-x- Kourin was panting hard upon reaching the gates of Seishun Gakuen. The rest of the Detective Boys soon caught up with her and just like her, they were catching their breaths for running from the train station just to reach Seigaku in time. "Geez, Rin! Next time, try to remember the other people who were just right behind you when you run," Conan complained that Kourin only answered with a laugh despite catching her breath. The rest of the Detective Boys decided not to go to play baseball that day (Teitan Elementary School was in a holiday that day so they don't have classes) when they noticed that Kourin and Conan were doing some deep thinking. Haibara already figured out the reason for that so she decided to ease Kourin's worried mind when she suggested that they should head to Seishun Gakuen instead. Almost instantly, the other kids agreed to that suggestion. Kourin and Conan couldn't have been more delighted to that. It appeared that Haibara knew both kids wouldn't be able to concentrate on the game anyway even though they did head out to play with the others. But much to the kids' surprise, police cars were already inside the school grounds and they could hear people murmuring and chattering on one corner of the school. Kourin already recognized the area—it was leading to the tennis courts. "I guess we're too late…" Kourin murmured before rushing to the tennis courts. "Rin-san, wait up!" Ayumi shouted before following the said girl. The other kids followed the two girls despite the confusion. Conan soon realized why Kourin decided to run ahead of them. I guess the killer already went ahead of us, huh? He already killed someone here. And we just found out how to solve the code yesterday. We shouldn't have been underestimating the culprit's ability, the bespectacled boy thought as he tried to keep up with Kourin. After about a minute, they reached their destination but they were surprised to see a lot of people gathering around a certain tennis court. Both Conan and Kourin looked around to see a spot that wasn't so crowded for them to pass through easily. When they managed to find one and easily passed through together, they were stunned to see the gruesome scene. "It can't be…" Conan uttered in his stunned state. "Despite decoding the coded music, the serial killer still killed someone here." "We've been careless. It was like… the killer was mocking us with this. But I guess it's more of the fact that he was trying to lure someone out using this series of murders. And to think he would even put the bodies on the tennis courts…" Kourin said in a soft yet grave tone in which Conan could tell that she didn't like the idea about the killer going ahead of them. She was angry and downright frustrated, he could tell that. So was he. Kourin called out his attention by nudging him. "Shin-nii, look over there!" she said as she pointed at a certain direction. His gaze followed it. He saw the orange lily lying innocently yet limply on the far edge of the court. He frowned as the sight. "I have a feeling that the CD isn't the only clue that the killer left beside his victims' bodies." Conan faced Kourin upon hearing that. "What do you mean?" "If you want to consider the general meaning of orange lily in flower language, it means revenge, hatred, and disdain in addition to wealth and pride. And judging from the intensity of the damage he did to kill his victims, I would say it's too much. His hatred was something that had lived in his heart for a long time," Kourin explained in a serious tone. She has a point on that. But is it true that the CD isn't the only clue left by the killer beside the victims' dead bodies? Conan asked hto himself but he couldn't find an answer as he tried to think about it. There was only one person who could provide that to him. With that thought in mind, he pushed himself through the crowd. He didn't look back to face Kourin since he knew she would understand his sudden action. Before the police could even stop him, he entered the court and headed to the spot where Kourin saw the wilted orange lily. He picked it up using his unused handkerchief. "Conan-kun, you shouldn't even be here. Aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" Detective Satou scolded him but he didn't pay attention to it. It looked like the female officer didn't know about Teitan Elementary being on a holiday. Instead, Conan faced her with a serious look. "Satou-keiji, I want to ask you something. The mini-CD with the coded isn't the only item left by the serial killer on the crime scenes, is it? Could it be that he was also leaving wilted orange lilies beside the victim?" Of course, the said female officer was surprised to hear that question, and to think it would come from a kid. But Conan was never an ordinarily curious kid, and she knew that. With a sigh, she answered him. "That's right. Megure-keibu thought it wasn't a vital piece of clue but they found several orange lilies near the victims besides the mini-CD with a coded music. But now that you found another one here, I can tell that the serial killer is definitely leaving a message to us besides the one hidden in the music." "Revenge, hatred, and disdain… Rin said that it's just a few of the general meanings of orange lilies. The murderer wanted us to know his hatred towards the people possibly connected to the ones he murdered," Conan stated before handing the flower to Detective Satou and left the scene without a word. Kourin was waiting for him outside the court hidden from other people. "So?" she asked. Conan sighed before he saw the other kids coming towards them. "You're right. The mini-CD isn't the only item that the murderer was leaving beside the victims. Megure-keibu thought it wasn't related too much to the case. But seeing another orange lily for the fifth time, I doubt they could still say the same thing." "Orange lily?" Genta asked while frowning. Conan nodded. "Why would the murderer leave something like that?" "To convey his message to us—to anyone who could understand its meaning," Haibara said placidly. "What kind of message?" Mitsuhiko asked. "His hatred and desire for revenge," Kourin answered plainly before facing the crime scene. "But first, maybe we should get away from this place for a while. Seeing something like this reminds me of a lot of things. I don't want to get emotional here." Ayumi and the others immediately understood what Kourin meant meant so the girl pulled the fourth grader a little away from the crowd and the crime scene. They stopped under the tree near the sinks outside the courts. "I guess this place should be perfect for us to rest," Ayumi said with a nod after sitting down on the grass along with the other kids. "Are you alright, Rin-san? Should I get you a drink?" Kourin gently shook her head before smiling. "No, it's okay. But thanks for the offer, anyway." Her faces went serious again—something that Conan and Haibara immediately noticed. "Rin, if you're blaming yourself for what happened, don't. We never anticipated the murderer to be this fast. That only proves how determined he is to kill his victims," Conan simply stated despite his frustrations because of the case and his worries for his cousin. That's why we have to think of a way to corner him. Solving his code isn't enough. If this continues, he'll kill more tennis players for something unreasonable. The orange lilies somehow provided a clue as to what the motive could be. But it's still a general reason. We need something more concrete. The said girl didn't say anything, though. She was just looking at the ground and appeared to be in deep thoughts again. Not again, Conan could only think and was about to sigh when he heard Kourin mumble some words which still reached his ears. "There's still something that I missed, I know it," he heard Kourin said. He then saw her face Haibara and Ayumi who happened to be sitting next to each other. "Did any of you know the victim's estimated time of death?" The two girls frowned at the question. Despite that, Haibara answered when Conan gave her the signal that it would be okay since they thought that Kourin asked that question randomly. "We heard it from Takagi-keiji a while back about that. He said that the victime died between 10:00 and 11:00 PM last night and that it was an immediate death," Haibara answered. Kourin went back to thinking again. "Between 10:00 and 11:00 PM, huh?" But as she replayed the answer in her mind over and over, a part of the code appeared there. Her eyes widened upon realizing something. "Silver moon, enlighten me in full as I end their journey with my tool…" It can't be! The code didn't onlt hold a riddle about his target's location but it also holds the clue to when he would kill his victim. He killed his fifth victim during the full moon last night! She slapped his forehead after realizing that. Why in the world did I miss that part? I can't believe I didn't realize that sooner! I'm really an i***t! Kourin thought I frustration and because of that, she began to simultaneously hit her head even though she wasn't really doing it that hard. Probably just enough to punish herself for missing that part of the code. "Oi, Rin, that's enough! What's wrong with you?" Conan asked a bit loud, causing some ears to catch the name he memntioned. -x-x- Since the regulars knew they couldn't practice until afternoon because of the murder, they just decided to head to Kawamura's sushi shop instead. The freshmen trio decided to tag along, as well, even Sakuno and Tomoka. After packing up and getting their tennis bags, they all headed to their destination. The police requested the principal to suspend the students' classes for the day in order for them to investigate the case without further commotion. That was why the students already went home or to wherever they just felt like going. But as they headed towards the school gate, the regulars still couldn't help but to let out their curiosity to the current situation. "I can't believe I would see something like that first hand. And right here at our school, at that," Momoshiro commented. "Yeah. Despite our warnings to the students, the serial killer managed to kill one of our members," Oishi said, slightly shaking his head. "But no matter how much we warm them, I guess the killer's just that determined to kill his targets. It's a relief he wasn't targeting regulars even though it's still bad to think it as such. But still, this is too much for us," Fuji added in another serious tone. "And that flower on the court… It surely means something, that much I could tell. The courts were clean when we left it yesterday." "What flower?" Kaidoh asked. "An orange lily," Fuji answered. "I'm not sure what it was for but I have a bad feeling about it." "But that doesn't mean it came from the killer, right? I mean, the CD was the only item left near the bodies, right?" Eiji inquired, still hoping that whatever Fuji said wouldn't add another confusing puzzle piece to the murders. "The police doesn't disclose full information of the case to the media, especially if there are evidences that shouldn't be made known to the public. That way, they could prevent anyone from copying the method of the culprit to commit similar crimes," Inui stated while scribbling some notes on his notebook. "But no matter where you put it, it's still scary seeing something like that," Katsuo commented. Of course, the other two freshmen agreed. But they soon noticed that one particular freshman's mind wasn't actually focused on their conversation at all. "Echizen, what's wrong?" Kawamura asked in a concerned tone followed by lightly gripping Ryoma's shoulder to catch his attention. Of course, the action caught Ryoma surprised that made him face Kawamura. When he looked at the others, he saw the concerned looks on all of his senpai's faces, even from his fellow freshmen. He shook his head to somehow answer the question even though he didn't really hear it. Their faces spoke it to him, anyway. "I was just thinking… on how Rin and Edogawa-kun would think about this one," he said before proceeding ahead. "Rin? You mean the kid who got shot 2 months ago?" Horio carelessly asked which made him earn a smack on the head from Tomoka and several glares from the regulars. Horio laughed nervously upon seeing that. "Now that you mention it, those two kids have very curious minds. And I have to say they're really smart for their age," Momoshiro said with a smile upon remembering the black-haired fourth-grade girl from the Dark Rose case 2 months ago. Fuji agreed to what the junior power player said. Besides Ryoma who met Kourin through chance, Fuji and Momoshiro were considered to be connected to the 9-year-old girl. "Nya! I wish I could see Kourin-chan again. I want to see her cute face. She's like a doll, you know. A very cute doll, nya!" Eiji said which earned him laughs from his teammates. But as they walked further, Ryoma was sure he heard someone mentioned a familiar name. Not just him. Fuji and Momoshiro heard it, as well. Even though it wasn't said out loud, they were pretty sure. "Oi, Rin, that's enough! What's wrong with you?" I know that voice! And he mentioned "Rin", right? Could it be…? Ryoma immediately thought before deciding to look where the voice came from. Much to his surprise, he saw six familiar kids resting underneath the big tree. He saw Kourin simultaneously hitting her head with her hands, as if she was frustrated of some sort. "Are you alright?" Sakuno couldn't help but to ask the black-haired girl. Almost immediately, Kourin stopped on what she was doing. So were the other kids and then they faced the person who said that. Their faces lit up upon seeing the regulars and some of the familiar people from Seigaku. Before anyone could stop Eiji, he ran towards Kourin and carried her around before hugging her tight. Though surprised, Kourin managed to appreciate the gesture and she smiled as she let out a giggle. Conan was glad that someone managed to make Kourin smile since he knew his cousin was beginning to become gloomy for some reason related to the case. "Nya! I can't believe it! I just said a while back that I want to see Kourin-chan again and then all of a sudden, you're here. Nyaa! I'm so happy!" Eiji said with a wide smile, evident that he couldn't contain his happiness. Kourin laughed at that. The regulars smiled at the sight before saying "hello" to the other kids. Eiji put her down before Momoshiro and Fuji approached her. "I'm glad you can smile like that now," Fuji said. The girl answered with a smile, stating her gladness. "Yeah. I agree with Fuji-senpai on that. Your smile right now is different compared to when we first met you," Momoshiro added. Kourin tilted her head to one side with an innocent smile. "Is that so? I thought my smile before is almost the same to my smile now." "The keyword there is 'almost'…" Conan interrupted that earned him a glare from Kourin. The boy just shrugged it off, though. "Well, a lot can happen in 2 months. Besides, I made new friends so there's more reason for me to be happy, right?" Then Kourin faced Ryoma, who was still quiet. His face was serious while looking at her intently. "What's wrong, Ryoma-niichan?" It took a short while before Ryoma said anything. The atmosphere became somewhat tensed for some reason. But it immediately faded when Ryoma smiled gently as he approached the girl. "I'm glad I get to see you again," Ryoma said with a gentle smile. The other regulars were surprised to see that from the freshman. Kourin soon smiled after he said that. "Me, too, Ryoma-niichan." "But why were you hitting your head a while back?" That was when Kourin remembered what she was thinking a while ago, making her slap her forehead. "That's because I realized what kind of i***t I am." Ryoma frowned at her words. "I don't think I know you as such, Rin. Is something the matter? What do you mean by calling yourself an i***t?" "I'm an i***t for overlooking something extremely crucial from the coded music that led us here." Those words caught everyone's attention—especially Haibara, Conan, Fuji, and Ryoma. "What do you mean, Rin?" Conan asked. The girl sighed before answering. "I asked a while back about the victim's estimated time of death, right?" Haibara and Ayumi nodded. "The reason I asked that is because of the words from the code. The killer didn't only state a clue about his next target's location but also the time when he would strike." "What was the code about?" Fuji asked in a serious tone. "The code was hidden in the music recorded in the mini-CD that the murderer was leaving near his victims. If I haven't heard the fourth music accidentally played during the interview yesterday, we wouldn't figure out that the next location would be this school, Seishun Gakuen. But we overlooked something from the code. That mistake made us unable to stop the murderer from killing somebody again." And that was when Kourin noticed that everyone's attention was onto her. The freshmen trio gaped and the two freshman girls were looking at her in awe. So were the other regulars. But she just chose to ignore that for now. "What part of the code did we miss?" Haibara asked. Kourin faced the sandy-blonde girl. "The words that mentions of the full moon. 'Silver moon, enlighten me in full as I end their journey with my tool…' It states that the murderer killed his fifth victim during the full moon—10:49 PM last night, to be exact. And the estimated time of death was between 10:00 and 11:00 PM. You would never call that a coincidence at all," she stated gravely. No one could say anything about that—well, only the Seigaku students, that is. Not only because of what they've heard but also because of Kourin. How come a kid like here even think like this? But Conan and Ryoma knew better. Kourin's mind had always been like this—a mind that had been advanced than the mind of a normal kid. The other kids were used to this so it was just a normal event for them. Conan smirked at that. As expected of Rin. Well, what can I say? She is a Kudo, after all—a Kudo that will soon surpass me in terms of deductive ability. Not to mention, the minds of the Shinomiya family members isn't something to be taken lightly… And man, he was really proud to have Kourin as a cousin. Conan could see himself in her, only Kourin was probably twice as smart as he was when he was a kid. Oh, right! I forgot. Right now, I am a kid… But at least Rin doesn't treat me as such most of the time. "You know, for a kid, your way of thinking is definitely ahead than that of a normal kid," Oishi commented. Of course, she does. She's not a normal kid, after all. Conan would've said that out loud but he still doesn't have any plans to be killed by his cousin. "She just has a knacks on solving puzzles and codes, besides having the ability to isolate different sound waves from each other. If it wasn't for that second ability, we wouldn't be able to figure out the message hidden in the mini-CD," Conan explained. "But I guess we couldn't outwit the murderer like this. He already went ahead of us." "He's probably just a step ahead. You've finally figures out how to locate him and his target, right? I know you'll be able to do something about outwitting him," Fuji said. I really hope you're right, Fuji-san… But if we don't do something more than just solve his code, I doubt we'll be able to put an end to this. There's still the possiblity of a threat that the murderer's real target is actually a tennis club regular. We couldn't let that happen at all, Kourin thought as she looked at Fuji for some seconds before sighing. "I guess you're right. I just hope we could do that before his hatred toward these tennis players intensify tenfolds that could make him do something that we might never be able to stop at all." "Rin, can I ask you something?" Ryoma inquired, breaking his silence since a thought hit him. Kourin nodded as an answer. "It's about the flower that Fuji-senpai spotted on the court. Do you think it has something to do with the murders?" "If you want to consider the orange lily's meaning in flower language, we believe it has. Orange lilies means 'revenge, hatred, and disdain' and if you associate it with the murders happening right now, then you could easily identify the general motive of the murderer. It also means 'wealth' and 'pride' but I'm still not that sure if it has anything to do with this case. Lily is the flower of purity so it's not a surprise that the murderer is mockingly trying to convey us about his genuine hatred towards the people he brutally killed," Kourin explained which made everyone look at her in awe once more. "Nya! You're amazing, Kourin-chan!" Eiji exclaimed in amazement. "For a kid, you sure know a lot of thing. You read a lot of books, do you?" "I don't have that much to do, anyway. It's better that I read books other than the mystery novels that my uncle recommends. That way, I won't end up as a mystery freak like someone I know." Kourin glanced at Conan after saying that. She giggled when she saw the bespectacled boy glowering at her. "I guess I should call it a day for now. All this thinking and puzzle-solving makes me a bit hungry." Haibara sighed. "Of course, you would be hungry. You haven't eaten anything since dinner last night." "Again?" Mitsuhiko exclaimed. "You know you easily get sick when you're neglecting your meal time, Rin-san. The effect of the gunshot you got 2 months ago isn't going to fade away as easy as that so you have to take care of your health, as well." "I know that. It's just that I couldn't really bring myself to eat anything especially if there's something that's bothering me. Especially if it's about a code from the criminal who treated lives as if they were just mere toys. It's something I won't ever forgive and let go." Saying those words, however, made them notice the fourth grader clenching her fist on her side. "Then why don't you come with us?" Kawamura suggested that made the kids look at him. "To where?" "To Taka-san's sushi shop. We're about to head there," Momoshiro answered with a grin. As soon as they heard "sushi shop", the kids (just Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta) suddenly became enthusiastic. Conan looked at them with half-eyes while Haibara sighed. Kourin just smiled at the sight. Of course, those reactions only meant they agreed to the suggestion. But before that, Kourin left and headed towards the nearest vending machine that she just passed by a while ago. "I guess she'll be buying Ponta again. She really likes drinking that stuff," Genta which caught Ryoma's attention. "Did you say 'Ponta'?" Ayumi nodded. "She usually buys that when she wanted to calm her mind from thinking too much. She must be worried about this case too much." "It's already expected," Haibara said placidly. "The victims in this case are those who played the sport she loved so much. Anyone who tainted that sport with this kind of brutality and blood spill isn't going to just get away from her like that…" "Is tennis really that important to her?" Conan eyed the direction that his cousin went to wistfully. "…more than anything… After all, it was the sport that reminds her of everything in her life…" Conan answered with sad eyes. "Tennis held everything about her past… her present… and maybe even her future…" With that, both Ryoma and Momoshiro (since somehow they agreed to do so) followed Kourin which confused the others. Fuji just smiled. "Did we say something bad?" Ayumi thought out loud, most likely to herself. "No, no one did something like that. But I think they wanted to do what they could to divert Kourin-chan's attention away from her worries," Fuji answered. Conan thought about the words that Fuji said. And after a while, he then figured out that the tensai has a point. "You're right. They might have that ability to begin with." -x-x- "It'll take time for you to reach it." Kourin turned almost immediately as soon as she heard a familiar voice that made her smile. Ryoma was looking at her with a smile, as if saying that he agreed with what Momoshiro said. "I know I'm still dealing with height issues." Height issues? Are you kidding me? Ryoma could've said that out loud if he didn't restrain himself from doing so. He didn't know if he should feel insulted or amused with the way Kourin said those words. Kourin doesn't have height issues… or maybe she does considering the fact that the girl was actually quite tall for her age. If one would look at her for the first time, maybe they'd say that Kourin was an ten-year-old kid and already in her 5th grade because of her height. But then again, her mind wasn't also something that could be ranged as normal. Okay… maybe he does feel insulted since he doesn't have her height when he was at Kourin's age. As if he would admit that to anyone other than himself. I wonder what this girl did to attain such a height at that age… Maybe he could ask her about that one of these days. Kourin was about to put coins to the slot when someone beat her to it. When she looked up, she saw Momoshiro. She just let the two regulars do what they wanted. But as she watched them, she was slightly surprised to see that Ryoma also bought the same item she was supposed to have. "Could it be that… you like Ponta, Ryoma-niichan?" she asked. Ryoma raised his head and nodded as he looked at her. Soon after, he took 2 Ponta from the vending machine and gave one to her. She smiled as she accepted it. As she was about to open it, she felt her phone vibrated in her pocket. When she took it from there, she frowned a bit when she saw Detective Takagi's number on her cellphone's LCD screen. Takagi-keiji? But why would he call me at this time? Kourin asked to herself. Apparently, the regulars had the same question in their mind as they also saw the name on the screen. Ryoma and Momoshiro looked at each other for some reason before they saw Kourin answered the call. "Moshi moshi? Takagi-keiji?" she started as she took a sip from the Ponta on her hand. "Ah, Kourin-chan! Thank goodness you answered my call. I can't seem to contact Conan-kun so I called you instead." "Is there something wrong?" The frown on her forehead hadn't dissipated even for a bit when she heard that. "Conan-kun left his phone at Mouri-san's since we were just supposed to play baseball today instead of going here at Seigaku. Is there something you need me to tell him?" "Oh, that's right." Detective Takagi's voice suddenly became sober as soon as he started speaking. "I just thought I might ask for both of your help to figure out what's wrong with the new code. It's just that you've helped us with the other codes so I thought it would be best if I ask for a few more help on this one." Kourin's frown deepened at the words that Detective Takagi said but she let him continue. "It's better if I let you listen to the music. If it's not clear for you, then I'll just send the riddle through text message. Is that alright with you, Kourin-chan?" The girl let out an agreeing sound and waited for the music to play. The two regulars couldn't do anything to get Kourin's attention since it was obvious to them that she was concentrating on listening to whatever the detective was telling her. To their confusion, however, she didn't say anything to the person on the other line for full three minutes. They noticed one strange thing, though. Kourin's fist were clenched tight on her side as it quivered. And then… "Thank you for making me listen to that, Takagi-keiji. I'll let Conan-kun know about that," Kourin said in a soft voice. "Okay. Take care, okay?" Then the phone call ended like that. "What was that about, Kourin-chan?" Momoshiro immediately inquired as soon as Kourin removed the phone from her ear. The girl didn't say anything, though. This only made Ryoma worry for the girl even more. It didn't take them long enough to hear another tone coming from Kourin's phone. This time, they saw her opened it and pushed some buttons. Her frown remained there as she read the text message sent to her by Detective Takagi. Try to catch me as fast as you can Solve this riddle to find me again Tears will fall from gray skies For it will mourn when one dies My blade will slice through its heart To St. Rudolph is where I'll do this part Just like the other code, it was stated in English. Kourin's hand started quivering as she gripped her cellphone tight in a seething manner—something that Ryoma noticed. "Rin, what's wrong?" he couldn't help asking. "He's taunting us. He's doing all these murders as if it was just a simple game," she answered with fury obvious in her tone. Of course, what she said surprised the two boys who were listening to her. "He already stated the next location. Now we just have to figure out the time when he will strike and proceed with his plan to kill another middle school tennis player." "And that location is…?" Momoshiro uttered. Kourin took a deep breath before answering. "St. Rudolph…"
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