Chapter 39

1369 Words
"...and then Bella gave me a magical pen." Lily said.  But as soon as she got to that part she stopped. It reminded her too much of what happened afterwards. So far she'd avoided mentioning anything bad that had happened to her. Lily had sometime during the night changed into her nightgown. James lay beside her on the bed with his arms around her. They'd talked all night and slept not a wink, sneaking kisses intermittently. It felt so wonderful to be together again. Lily felt as if she could go on like this forever. James beside her for eternity and neither having to be apart from the other. She turned so that her head was buried in his shoulder and her hair spread over her face hiding it from view. Mainly so James wouldn't see the tears build up in her eyes. "Lily?" asked James worriedly. "Is something wrong?" he winced as he saw her hair again. How could they have cut it...or better yet who? Lily didn't reply. "Lily who cut your hair?" asked James but he still got no reply. "Why were you crying when I came home?" Lily felt James move her hair away from her face. He stared straight at her and asked again anxiously, "Why were you crying when I came home? Did they treat you well while I was away?" Lily shook her head slowly. "Th-they cut my hair-" she choked out and suddenly felt words fall easily from her lips. She told him everything. Ever since the day she had come to the palace was where she started. As she told James the whole story, she saw the fire in his eyes build up. It had taken James awhile to calm her down and now she had started again. "Shhh," he said soothingly once she had finished. "It's alright. I'm here now. Have I ever let any harm befall you?" "N-no." Lily choked out. "Then trust me," he whispered and kissed her forehead.  Lily suddenly relaxed as James pulled her into a hug.. "I love you so much James," Lily whispered hugging him. "I don't know what I'd do without you." In reply James kissed her forehead. "I have to go speak to mother Lily," he spoke against her temple. "No not yet. Stay awhile longer," Lily whispered. James then stood up with great reluctance. "Listen Lily. I should go meet mother. She'll probably mind if I don't give her a briefing first thing in the morning." "Don't go," Lily pleaded lacing her hands with his. James sighed. "I have no choice. You know I'd rather stay here but mother..." he trailed off. Lily sighed and reluctantly pulled her hands away from his. "Get some sleep in the meantime," said James and kissed the crown of her head before leaving. * * * "He what?!" the Empress exclaimed slamming her hands down onto her desk. "Yes your excellency," said counselor Vesky. "His highness was spotted going into princess Lily's room but he never came out. Or hasn't yet." "Dear god, how scandalous," Empress Sophia muttered. "Counselor I'm counting on you to not let this get out. The press would have a field day. If he wanted to see the girl why did he not come to me and ask for a proper chaperone? He always comes to me first when he comes home from such trips. I could've arranged for those two to-" "Your majesty if I may say, maybe our young prince had other things in mind that required discretion." "Nonsense. My son is not like that. I place complete trust in him," said Empress Sophia. "He already knows what is expected of him and he would never break my trust." "Forgive me your majesty," Vesky mumbled before turning and leaving. As soon as Vesky left, James walked in. "James my son," said the Empress pleasantly suddenly standing up. She walked over to him and hugged him. Pulling back she stared at him approvingly. "I'm so proud of you. You've done well and have come home a hero for your people now. But next time please be careful." "Next time, I'll be taking Lily with me," James retorted coldly, practically shaking from anger. "What do you mean?" asked Sophia. "Don't play games mother. I know how you treated her," said James angrily. "I'm having her animals set free. I also expect not to hear anymore about Lily being mistreated behind my back. I'm also returning Lady Molly her duties." James then turned and left breathing very hard.  In all his life he had never shown so much disobedience. The Empress sighed and sat down feeling faint. "Oh dear," she murmured. "This has become a habit of mine. I must have someone come check me up." She looked at the door her son had exited sadly. "He's neve spoken to me that way before," Sophia muttered, feeling confused.  * * * "If he thinks I'm going to go to sleep he's crazy," Lily declared getting out of bed.  She began to get dressed for the day. When Lily emerged from her closet with her hair open and falling about her shoulders, she saw Lady Molly standing there. "Lady Molly!" Lily exclaimed and hugged her. "Hello Lily," said Lady Molly happily. "How are you?" "Fi-" Lily began but a sudden noise from outside her door made her stop. She opened the door and Jade came bounding in. A letter was tied around her collar. Lily took the letter and read it. 'I love you.' It read. "James." Lily sighed happily. He'd arranged for her cat to be brought back to her.  "Well any plans for today?" asked Lady Molly. "Well I was hoping if you knew where Anya was? I haven't seen her since yesterday and I'm beginning to get worried," said Lily. "Last I heard she was lurking around the carnival," said Lady Molly. "The carnival? Oh no. Lady Molly the whole carnival was arrested yesterday. Maybe they arrested her by mistake as well?" said Lily. She looked outside her window. "Everyone was arrested except the owner." Lily stated.  A neighing sound made her look outside again and she saw Stormcloud standing there.  "James freed him just in time." Said Lily and began to run down the stairs. Lady Molly grabbed her from behind. "Lily you need your riding clothes," she reprimanded. "Change." Lily sighed. Lady Molly-a mother away from home she was. * * * "Counselor Vesky where is Lily's lovebird?" James demanded. "Well your excellency you must know that the parrot has a er-remarkable talent. Due to that talent he seemed the ideal-well-you see-" Vesky stuttered. "Spit it out," demanded James. "I sent him on a secret mission," Vesky admitted, face turning red. "What kind of secret mission?" asked James. * * *  Inside a dark dingy dungeon sat Bella in a black cloak with her fellow carnival members. Sir Henry flew merrily around them squawking 'James loves Lily'.  "Oh that Counselor Vesky," Bella muttered. "I wish he'd just shove off." "Shhh," said a clown. "That bird will tell Counselor Vesky everything we say." "Tell Counsellor Vesky," Sir Henry repeated.  "Oh that's why you are here? You're a spy?" asked Bella raising on eyebrow. She stood up and walked over to the bird. "Tell that Counselor Vesky that he's a-" * * * "You're a complete i***t Vesky," James stated emphatically . "You sent a lovebird to go spy on the Pacem rebels? Have you ever thought of the fact that they might harm him? Lily would never forgive us if something happened to that innocent animal." Counselor Vesky paled and opened his mouth to say something but James cut him of. The bird's wellbeing had never been the Counselor's priority.  "I want the lovebird back in Lily's possession as soon as possible. Understand?" asked James sternly. "Understood majesty," Vesky replied. James turned and left but not before adding, "And free the carnival members. You cannot arrest them without proof that they have been sent to harm the crown." Counselor Vesky ground his teeth together to keep from protesting. Prince James was in a mood. There was no telling what would happen if someone argued with him right now. 
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