Chapter 15

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"Here," Alexei said gently handing the reins to Lily. Alexei had spent the better part of the past few days helping to train Stormcloud. Lily cautiously got on and to her surprise, Stormcloud showed no resistance. She steered him to the left and he walked towards the left. He was complacent, happily complying and going into a trot under Lily's gentle hand.  Lily laughed delightedly and Alexei couldn't help but stare at her beautiful smile.  "You think you could teach me how to ride bareback? You know, without a saddle? Like the Pacem cavaliers?" Lily queried as she circled around him on her horse.  "Why not." Alexei said nonchalantly as he admired the girl on the horse. She was making him feel things he'd never felt before, for anyone. She looked like a mythical goddess as she fluidly moved like one with the animal, her hair coming out of it’s bun. "Listen I'm sorry about fighting with you the other day but I'm positive that if you ever met the two Princes, you'd agree with me," said Lily as she easily trotted to and fro on Stomcloud. Alexei found that he couldn’t find it in himself to deny Lily anything when she looked at him with those big beautiful green eyes of hers. "I'll take your word for it," said Alexei smiling. *    *    * "James let me read it!" exclaimed Carl. James was holding Lily’s letter out of reach. Mostly because some things were only written for him not for Carl. "I'll read it," said James. "Let’s see… Dear James and Carl how are you? Yada yada yada...Ah will you lok at that," he said in surprise. "I have a new riding instructor and Stormcloud is finally trained. I'm learning how to ride bareback like the Pacem cavaliers and let me tell you it's not easy." Carl laughed moving away from James. James sadly looked at the letter for at the very bottom was written, James this is my last letter to you. I have waited too long. In all the months you’ve been gone, you have never sent me even one letter in reply. "What's going on?" asked Sasha coming in to the sitting room. She grabbed the letter from James. "What's this?" she asked. Carl took the paper out of her hands and threw it towards James. "State secret!" both said and laughing went into James’s study. "Oh!" Sasha exclaimed. "I can't believe he's still cavorting with that country girl from Leal! I saw her name on the letter! That Lily!" She made face. "I have some news that might interest you Ms. Sasha," said a voice nearby. Sasha turned around.  "Baron Rothberg!" she exclaimed. She smiled. "What brings you here?" "Ms. Sasha let’s see the Counselor. I understand he shares your interests in who'd make a better Empress." Baron Rothberg look at Sasha with a smile. "I would have been here sooner but I was waylaid by Duke Max's son who tried to sabotage my departure. Then my horse fell ill." Sasha smiled. "What's important is that you are here now. Come, let's go see the Counselor." She took his proffered arm as they made their way towards the Counselor's office.  *    *    *  Lily and Alexei raced on their horses bareback through the hills laughing until they reached the top of a cliff. You could see the sunset and the village from there. "I'll miss you when I leave," whispered Alexei earnestly to Lily. "But I'll come back one day soon to see everyone. I promise." Lily sighed wishing James would say those words to her. "It's hard being separated from your dearest friends," said Lily looking fondly at her ring.  It shone brightly and the emerald seemed to be glowing. "Yes it is," said Alexei looking at Lily as she looked down at her ring. He sincerely hoped she would understand what he was trying to say to her. But Lily was lost in a world of her own as she thought about Prince James. Eventually, they both turned back and headed for home. *    *    *  "Well, well, well," Said Counselor Vesky interestedly. His huge mustache did nothing to hide the evil grin on his face face. "Hiding in Leal is he? I have an idea. We need to make sure His Highness doesn’t get a chance to talk with any of the rebels. Now listen to my plan." Rothberg and Sasha leaned in to listen. *    *    *  "I'm going to try riding bareback," said James excitedly as his friends and brother stood around the clearing made for horse-riding.  He handed Carl his saddle and got on his white horse. After a while, he tried to stand up on his horse. "Look Carl!" James exclaimed. Carl laughed. "James be careful you might fall. You're no Lily." "And what does that mean?" asked James defensively steadying himself on the horse. "Your highness," Said Counselor Peter Vesky coming into the riding arena earnestly. He was Empress Sophia’s most trusted advisor and was a bit put off over having to find the heir apparent riding a horse instead of looking after matters of the state. "I need to talk to you about a state affair." "Later," said James bending his knees slightly to keep steady. Peter Vesky was known to over exaggerate things. A random fire would be pinned on some Pacem terrorist group only to find out that it was an accident because the baker left the stove running.   "It has to do with the security of the empire!" Vesky called. "Call a meeting-whoa-" James almost fell but regained his balance. "Have a preliminary investigation report ready for me to go over. I'll be there in another half-hour!" "Your highness the life of your friend Lily is concerned," said Vesky and James instantly stumbled off his horse, rolling expertly and coming to stand next to Vesky. "Is she alright? Is she in danger? Who dares to try and harm her?" asked James angrily and worriedly. "Your highness, the outlaw Alexei Novikov has been spotted roaming near Wittlesbane." "And how do you know this?" asked James suspiciously. Rothberg stepped out from the shadows. "I spotted him myself," he announced. "Yes well if you said it then it's probably a lie. What new schemes are you concocting Rothberg?" James sneered looking at the Baron. "Your highness I assure it's the truth. Colonel Novikov is at Wittlesbane," said Rothberg. "Multiple people have seen him trying hide in one of the old abandoned cabins on Duke Max's property." "Fine then we'll go," said James. "Carl stay back and-and tell mother I'm going away for awhile. Baron Rothberg, you're coming with me. This better be the truth or else," he said staring at Rothberg dangerously. James didn't trust Rothberg and he had no qualms making it clear to the Baron. 
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