Chapter 4

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Weary from her journey, the Empress retired early that night. The next day, the Duke and Duchess had arranged for a fair to take place on their grounds with Empress Sophia as their guest honor. The Duchess thought it was just what the villagers needed to uplift everyone’s spirits and it would be a wonderful chance for their tenants and nearby villagers to sell their wares to the guards that were accompanying the royal family. Lily had arranged for races and games that many of the villagers could take part in. She had shyly requested Prince James and Prince Karl to also take part in a few games to encourage the villagers. The two could not say no to her shining emerald eyes.   "Empress Sophia, everything is set up and we were all just waiting for you," Lily said excitedly as she met the empress in the downstairs sitting room. The Empress looked at the state Lily’s dirty dark blue outfit which seemed to have seen better days by the look of it’s frayed edges. Lily didn’t realize it but she was also giving away the financial state her father was in by wearing such worn out clothes. “There’s also a horse-racing competition which I plan to also take part in,” Lily chattered off excitedly. “Well-bred ladies do not partake in horse racing with villagers,” Empress Sophia commented disdainfully. Lily suddenly quieted down, clasping her hands in front of her demurely and blushing under the Empress’s scrutiny. “Of course not, your highness—“ Lily began fervently. “—but it’s only for this one event. It would make the villagers so happy to see all of us taking part in the fair activities with them.” The Empress stopped walking and turned to look at Lily closely. Her two sons behind her seemed to hold their breaths, afraid the Empress was going to give Lily one of her legendary tongue lashings. “Stand up straight girl, don’t slouch-“ the Empress began snapping out orders and Lily found herself complying. “—chin up. And stop swinging your shoulders when you walk.” Once Empress Sophia was satisfied with Lily’s posture, they all began walking again as Lily tried her best to comply with he Empress’s instructions.  Prince James and Karl tried to hide a smile as the carefree tomboyish girl tried not to mess up. Both thought at the same time, She's perfect. Lily led the empress to the fair grounds and then left to get changed as per the Empress’s request to wear something ‘less raggedy’. She didn’t know why the Empress’s opinion mattered so much to her. She kept telling herself it was only because of her sister. The two sisters might not see eye-to-eye on many things but Lily didn’t want to embarrass Helaine. Lily changed into a plain light pink dress that was tight until it reached her waist with a V neck-line. The dress flared out slightly from her hips. She brushed her hair a bit too furiously before braiding it into a neat plait. Eyeing herself critically in the mirror, she found herself opening the braid and tying her long hair into a bun. There, now she was ready. A day of running around the fairgrounds meant her hair needed to be tied up tightly in a bun. It was silly to tie it back into a braid, as if anyone at the fair would ever be interested in her appearance.   When Lily reached the fair grounds again, she was happy to see Prince James and Prince Karl taking part in one of the turtle races she had set up. It was funny to see the two Prince’s urging their respective turtles forward as the children around them laughed. Prince Karl’s turtle had ended up retreating into its shell and Prince James found his turtle on it’s back somehow, legs dangling aimlessly up in the air. “Guess it’s a draw!” exclaimed Georg who laughed along with the village children. Lily eyed Helaine sitting under the canopy set up for the Empress. She was fanning herself with a sullen expression as the Empress looked about the grounds almost as if she was bored. Helaine was wearing another ridiculous stone encrusted get-up. She looked completely out of place. The Empress was wearing a simple dress of expensive royal purple. Her silver head had a small, wiry, diamond encrusted tiara to denote her status. Out of nowhere, Kyle jumped out in front of Helaine, an attempt to scare his older sister. She screamed, dropping her fan and falling out of her chair. Everyone laughed, the Empress seemed to sniff behind her fan but Lily could have sworn she saw a tilt of the older lady’s lips that seemed to show she was trying to hold back a smile. Lily couldn’t help but wonder how tiring it must be to always act so proper. And on a whim, she went over to the Empress, trying to involve her in the activities. “It’s custom to pick a winner amongst the pigs provided by the farmers. Would you like to pick the best one, your majesty?” The Empress snapped her fan shut, standing up with a muttered, “I suppose I should.” Lily led her over to the pen where the pigs were being held. She heard Georg, Eddison, James and Karl laughing off to the side as they tried throwing horse-shoes at the stakes pegged into the ground. Empress Sophia tilted her head to get a better look at her sons. “I haven’t seen them laugh this openly since their father passed away,” The Empress said the words almost regretfully and so softly that Lily only barely caught them. Lily looked at the Empress with empathy in her eyes and once again, the Empress couldn’t help but admire Lily’s beauty that seemed to extend far beyond a superficial aspect. Lily’s very soul seemed to shine from within her, a testament to how beautiful she was inside and out. “It’s good to sometimes let go and just be yourself,” Lily replied, motioning towards the boys. Here, away from the palace and intrigues of court, it seemed that they’d let their personalities shine. The Empress abruptly snapped her fan shut and looked out towards the sea of pigs. She took awhile, looking closely at each of them before finally declaring one as the winner. “That one belongs to Farmer Breuer!” Lily exclaimed excitedly. “He’s one of father’s tenants!” “And a thief!” a new voice spoke up. Everyone turned to see the evil Baron Rothberg standing atop his horse with a cruel grin, his hooked nose more pronounced than usual due to his evil demeanor. He’d come with an intent to break-up the festivities, no doubt. “Farmer Breuer is not thief!” Lily exclaimed, hands on her hips. “You don’t have any proof!” “I am a noble! I don’t need any proof! All these villagers are the same, trying to steal crops from my land! I am not your father who gladly gives away things for free to all these beggars!” “My father helps those in need!” Lily yelled, face red from anger. “Maybe that’s why he’ll be joining their ranks soon.” The Baron cackled over his joke. “While I will always be rich and not have to worry about my finances.” “Oh you-“ Lily made to stomp her foot angrily but the Empress spoke up abruptly. “Enough of this!” Empress Sophia looked squarely at Lily. “You stand there fighting this man like some…wild heathen! That is no way for any lady of gentle breeding to comport herself!” The Baron looked on happily, glad that Lily was getting the dressing down she deserved. “And you-“ The Empress levelled her gaze onto the Baron. “-should know that it is not polite to show up at a gathering, claiming to have been wronged, without so much as an arrest warrant. You have successfully destroyed the rest of the festivities for these villagers. Now—” The Empress looked at her eldest son. “—James, escort me back to my rooms. I have seen enough here.” With that, Prince James offered his arm to his elderly mother and escorted her home. James couldn’t help his gaze from straying and glancing back at Lily who stood staring down the Baron with mutiny in her eyes. He didn’t like the way Baron Rothberg looked at Lily. He wanted to interfere, to tell the Baron off for coming here but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to give away his feelings for Lily just yet. His mother would be absolutely scandalized to know that he was falling for his fiance’s younger sister. No, such things had to be broken down for his mother gently. “What do you think of this Helaine?” The Empress sniffed as she got down from the carriage on the arm of her son to enter Duke Max’s residence. Prince James couldn’t help the grimace on his face. “Just as I thought,” the Empress said with a satisfied smile. “I’ve seen enough here. We leave tomorrow James. Helaine is most definitely not suitable to be the future Empress of Fortius.” Empress Sophia didn’t mention that the entire family was completely unsuitable to be tied to the emperor of Fortius. She’d taken in enough to realize that Duke Max’s family, though one of the renowned nobles from an allied country, were in a sad financial plight. Plus, her advisors had told her the rumors, though most likely just malicious gossip, that Duke Max had a soft spot for the Pacem rebels trying to fight for freedom from Fortius. She could not marry her son off to such a family tainted by such vile gossip! Prince James, however, couldn’t help but smile. This had been all too easy! After a suitable amount of time had passed, he would try courting Lily and offer for her hand.  Giddy with relief, Prince James rode his horse back to the fairgrounds, a naughty idea forming in his mind. 
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