Chapter 28

1051 Words
  Lily and Carl arrived later than expected, dinner had already been served as conveyed by the head butler and the entire palace had retired for the night. Carl was instructed to go check in with his mother at once. Lily stepped into the palace hoping to see James in the palace entry way but instead she saw a lady with brown hair pulled into a tight bun. The sun had set and it was dark. The lady held a lamp in her hands. "Welcome Princess," she said bowing. Lily started a little. Princess? "Come along to your room." Lily followed wondering where everyone was. James, Georg, Edisson? Could they all have forgotten about her? She felt so alone. Especially because now she was starting to miss her parents. "My name is Lady Molly," The Lady said and opened a door. "And this is you room." Lily gasped. The room was beautiful. Much more grander than anything she had ever had back home. She looked at her vanity to see it filled with splendid trinkets and whatnot. Her eyes then came to the table in her room. Baskets upon baskets of flowers with a note. She went over and unfolded  it.  I love you. Yours now and forever, James. There was a noise off to the side and Lily realized that a lovebird identical to Sir Henry sat in a beautiful gold cage near the window. Immediately, Lily went to the cage that held Sir Henry, giving him a light pat on the head before ushering him into the cage where Lady Victoria sat. The two lovebirds snuggled against each other immediately, happy to be reunited. "James loves his Lily, always and forever,’" Sir Henry squawked out as he nuzzled against his partner. Lily gave a watery smile. So that was what James had taught Sir Henry to say. She wanted to see James but where was he? She had expected to see her friends but instead she was received by a complete and total stranger. Lily felt scared for some reason. She didn't want to be alone...she wanted to find James and talk with him. Where had he gone?  *    *    * That night, a figure crept out of Lily’s closet, but suddenly, Lily’s cat, Jade got up from the foot of Lily’s bed, giving a small hiss. The figure crept back, touching a small notch which gave way to the wall at the back of Lily’s closet. The shadow stepped into the passageway and the wall shut silently behind him. Lily woke up the next morning feeling terrible. Her stomach gave a lurch as she realized that she wasn't home anymore. The picture of her family rested on her side table. Her thoughts suddenly shifted to home. She'd never again be able to wake up to the smell of eggs wafting in from the kitchen. Or hear her brother running around the house. She felt tears spring to her eyes. She missed her parents, sad that she’d left without speaking to her father. She wanted to see him right now. She'd never been away from them for long periods of time and now she wouldn't ever be able to see them again. Would they ever come and visit? Would she ever be allowed to visit?  And even if her father gave in and she’d be allowed to visit her family, it wouldn't be the same. When she went home it wouldn't be her home anymore. And Lily didn't care how it sounded but when she came to visit, would they treat her the same as before? Would they wake her up while she was sleeping to come help with the dishes? Would her mother demand her to stop playing the piano and get up to help dust? No they wouldn't. She'd be treated like an a guest and Lily did not want that.  Lady Molly took this opportunity to come in. "Princess it’s time to get ready." Lily looked up to see about five servants trailing behind Lady Molly. Why did this lady seem least her name did... "Call me Lily please," Lily begged. ”Why do you call me Princess?” Lady Molly sniffed. “The Empress insisted that you be called by your true title. You are the niece of a king. Your grandfather was the late king of Leal. You are a princess in your own right and now that you are to marry the Prince of Fortius, it is only proper to call you by your rightful title.” “But please, I’d be happy if you called me Lily,” Lily insisted.  She couldn't bear to be called princess by EVERYONE. She’d never been called princess in her entire life. Her father had kept her far from the court of Leal, raising her as an ordinary girl. He hated titles and so did she. "As you wish pri-er Lily," said Lady Molly. "Come along we must get you ready and then go for your clothes fitting session."  One of the servants drew a hot bath for her and Lily came back out feeling refreshed. She had worn one of her house suits. Pale off the shoulder blue with an apron. "That-" said Lady Molly. "Is certainly not what a princess wears." She tutted. "But it'll have to do for now. Come let us go for your clothes fitting session." "How long will that take?" asked Lily. She dearly wanted to find James. "Oh it depends. You'll have to try on all 35 dresses you know." "35 dresses?!" Lily exclaimed. "Yes 35 dresses per week." Lady Molly confirmed. "At the end of the week, you shall go for more fittings and get new dresses. Oh but goodness we also need to have you fitted for your nightgowns, cloaks, coats and so much more, so this session shall take longer than it normally should." "35 dresses PER WEEK?" asked Lily disbelievingly. "That means five dresses a day!" Lady Molly nodded and despite herself smiled. "I know dear but you'll get used to it."  And with that she led Lily into the fitting room. Lily couldn't help but think she'd never get used to it.   
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