Chapter 26

1026 Words
The rain pelted down on them as Carl and Lily travelled on horseback. They had left the royal carriage far behind as the wheel had broken. It was odd because Prince James had ordered the carriage be fitted with new wheels before the journey to get Lily. How the wheel had broken was a mystery to Carl. But not to be deterred or delayed, Lily had decided they could go on horseback. What Lily hadn’t counted on was the promise of rain that the grey clouds had heralded earlier in the day. And the rain was coming down hard and fast. “We should find a place to stop,” Carl muttered. “We’ve past the border of Fortius but I know there is a guard post approaching that could provide us shelter.” Lily nodded her assent and spurred Stormcloud on faster. *    *    *   “Oh it’s horrible! Absolutely horrible!” exclaimed Empress Sophia, levelling her gaze on Counsellor Vesky. Vesky nodded his assent. “Those laborers agreed to go back to work only to have the bridge collapse on them! We will begin a national level inquiry into this contractor and send reinforcements from our personal guard to help save the workers,” Prince James spoke up from next to his mother. Counsellor Vesky paled slightly at the mention of an inquiry but managed to nod. “My son, you will go with them and take up the matter at once! I want a full report on my desk after one week. How could the half-completed bridge have collapsed in this way? It smells of corruption to me,” Empress Sophia stated. "I don't think that contractor was as honest as you stated Counselor Vesky." James nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly with his mother. “Send the guard ahead, I’ll be arriving tomorrow evening to begin—” “Not tomorrow, now!” Empress Sophia demanded, looking at her son sternly. “You will go with the guard. Lead the convoy and show the people we are with them in this hard time.” “Now? But Mother, Lily! She’s arriving tonight and—” “You will go now,” Empress Sophia insisted. Her gaze softened momentarily. “My son, many times we must put the good of our people before our own wants,” Empress Sophia gently explained. Prince James finally gave an in to his mother with an incline of his head before excusing himself to go get ready. *    *    * By the time Lily and Carl reached the border and made their way to the guard posts of Fortius, they were surprised to find only one guard on duty. “The rest of the Fortius soldiers have gone to help in nearby villages by order of the Empress,” the young guard explained as he lit a fire for Prince Carl and Lily. “A bridge was being built, the project was contracted to a man chosen by Counselor Vesky himself and it collapsed. The laborers are trapped under piles of rubble in Hanover village.” “That’s the same village farmer Breuer and his family went to find work!” Lily exclaimed worriedly. “I hope he and his family are all right.” She chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully as she looked outside to see the storm raging. “Your highness, I managed to find some spare clothes for you and your guest,” the guard said after scrimmaging around in a nearby room. He handed over some dry clothes in the form of guard uniforms before excusing himself and going back to his stationed post outside. “Go change,” Carl ushered Lily into a nearby bedroom. “We’ll both get sick if we stay in these wet clothes.” For once, Lily didn’t argue. Glad to be given some warm clothes to wear, she quickly pulled on the breeches which were a bit too big and the large white under shirt that went under the dark red coat of the Fortius guard. She politely knocked and waited for Carl to tell her it was all right for her to come out of the room before she went to sit by the fire and warm up. “Well, so much for a grand entrance,” Lily muttered ruefully. “I guess I’ll show up at the palace dressed the part of a Fortius guard.” “You really do love him, don’t you?” Carl asked anxiously. He realized that Lily, who wasn't a vain person at all, was probably worried about her appearance. Either because she'd be seeing James after a long time or because she wanted to make a good impression.  Lily turned to smile at Carl. “With all my heart,” she replied. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.” “He’s my brother and I love him, and I’m happy you two have found happiness in each other,” Carl said slowly because he’d come to terms with this fact. “You’re a wonderful friend and someone I’d love to have as an older brother,” Lily said softly. Carl gave Lily a melancholy smile. “You’re the kindest girl I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Ladies at court, they are so different from you. I am glad to have you as a friend.” Lily heaved a sigh of relief, grateful that she had a strong ally in Carl. They sat in amicable silence as the storm raged on before them, Lily hoping her friends in the nearby village were all right. *    *    * “Many of the villages are flooded your highness,” Counselor Vesky informed the Empress. “We are lucky to have only gotten a bit of rain." "The poor villagers must be in trouble, we need to arrange supplies for the flood victims, funded by the royal treasury," the Empress stated.  Counselor Vesky nodded his agreement.   
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