I Like Your Feet

3640 Words

The Pharaoh’s office, Palace of Thebes, Royal House of Egypt. Luxor, City of Thebes, Upper Egypt. 2nd Month Of Flood, Mnht, 1400BC “I do not understand” Ammon shook his head slightly in disbelief. They were in the Pharaoh’s office and were discussing about his newest decision. “You have kept this harem for centuries. Not too long ago you boasted of the women in that place. Suddenly you want to get rid of it?” He continued. “The harem is expensive to maintain” Amsety started, a set look in his golden eyes. His eyes burned with determination and finality of his decision. Ammon had never seen him so fixed on his opinion. Normally, when he made decisions he still left room for argument and when he was met with good reasoning, he would change his mind. But now, Ammon knew he was not g

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