Scorching Heat

4226 Words

Matured Content Nubian Desert, North East of the borders of Egypt and Eastward to the Shores of The Red Sea. 2nd Month Of Flood, Mnht, 1400BC Information Available For Public Disclosure. The available parts of the scroll containing the Prophecy of the Return of Bastet. Note that this is not the prophecy itself but it is what has been translated by the one after the god’s hearts, The Sage Bes. With all of her glory and superiority to many gods of our land, she abandoned everything. For even though she was a powerful warrior, the best warrior amongst the gods, The winged lioness could not contain the excessive power she had. Even Ptah, once her consort was unable to control her. She fell out of love with life, her consort, her powers. The winged lioness wanted a life, wanted to fe

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