
Lone Wolf

realistic earth
enimies to lovers

When Wolf the president of the ANIMALS MC hire single mom Morgan to clean the clubhouse and various members apartments he does it at the begging of another member.

Immediately the two buttheads and just cant seem to see eye to eye on anything, he keeps her at a distance and moves on with his life.

As time passes he grows used to the woman in his life even if she annoys him and her child is constantly underfoot as well.

However when an accident at work causes Morgan to reconsider being a part of the clubs life it forces Wolf to re-examine the relationship and what he really wants in life.

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She was coming off a fourteen hour shift and wanting nothing more than to go home and collapse into her soft bed. She had another doctor appointment after her shift and she was already exhausted. She was rubbing a hand on her very pregnant belly when the small blonde breezed into the diner. She'd seen the blonde around before, she was wearing ripped denim jeans and had her long blonde hair in two braids, she was wearing her leather jacket with the many MC patches sewn into it. "Yo, CJ the club wants their months rent." The blonde called, her high heeled boots clicking on the floor. CJ, the chef and owner of the diner came out of the back. He cast a gaze at Morgan and she dropped her head turning back to the plates she was collecting. CJ was a large, balding man in his fifties who still didn't seem to have caught on to his age or the fact he was no longer a woman's dream. "Come on Lace cut me some slack." "I did, last month." "And I appreciate it," He put his hand on her arm. "And if you take your disgusting, grimy hands off of me I'd appreciate it." He instantly removed his hands and Morgan wished she could talk to him like that. She sighed and picked up the tray of dishes turning to go back to the kitchen, her feet aching. She just neared the arguing pair when a man in a nearby booth reached out and pinched her butt. She winced but was used to the treatment, she was walking passed them when the girl spoke. "Woah, woah, you going to let him do that? In your diner?!" She demanded. "What to I care? Dumb b***h can't wait on tables worth shit." The blonde turned towards Morgan. "You got a name or do you always go by "Dumb b***h"?" "Morgan." "Do you like being treated like that Morgan?" "I.....I...."Morgan didn't know how to answer. "You, apologize!" The girl yelled to the man in the booth. "What if I don't?" He asked. "I'll blow a hole in you that my fist can fit in," She said. For emphasis she pulled a gun out of the back of her pants and pointed it at him. He hurried from the booth, tossing his money on the table he mumbled a sorry to Morgan and ran from the diner. "Oh, way to go Lace!" CJ yelled. "I want that rent by the end of the day." She said. "Fine!" The girl turned to leave an CJ turned to Morgan. "You! You're fired." "What? No, please...I need this job." "Tough shit." The girl had already left and Morgan slowly untied her apron. She lay it gently on the table nearest her and dragged her feet to the door. She reached the sidewalk and winced when the sun hit her, her head ached and so did her feet. The baby gave a soft kick and she placed a gentle hand on her stomach. "Hey, you. Come here," The girl called. Morgan turned to see the girl leaning against a sleek black motorcycle. She was smoking a cigarette. Morgan approached carefully. "You like working here?" The girl asked. "I don't anymore, I just got fired." "Look, CJ's an ass. Can you clean?" "About as good as anyone else can." "We need someone to clean the clubhouse and sometimes the guys apartments, they're single and they're pigs." "I don't know....." Morgan hesitated. "You gotta provide for that little one, when are you due?" "Three weeks." "I'll tell wolf I got us a maid, stop by the clubhouse sometime this week and he'll figure out something that works for you. The pay's good, I promise." "Okay, thanks um...." She was embarrassed not to know the blondes name. "It's Lacy. Stop by Chrome customs. It's a garage, Wolf will be there." "Okay, thank you." Lacy swung onto her motorcycle and it roared to life. She slid on her sunglasses and drove onto the road, tearing down the street. Morgan watched her go and then turned slowly to her beat up Pontiac, she still had her doctor appointment to get too.

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