230 Words
Anyday is someone's birthday . Could be someone's funeral,sadly. Someone's wedding day. Someone's divorce finalization day. Maybe someone's graduation day. Or someone's breakthrough day. Someone's anniversary. Someone's first day at school. Someone's first day at work. Could be someone's last day at work heading for retirement. People across the globe going through different kinds of emotions at the exact time. We should just learn to see the bigger picture. We should appreciate every second . It might be a sad second now but nothing is permanent. Not even our troubles! Let's remember that outhere somewhere someone is dying to be in the position you are currently in. Someone is dying to eat what you've eaten, to live where you live! Is it fair to compare ourselves with others everytime we hit a wrong turn? Success is moving one foot infront of the other. One step followed by the other. Everything cannot be perfect! Who ever said life will be easy? Each time you face problems in life, tell yourself you're better than the problem. Tell yourself you're better than that! It's normal to be brocken and sad sometimes, that's part of being human. Can we stop living because it has gotten tough? Come on be tough to hurt! live your life! Start today! Start now! Be proud to be alive! Make a statement! Know that you're not alive by chance!!!
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