Chapter 18 (I Can't Do This Anymore)

1273 Words

Nila Quill I was tired of the lies. I wanted answers, and I knew a trick that worked well for them. I watched Laurent as Eve dropped to the floor. It was easier to talk to this side of Laurent, to get him to do things I wanted. Laurent turned to me; I made a come ether motion with my finger as I smiled.  He would do almost anything I wanted in this trance I put him in, but it only lasted an hour or two, depending on the person. Laurent came to me and got down on one knee. I was starting to like seeing his eyes glow like this. I felt like we were on the same level, unlike when he was in his other state. He refused to see himself like this, but I loved seeing it. He felt so raw and so real. I sat up, then put my hands on his chest and softly kissed his lips. He moaned from deep within his

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