
1490 Words
"Thank you so much, Andrew, but I can wait for the cab," Roxy says, her lips curving up shyly as she nods her head. She attempts to resist his offer without being impolite. Despite her usual confidence, she finds herself affected by his presence in a different way. "It will be my pleasure," he states, his tone cool and composed. Roxy shakes her head, persisting, "No, really, it's fine. I can wait. It's just another 15 minutes. It's not that long." She tries to convince him to let her continue waiting, wanting to maintain some distance. She has a feeling that Andrew may be flirting, but she is also cautious about the potential consequences. With her desires running high, she fears acting impulsively and jeopardizing her job. Andrew seems to grow impatient, his hands exhibiting slight spasms that don't align with his calm demeanor. He speaks, "There's no need to be so reserved around me. We will be working together frequently, both inside and outside the office. We might as well get accustomed to it. Now, come along before my car leaves." It is more of a firm request than a suggestion. Surprised by his commanding tone, Roxy thinks, "Did he just order me around like that?" She refuses to be treated as if she were a subordinate who obeys every command. She weighs her options—wait for another 15 minutes for the Uber or give in to the tempting and alluring presence of her boss, risking potential complications with her job. Her inner confidence flickers, battling against her desires. In the end, her excitement and the allure of the moment take over, and she finds herself walking towards the door, almost like a lost puppy finding its way back. Meeting Andrew at the door, he instructs her to wait while he opens the car door for her. He suggests, "Let me take the laptop under my jacket to keep it dry. Could you please provide me with your address?" Roxy shares her address, playfully remarking, "Be careful, someone might mistake you for a gentleman." She flashes a mischievous smile, attempting to engage in a flirtatious banter. In response, Andrew retorts, "I never claimed to be one!" His words ignite a flame within her, causing her cheeks to blush with a mix of awe and excitement. As she hands him the laptop, their fingertips graze against each other, sending a rush of electricity through her body. She feels a tingling sensation, almost like tiny prickles of anticipation. Andrew's head shoots up in surprise, his piercing eyes locking gazes with her lustful orbs. Could he have experienced the same surge of electric connection? The question lingers in the air, unanswered, as they embark on their journey. In the moment of prolonged eye contact, Roxy feels Andrew's gaze penetrating her soul. She finds herself unable to look away, captivated by his stormy eyes filled with desire. It takes her to a realm of mystery and excitement, igniting a flame within her. Suddenly, Andrew's mouth dangerously hovers near her ear, his lips brushing against her skin. A surge of chills races through her body, causing her to shiver with anticipation. His hot breath against her ear further intensifies the sensations. Overwhelmed by the sensations, Roxy closes her eyes, envisioning the sweet caress of his lips on her fiery skin as he speaks in a low, husky voice. His words send a rush of arousal through her, leaving nothing but moisture behind. Andrew swiftly runs towards the car, leaving Roxy breathless and yearning for more. He opens the door for her, gesturing for her to hurry inside. She mentally urges herself to move, running into the car while locking eyes with him, conveying her desire for his touch like a moth drawn to a flame. Sliding into an all-black SUV with sleek leather interior, Roxy shifts over to make space for Andrew. He playfully remarks, "See, mostly not wet," referring to the rain. Placing the laptop in front of her, he sets the tone of their interaction. Roxy nods slowly, realizing that Andrew's previous remarks may not have been flirtatious. She feels a tinge of disappointment but questions herself—is it because he wasn't flirting, or is it because she wanted him to? Her inner vixen scowls, recognizing her desire. She storms off within her thoughts, contemplating what she will do with her overpowering wants and vivid imagination. She mentally shakes her head, attempting to regain focus. Taking a deep breath, Roxy closes her eyes and exhales, her intention to clear her mind. However, the enticing aroma within the car fills her senses instead. She hears Andrew providing the driver with her address as she takes another deep breath, completely enveloped in his alluring essence. The car exudes the scent of new leather and his expensive cologne. The fragrance is inviting, drawing her in like a bee to pollen. It tempts her to bury her face wherever he sprayed, wanting to inhale it until there is no scent left but the lingering aroma on his skin. Images parade through her mind, depicting intense moments of biting and sucking on his neck, hearing his low growls of pleasure under her touch. She imagines offering herself to him, straddling him, and letting him fulfill her every desire. The fantasies intensify, making her yearn to hear him moan her name as he ravishes her neck and grabs her ass, urging her to move faster and faster, igniting a blazing fire within them until the climax is reached, a cascade of ecstasy overwhelming them both. The vividness of her imagination causes her eyes to close, her teeth biting down on her lower lip, and a moan escaping her lips, only to realize that she is still in the car. Startled, Roxy tightly closes her legs, attempting to control her dripping wet arousal from marking the elegant car seat. Taking a deep breath, Roxy opens her eyes to meet Andrew's intense gaze. His eyes are filled with desire, almost as if he can see through her, delving into her thoughts and understanding her deepest desires. She can't help but notice the tension in his body—the clenched jaw, balled fists, and heavily rising and falling chest. The intensity of the moment threatens to overwhelm her, causing her to feel vulnerable and on the verge of breaking. Quickly averting her gaze, she looks out the window, trying to avoid his penetrating gaze. Silence hangs in the air, and Roxy finds her eyes wandering unconsciously over Andrew's body, despite her attempts to resist. She's drawn to his long, sculpted legs, hands adorned with tattoos, strong arms, and chiseled chest peeking out from his shirt. Her mind races, imagining what the rest of his body might look like. The thoughts ignite a deep craving within her, leaving her yearning for a closer look or a taste. Caught in the act of scanning Andrew's body with her eyes, Roxy's cheeks flush with embarrassment. Hastily, she turns away, feeling shy. Refocusing her attention on the window, she tries to avoid his gaze. From the corner of her eye, she catches a glimpse of Andrew's lips curling up in amusement. A devilish smile spreads across his face, intensifying his allure. Silence stretches on for a few minutes before Roxy breaks it. The heavy tension in the air weighs on her, making her realize she can't sustain this state for the entire ride. She fears her own impulses might overpower her, pushing her to act impulsively towards Andrew. "Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it. I've been meaning to get my car checked out, and now it seems necessary," she says, a light laugh escaping her lips as she looks down, trying to appear coy. Andrew continues to smile, and Roxy hopes her presence hasn't inconvenienced him. Andrew momentarily closes his eyes, engaged in an internal struggle. When he opens them again, they burn with an intense and alluring gaze, stirring a deep desire within Roxy. "I wouldn't have offered if I considered it an imposition. I'll have my mechanic take a look at it tomorrow. Now, let's move on from that topic. Tell me something about yourself that isn't mentioned on your resume," he suggests. Although she wants to decline his offer to have his mechanic look at her car, Roxy refrains from pushing her luck. Instead, she tries to shift the conversation away from herself and onto Andrew, hoping to divert the focus. Her mind races, searching for a topic that might capture his interest. "Why don't we discuss something more intriguing? Why don't you share the stories behind your tattoos?" she proposes, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Andrew meets her gaze with a mischievous grin, aware of her attempt to redirect the conversation. Despite this, he indulges her, responding with a half-smirk, as if teasing her with the secrets inked onto his skin.
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