A new problem.

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"Amara White! What is that on your neck." Sheila shouts. "A mark. I let Xavier Scott mark me so I can be protected against Zane black." Amara says proudly. "You did what!?" "Come on, Sheila it is just a bloody mark, it is not that bad," Amara looks at Sheila who is looking at her in disbelieve. They are sitting in a tree a few feet away from the rest of the pack. "Not that bad! Are you stupid or what? You don't think do you?" "What do you mean it can not be that bad. It is just a stupid mark, calm yourself down, Sheila." "You know that the mark will strengthen the bond with you mate, don't you?" "Wait what!? What do you mean by 'strengthen the bond with my mate'?" "Just what I am saying sometimes I think you do not think for yourself!" "Your bond with him will be strengthened and you will be even more connected to Xavier Scott, he can find you wherever you are or wherever you go. You will not be able to hide from him anymore." "Oh s**t, yeah I did not think this through did I?" "No s**t, Sherlock!" Sheila looks at Amara worriedly, her Alpha can do really stupid s**t sometimes. "Well I will have to just think about something then, and stop calling Xavier Scott my mate, I may have his mark but he is not my mate!" "Amara White, he is your mate, you have his mark on your bloody neck." "Can I remove it?" "No, your wolf obviously accepted the mark. If your wolf rejects the mark then it can only be removed, but it healed so it means your wolf have accepted it and I do not think she will reject his mark anytime soon, if ever!" "Oh, well it is a new problem then, something I will have to figure out later. For now, I just need this mark to keep the bloodsucker away from me." "You think it will work? Zane Black is obsessed with the queen of Rogues, he is half a bloodsucker and we all know what bloodsuckers are like, now don't we?" "He can not touch me if I am marked." "I know, his wolf will not allow him to touch you as you are marked, but that will really piss him off and he might go after your mate. I know Xavier Scott is a pain in the ass, but he is not a bad person, will you like it if the two of them fight to the death over you?" "It will not happen, there is something that keeps the Black and his sons away from Xavier Scott, they do not want to approach him directly, that is why they send hunters after him all the time." "Hmm, I wonder what that can be?" Sheila says looking at Amara she can still not believe that she got marked. "The is another problem with that mark on your neck Amara." "What?" "You will go into heat once a month." "I will do what?" "Oh my f*****g word, have your mother never told you anything about the mate bond?" "Yeah, I just never listened when she went on about it, I never wanted a mate." "Well, you will see when you are in pain and you need Xavier Scott to put out the fire in you." "Won't happen, I will not go into heat or let that son of a gun touch me. I wanted to say b***h but I don't know his mother so I can not swear her." "You are stupid," Sheila says looking at Amara in anger. "Well, there is nothing I can do about it now, I have to live with whatever I did. I was not thinking I am sorry Sheila, happy now? I apologized to you." "If you can call that a blood apology! You should not apologize to me any way you should apologize to yourself, next time before you do something stupid like this please just ask me first., or take me with you, and not that stupid Steward, he let you actually get marked! But what does he know anyway, he is thirty-three and never had a mate." Amara sighs she has three enemies now, she knows the hunters will come after her for killing a hunter, Xavier Scott and his Blood Moon Pack will come after her for using him, and Zane Black might want to kill her before letting another have her. She needs to get some sleep, She has a feeling she and her pack is going to be busy as hell for the next few days or weeks or even months. Amara goes sit in her tree, she is high up she makes herself comfortable for the night. "Amara White! I am going to claim you as my mate in every sense of the word." Xavier links her. "Oh, really? You can hardly stay awake long enough to mark me!" "Not f*****g funny" "Oh, is the big bad wolf mad at me?" "No, not really, you are mine now and soon you will come into heat and beg me to take you, cupcake." "You and your names, I am breaking our mind link so piss off." "Ha, you can try but I can open it anytime, what song do you want to hear my lovely Luna." "I am not you f*****g Luna!" "Yes, you are. I am going to serenade you all night long." "I need my sleep, so unless you want me killed you will have to let me get some rest." "Ahh, but I won't let anything happen to you my Luna." "Oh yeah! Well, Mr Big Bad Wolf, I have you and your blood pack after me, all the bloody hunters as well, because I had to save your sorry ass and then Zane Black, I think he will rather kill me that letting you want me, so let me go! I need to sleep." "Come home now! You will be safe here." "I am home, I don't need you." "Amara White don't let me come fetch you." "You can try, sleeping beauty, but you know you and your wolves won't get near me." "Hmm, we will see about that, I will figure something out, my Luna." "Stop calling me that!" "I love you too, sweet-pea." "Oh my f*****g hell, don't ever mention the L word to me! Werewolves have mates and the mate bond is what makes us believe that we feel things for our mates, there is no such thing as 'love' between werewolves. You stupid ass!" "Yeah, honey buns keep telling yourself that!" "Xavier Scott, stop your nonsense I need some sleep and you are getting on my nerves if you don't stop I will put an arrow in your ass again and this time I will make you sleep for a bloody week." "Okay, my lovely Luna, have sweet dreams and remember to dream of me." Xavier loves teasing Amara as it gets to her. He is still a bit mad at her for using him to get marked, but at least he knows now that she is his and no matter how much she denies it she will become his Luna one day, he just needs to be patient, although his wolf is not so patient anymore. "f**k you!" "You and your foul mouth! Now go to sleep, sexy badass Luna." Xavier waits to hear if she says anything else but she is quiet, Amara had enough of his bullshit and she closes her eyes to sleep. The guards are out and at the moment they are safe, they move around a lot and she always chooses a tree for herself that is big and high she is also a very light sleeper and no one will sneak up on her. As she looks up she sees the bat flying over her and she smiles taking her sleeping arrow and put it into her bow, she aims and hit the bat in the stomach. It comes tumbling down and lands hard on the ground, she looks as it changes into a bloodsucker. Amara jumps out of her tree and looks at the bloodsucker that is lying at her feet, another spy from Zane Black. He just does not learn now, does he? She has no time for bloodsucker and she takes the wooden stake out of her bag. He is still fast asleep, she does not take chances with bloodsuckers as they can change into bats and escape the rope when they are tied up. She put the stake through his heart. She hears a rattle in the bushes and she jumps out of the why of the silver dagger just in time. "You killed my mate you b***h!" The bloodsucker screams at her as he storms her again with the silver dagger in his hand. "Yeah, and now I am going to kill you as well," Amara says with a smile. The bloodsucker might be fast but her reflexes are faster as she grabs him by the neck and picks him off the ground. She slaps the dagger out of his hand with her other hand and it lands a few feet away from them on the ground. "Zane black send you didn't he?" "What if he did?" "Well, I hope you and your mate have a heaven, for your sake." Amara takes the wooden stake and pushes it through the vampire's heart. He turns to dust like his mate. Her wolves have heard the commotion and come running to her. They also caught a few bloodsuckers and killed them. "How did they find us?" Steward asks. "I think they were flying around in bat form looking for us," Amara says. "We need to find a place where they can not see us from the sky," Sheila says. "How many were there?" Amara asks. "About twenty or so," Steward answers here. "Let's get out of here. We don't know if any got away and I don't want to be here when they return with a bigger army." Amara goes up in the tree they will use the trees to move in. The other wolves gather all the stuff and follow their Alpha. They move quickly and quietly. She stops signalling for her wolves to stop and be quiet. They stop to see what Amara is seeing. As they look down men are standing on the ground below them, it looks like they are waiting for the wolves. Amara smiles, they do not suspect them to be in the trees. She looks at the men and counts about twenty. Hunters. They are so stupid she shows her wolves to move on she stays behind to see what the hunters are planning. After about twenty minutes, the one hunter goes sit down. "Do you think the vampires killed all the wolves?"  A big one asks. "I don't know Morris. Maybe the wolves went the other way." "Then Black and his sons will get them." The one called Morris says. "That young Zane wants the Queen of Rogues alive, personally I want to kill her, she killed one of ours!" So Zane Black and his father are nearby, waiting for the wolves on the other side. Just as she is about to leave, she hears someone coming. He runs fast. "Another bloodsucker." Amara thinks, he stops at the hunters and they jump up fast. He is handsome, about six foot three with dark blond hair and green eyes. He looks at the hunters. "Did you see the wolves?" He asks the one called Morris. "No, we thought you got them." "f**k, no we did not! They must have slipped passed all of us." He looks angry. "Zane, calm down, we will get them eventually," Morris says. "Just remember one thing, the Queen of Rogues is mine! No one touches her!" "Yes, boss!" The hunters say. An older man walks out of the woods and looks at Zane. "Son, I heard from the pack today. Xavier Scott marked his Luna." "Oh, so?" "His Luna is the Queen of Rogues!" Zane's face goes pale, he looks like he can kill someone. She is his, how is it possible that another claimed her. "I will kill him, father! She is mine! I will not let him have her!" "Calm down, you know we can not go near Xavier Scott unless we want to die." "f**k!" Zane shouts out, he has lost his heart to the Queen of Rogues when her saw her one day taking a bath in a river. He wanted to approach her but she disappeared under the water and he waited for her to reappear but she never showed up again. He could not see her body only a part of her face and her long blond hair, but he knew he was in love with her from that moment on.
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