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Xavier's eyes narrow, no one has ever defended the bad side of him. Most people that see it become so afraid of him they want to run away whenever he approached them, but this little mate of his says she likes the golden wolf more than him? She is crazy he is now sure of it. There is no way anyone with love the golden beast more than him. "Okay go home now, your father's killer is resting in pieces now," Amara says. "Not funny, I hate it when the golden wolf comes out Amara." "Well I like him he is a bit cruel and dramatic, with the over-killing and all, but I think he is beautiful and kind-hearted. He just wants some love and feels like someone care for him, you push him away and that is what is making him so angry. He wants some TLC. So you better let him out more and learn to control him." "You think?" "No, I know. He is lonely and he needs you, Xavier, talk to him sometimes." Amara jumps in the tree. "Well, Goldy Locks I am off. I have to go find my pack."  She greets Xavier who is still standing under the tree and thinking about the golden wolf."One day I will tame you, Amara White!" He calls after her with a smile she is the first person he knows who is not afraid of the golden wolf. "Good luck with that Golden boy," Amara shouts back and drops him some clothes out of a tree nearby. "Thank you for the clothes," Xavier shouts back smiling, his mate really doesn't like him being naked. "No problem, now leave and leave me alone and tell your pack I am going to kick their asses if they don't stop calling me Luna. I am not their Luna!" Amara finds Steward and her warriors in a tree nearby, they have been sleeping there waiting for their Alpha, he and the warriors were too afraid to approach the golden wolf, they saw what he did to Markus Black, he almost pissed himself when he tried to get close to Amara to wake her up and the wolf lifted his head and growled at him. "Alpha you are okay, f**k I thought the big golden wolf was going to eat you alive. I tried to get near you and the golden wolf but it looked like he was going to kill me." "I am okay Beta, he will do nothing to me, I am his mate and he sees me like that, but holy s**t I was scared shitless at first," Amara smiles. "Yeah, there is nothing left of Markus Black, " Steward is looking at Amara and he wonders what she is thinking about the beast that appeared in the place of her mate. "Well, let's go find our omega and the others. She is so going to kick our asses," Amara says. "Your mate saved you from being kidnapped by the hybrid, Alpha," Steward says with a smile. "My so-called mate knocked me out and turned into a badass golden wolf. I had it under control. I bit the hybrid, I hope the fucker dies." "I don't know if a werewolf bite can kill a vampire-werewolf hybrid. The sun doesn't kill them. So I don't know Alpha." "Well, I hope it made him ill at least." Amara and her warriors go west in search of Sheila and the rest. "Where are you?" Amara mind links Sheila. "We are near the castle in the west of the wilderness. Where have you guys been?" "I will tell you when I get there." Amara links back. "Well hurry back here is a hell of a surprise waiting for you." "Good or bad?" "I don't know you will tell me when you get here." Amara and her warriors move fast, she wonders what is going in and what surprise Sheila has for them, soon they see the old Castle. As she and her warriors get nearer they see a bunch of wolves. There must be at least a hundred new wolves. "What the f**k? Where did they come from?" Amara jumps out of the tree and looks at Sheila in surprise. "I don't know they were waiting for us here when we got here." "Who is in charge of them?" Amara asks. "A girl called Lola Black. She is the daughter of Markus Black from his first mate. She is obviously not in her brother's corner." Amara looks around and Sheila points out the girl to Amara. Amara walks over to Lola Black and starts talking to her. Steward and the goes to the other side of the camp to stand guard there, this many wolves will attack a lot of attention. "Oh, holy hell it is the Queen of Rogues!" Lola says looking at Amara. "Hello to you too. You must be Lola black." "Yes, that is me, I am just so honoured to meet you at last." Amara smiles she likes this little young wolf, she looks at the older woman with her and sees hatred in her eyes, this must be Markus Black's, first mate. Amara can see that the older lady has been crying. Amara does not like the older woman and does not trust her, a wolf that lost a mate is a danger to the pack. Well, some not all, but this one is full of hate and she thinks this one hates the Queen of Rogues. "I guess you heard what happened last night. I am sorry about your father." Amara says but she looks at the older she-wolf to see what her reaction is going to be. She just sees a flash of sadness in the older woman's eyes and then she sees intense hate in her eyes. "Your mate killed him! He was going to come back to me and Lola, but you and that mate of your kill him." "Wow, cool down old woman, I did not kill him and my so-called mate had to kill him, he was challenging Xavier Scott. I also don't think he was ever planning on coming back to you. He was protecting one of his son's he had with the Vampire Queen when he died. You need to snap out of it, you are hating the wrong ones, you should hate your mate, his vampire and his half-bred sons." Amara's parents always taught her to have respect for older people but Amara did not have any respect for weak people. She wanted to let people see the truth and sometimes she is very harsh with the truth. The old woman looks at her in surprise, she was a spy for Markus Black and he always promised her that one day he will come back to her and her daughter and leave the Vampire Queen's sons behind to look after themselves. "I don't believe you, Markus would never defend one of that thing's sons, he told me that himself." "So you were spuing for him? Do you know what the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack will do to you if he finds out? Besides Markus Black was protecting Zane Black, when he was killed by Xavier Scott. I don't care if you believe me or not." "Mother I can not believe you did it. How could you spy for that no-good father of mine?" Lola Black looks at her mother and she is angry. "You know you should challenge for the Alpha position of your pack, Lola Black. The Golden Moon Pack is under the protection of the Blood Moon Pack, but you should be their Alpha. You should have a strong Alpha wolf as well." Amara looks, Lola Black, she brought half the Golden Moon Pack here, which means she has most of the Golden Moon Pack's support. "I don't know if I am strong enough to do that," Lola says to Amara. "I am sure you are. We can have a skirmish later and I will help you with your fighting skills." Amara says. She looks at the old lady that is just standing there with a pale face. "You should be strong for your daughter and help her to train, she needs you now more than ever." The older woman looks at Amara, she looks tired and defeated. She knows that Markus Black used her and was never planning on coming back to her. "I will help my daughter, I don't want that thing's sons to take my daughter's rightful place as the Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack." She answers Amara. "Good I am glad you have come to your senses." Lola and her mother look at each other, they have a secret that they are keeping to themselves. The only one that can really train her to her full potential is her mother, that knows more about her powers that she does. "I sense there is a strength in you Lola Black. Something different, but we will talk about it later. I have to attend to some stuff around here. You are welcome to stay for a while, but I will go with you when you challenge for the position of Alpha of the Gloden Pack Moon." Amara walks away to go look for Sheila. She knows Sheila is going to be mad and shout at her again, although Sheila is just as old as she is, Sheila is the mother figure of the pack and she will shout and scream at the wolves if they do something stupid. She always screams at Amara for taking chances and doing things without thinking. Amara does not really care, she knows she can do stupid things. "Alpha, I see you are back! Now tell me what happened and why you let yourself almost get kidnapped by the stupid hybrid!" "I had things under control, it was that stupid Xavier Scott that got things out of hand." "He saved you, that is what the warriors told me." "Ha, he did not safe me, I was about to escape when he jumped at us and knocked me out cold, then he turned into this golden wolf, that by the way scared me shitless, and ripped Markus Black into pieces. You should have seen it, it was scary and cool at the same time." "No, I am glad I never saw that. I think our warriors are traumatized for life. Where were you all night long? I was worried sick?" "Well, the golden wolf took me to a river and he washed the blood of his coat, then we fell asleep at the little river." "So you slept all night with Xavier Scott? Did he take advantage of you?" "No, he just slept in his wolf form with his head on my lap and after a while I got tired so I fell asleep next to him with my head on his back. No big deal!" "The golden beast did nothing to you?" "No, I told you I am okay." "Well, poor Steward almost pissed himself when he tried to wake you up, he says the golden wolf growled at him when he tried to get close to you. I think the strong golden wolf is not going to let you go so easily Alpha. He is part of Xavier Scott, and now I understand why people are so afraid of him and will bend the knee to him. He is stronger than the average Alpha, we need to find out more about this golden wolf, you will have to talk to the wolf sometime." "Yeah, like I am going near Xavier Scott again. Forget about it Omega I am not going to talk to him at all. Every time I meet up with Xavier Scott, I get in trouble with you. You know you can be a pain in the ass. I think I am more afraid of you preaching to me than I am of the golden wolf." "Bullshit! I bet you just don't want to talk to Xavier Scott anymore because you got feelings for him." Amara glares at Sheila, Sheila knows very well Amara does not believe in love, especially between werewolves. "Lister, I told you before werewolves have no choice when it comes to this mate bond thing, we can not love or have feelings for each other, the bloody Moon Goddess gives us a mate and whether we like the mate or not, we have no choice in the matter, she is bloody cruel. Look at me, I got Xavier Scott, the biggest asshole I know." Sheila looks at Amara and burst out laughing. She knows Amara White they have been friends since childhood and Amara never liked this mate bond thing she always said she will reject her mate, but look at her now she is marked, by Xavier Scott of all people.
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