Lola Black

2184 Words

A few days have pasted since Lola Black joined the Queen of Rogues and found her mate, she is happy and Steward was training her, she also trained in the group sections with the Queen of Rogues and she has learned a lot since joining the group of rogues. Lola Black helps where she can with the training of her wolves, but two young wolves see it as a challenge and start attacking her, she keeps her cool as Amara showed them when she was training them in groups, soon the two young wolves are both on the ground on their knees surrendering, Amara who was walking by is instantly angry. Sheila comes running to Amara, she knows Amara can get really angry id you kneel.   "What the f**k are you two doing?" Amara asks with an ice-cold voice.   "Surrendering Alpha," One says.   "On your knee

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