Part 19

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Caly’s POV  I chased Tucker to his Uncle’s office, he was the Head Doctor for Blue Moon’s Bite. The waiting room had no less than three Alphas barking at the nursing staff, who seemed rushed off their feet.  “What the f*ck is going on?” Tucker bellows out. Real diplomatic. I sigh, 99% of the wolves I know I can’t take out in public because they can’t behave. Alphas growl at his tone and start hollering things back, but I can’t make any sense of it while they are all talking over one another.  ‘I’ve got you!’ Athena chirps happily, giving no time before she commands, “Enough!”  my aura stopping them dead in their tracks. Stav smirks, he enjoys watching me put wolves in their place. One of the nurses scuttles off, I hope to hell it’s to find Doc Blackheart. “I demand to know what is going on! Why are two of my Pack members in the hospital?” Alpha Braxton is now angry at the situation and me. ‘He’s just p*ssed this tiny she-wolf is better than he is.’ ‘Behave. I don’t need you to add to the problem,’ I warn her. I know she enjoys having the biggest bark in the room. “I just arrived, let’s wait for the Doctor for an update.” I don’t wait to start worrying, I start thinking about what would cause wolves to come to the hospital ward. Was there a brawl? It would have to be bad to have casualties that couldn’t be healed by our wolves. Then again, with all the overactive hormones wolves may be acting more primal than usual. “Tucker, thank goodness you’ve arrived!” His Uncle says as he warily looks around the Alphas in the room. “We found another one!”  A warrior marches in carrying a young male slung over his shoulder. “He shifted and was acting feral when confronted by patrol. Gamma knocked him out.” A nurse waves the warrior into a wardroom, all four beds will now be full, two of the wolves are restrained on the beds. “That’s Shawn! He’s one of mine!” Alpha Braxton is held back by a fierce nurse who won’t let him in with the patients. “What the F*ck is going on Uncle?” Tucker hisses, he is about to lose his shmit, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him this angry. “You would think with all this craziness that it was a full Moon outside.” He chuckles at his own terrible Doctor joke and finds no audience. Everyone scowls until he’s beyond uncomfortable and he tells it to us straight, “It’s hard to get a straight answer out of these wolves, some of them aren’t able to identify themselves or tell me what is going on inside of them, each wolf’s symptoms are different.” “You have no bl*ody clue, do you!?” Alpha Braxton accuses the Doctor. “How long do I need to wait to see my Pack members?”   “I am in contact with the Alphas as soon as I can piece enough information together. We informed you, didn’t we?  I honestly believe the cause is that Mating Bonds are being broken.  This is way beyond the norm, this is of epidemic proportions, and I am running out of staff.” Doc B says seriously looking Tucker in the eye. “What? How many wolves are already here?” I ask, my stomach rolling with nausea. This can’t all be Mating Bonds, can it? Usually, at a big event like this, there might be one couple who tries to sever the bond, and even then they usually get some good advice and give it another try.  “We have twelve young wolves here right now,” he says with a sombre bow of his head.   “Six couples? That’s insane!” I try to wrap my head around this new information. My arms are on fire, it’s very distracting. “We don’t know if any of them are Mated pairs. So sooner or later their former Mates could end up here as well. We need to find a way to identify who they were Mated to and check for those wolves immediately and check for any more wolves in need.” Tucker’s eyes are round like saucers, “We need a plan, fast,” he looks to me for help. “Alphas, we will get you to identify any of the current patients, try to command their Mate’s names from them.  Tucker, lock down the entrances and go back to the party and grab the mic. Gather up all the Alphas or Lunas to explain it to them first. Tell them to mind-link everyone they have here to check-in. Anyone who doesn’t respond we send someone to check their rooms first. Find staff to check all the halls, washrooms and public areas for anyone in distress. Make a plea for anyone with medical or healing experience to head here. Beef up patrol and have them search every foot of the territory, when your wolf is in pain, they are more likely to act out. They need to stop anyone trying to cross the borders, have them bring anyone they find here. No matter what, everyone must be accounted for.” I look to each Alpha to make sure they will follow the plan. It’s solid, but when one Alpha makes a decision, the others can get prideful or in their feelings, wanting to do their own thing. I’m sure it’s ten times worse since it came from me since most still don’t consider me as a proper Alpha. I regret commanding them to shut up earlier, it could put us at a serious disadvantage now. The other Alphas go to check the wards, I grab Tucker to whisper in his ear, “Tucker, get your Mom to double-check on the guest list. We can’t have any oversights, it would be a PR nightmare and we will lose alliances. Tell that Alpha Aaron to check on Erik Canyon first, just say we heard he rejected his Mate, but don’t tell him it’s Julia. I’m sure he’ll find out eventually, but I want to avoid the drama until we can get a handle on this. For the love of the Goddess, please keep an eye on all the Alphas.” “I will. This is a good start and well thought out. If the Alphas don’t see it because you’re a girl, they are idiots and would be useless to us anyway.” I force a smile and nod. An alarm sounds, and I light flashes above one of the rooms. Nurses rush in the out of the woodwork so I know without a doubt someone has crashed. Tucker lets loose another string of curses. ‘We should go check that,’ Athena is urging me to move. “I need to help here. I need your Uncle and his staff to hear it coming from you.” Doc is aware of my gift, but the nurses might give me a hard time if I try to help someone who is not from my Pack. Tucker follows me into the wardroom, “Nurses!” He says sternly, “Alpha Caly is here to help, she has my permission to access any patient or room. Do NOT stand in her way, is that clear?” The Nurses respond with Yes Alphas.  His Uncle barely looks up for a second to give his nod of approval. The pale female lies deathly still on the bed her heart is weak and erratic, the machines monitoring her still screaming out in alarm. ‘There is nothing that can be done for this one, her spirit is gone, her body is still catching up with the news,’ Athena whispers. ‘You can’t be serious?’ I fight to go to her bedside but Athena presses forward, forcing me to march to the door. “Doctor, the adrenaline needle is ready.” “Give it!” The monotonous sound of the flatline pierces my heart. “Clear!” The sound of the paddles charging up, the shock to her system, the crinkling sound of her body arching off the plastic gurney mattress. “Clear!” the door softly clicks shut behind me as I stand in the hall, my head bent in a quick prayer.  ‘I am very serious, Babe, the energy is for the living. Her Mate is here somewhere in the hospital, unconscious. It makes it harder to pin him down, take a peek into the next room.’ Whoever he is isn’t in that room, but the next. It’s Shawn, the one who was acting feral in the forest. I’m not sure if he’s coming to or if he’s trapped in a nightmare of his own making. He’s thrashing around on the bed. I lean over the bed and place my hand over his heart, channelling my energy directly into him. When he stills, I notice a pair of eyes on me across from the room, the only awake patient in the room. “You helped him?” The male is scrutinizing me with shifty eyes. "You're a healer then?" “I am not a healer, though I hope I helped him. Hard to tell until he wakes up,” I answer honestly but I don't add that when he wakes up he might be worse off, or that I think his Mate is dying two doors down. We look at one another for a bit.  He seems to be in the best shape out of anyone that I have seen in the hospital tonight. I am curious to figure out how he is managing so well. "Do you know him? I mean before today?” he asks, rolling his tense muscles seeking relief. “I only know his name because his Alpha saw him brought into the hospital.” “I don’t know why you are bothering to help him. He’s a sorry piece of sh*t, he rejected his Mate.” He looks over at the young wolf I am helping with unbridled disgust. I remove my hand from Shawn's chest, I’ve done all I can do.  'Does he need my help?' I ask my wolf. 'Not energy-wise. He needs your people skills, so go ahead and do that smooth-talking thing you do, and I'll divine who the next energy dump is.' 'Athena, you are so crass! These are hospital patients!' I say indignantly.  'They are a bunch of squirrels who listened to their stooopid human sides and threw away the Mate Bond. I'm not sure why Mother Moon has given you the energy to save them!' My wolf says in a right royal huff. I choose to believe that She is looking down on us and must feel at least some of these wayward souls can be redeemed. “My wolf doesn’t feel pity for him either, but I have to try to help those that I can,” I say solemnly. I am more concerned with the male I am talking to. He may not need my energy, or maybe he does. I walk over to the chair at the desk and pull it over to sit beside him. I wait for him to break the silence.  “My Mate rejected me,” he says flatly. Perhaps he just needs someone to talk to. “I’m sorry to hear that. I understand how hard it is to be denied by your Mate. How are you feeling?” “Do you? Really? You’re marked.” He points out accusingly and bares his fangs in a sneer. I keep my face placid and I focus myself on sending out soothing waves of energy, enough to reach everyone in the room. “It took more than six months for my Mate to claim me, it wasn’t an easy path." "Oh, yeah?" He says skeptically. Clearly, if I want this guy to open up, I have to offer something up first. "Yes. He had a Barbie doll girlfriend and a crazy chick picked out to be Luna. He had a crappy, always angry attitude. He had zero interest in a pathetic, plain Jane Omega, in fact he thought my wolf's presence was so weak that I was nearly human. It was difficult for both of us, but I am glad it worked out in the end.” It was my truth. I thanked the Goddess for helping Stavros see the light, I can't imagine a life where I didn't have him and my pups to love. "Are you an Omega? You don't feel like one." I could tell he was trying to sense my Rank in our world. "I am an Alpha on my Father’s side and a Luna made. My wolf controls my aura, it is something she only puts out when she feels it is necessary, it's a long story. My turn to ask a question, how are you the only one here not suffering?" I ask him directly. Perhaps his wolf helped him somehow. "I expected to be rejected. It wasn't a big shock." I lift my brow, letting him know I am curious but I don't intend to pry. He ponders for a bit, deciding how much he wants to tell me. "My Mate...he wasn't expecting to be paired with another male." He watches to see my reaction but I don't give him one. Fate is funny that way, you don't always get what you want but what you need. "It sounds like you already knew you were into men. It must be overwhelming to find your Mate and discover your s****l preference at the same time. Perhaps he still needs to come to terms with it." I don't want to give him false hope, but he might be one of the lucky ones who still have a chance down the line. "He doesn't want me! How am I supposed to convince him?" He must have been reading my mind, that or my face gave it away. "You can't convince someone if they don't want to hear it. There’s no right or wrong answer. For me, I knew who I was and why I had been paired with Stavros so I tried to show him in small ways while I lived and worked alongside him. Unfortunately, that didn't work, so I took a job working in another Pack so he could see what he was missing." "You're Alpha Stab’s Luna?" He almost chokes on his own words he is so shocked. "I told you I didn't have it easy," the corners of my lips turn up in a smirk. I talked with him for nearly twenty minutes, once I was given a name I followed up on his Mate. His Mate was angry at the pairing and decided to take it out on patrolling warriors. He didn't need medical attention so he was shown to the premium basement accommodations, aka Tucker’s basement cells, to cool off. If he settles down I will go speak to him before he is released to his Alpha, but not before tomorrow morning.  I wandered from room to room, very few were awake since Doctor B felt sedation was the best treatment for most. I tried to give energy to help the healing process where I could, and talk with those who were able.   The medical team was rushed off their feet, five young wolves needed intensive care. Shawn's Mate did not survive, Athena sadly reminding me she's never wrong about these things. Shawn was still knocked out from the hit by the Gamma but his monitors all spiked high as his soul felt the aftershocks of her death and then he needed to be sedated too. It was the wee hours of the morning as I stood in the hallway with my eyes closed, releasing waves of soothing energy as far as I could push it. It was no longer just about the patients. The staff needed to be de-stressed and a boost to keep going so late into the night, there were angry Alphas popping in at random to check on their members and sad friends looking for updates in the waiting rooms. A French vanilla cappuccino is waved under my nose, its heavenly scent perking me up. I hadn't noticed Tucker sneaking up on me. 'Too many smells, I can only focus on what is important. Right now caffeine and sugar are the only things I care about,' Athena says making no bones about her needs taking precedence. She snatches the cup from him and flashes her black eyes. "Stav sent me to check on you, I figured you could use a boost. You look tired Caly, I'll walk you back to Mom's place." "I need to check on a few people." "You've done more than enough. You've used up all your gift and you are depleting yourself now. Mother is at the dance, she's convinced the attending Lunas to shut down the dance and enforce a curfew, the patrols are handling the ferals. Your Mate is patrolling with Terri so she doesn't just b*tch slap anyone she comes across. Kat is with Julia and the twins. No one in Moon’s Heart or Blood has been affected other than Julia, and physically she is fine, I had a nurse over to check her vitals. There, you've been updated, now it's time for you to get a snack and head to bed before Stav kicks my ass." "What about your Pack?" "I have five people who found Mates and are thrilled. I dodged the bullet again this year, and I have sympathy dates lined up for at least the next month," Tucker gives me his signature: don't hate the player, hate the game smirk. As if he needs their sympathy to get into any of those females' panties. "Sadly, one of the @ssholes originally from Blue Moon rejected his Mate, Uncle has him sedated or I would be in there giving him a lecture and doling out punishment." There were more than a few bad apples that came from that Pack, when Tucker absorbed them, including his previous Beta. Athena sends me a mental image of that arseh*le Arnold with his manhood stapled to his forehead, the image she has lovingly dubbed 'Unicorn Arnie'. I have to force myself not to laugh. I shouldn’t be thinking ill of the dead, it isn't very Luna-like. 'Why not? That Unicorn is quality material, that is pure comedy, that will be funny forever!' "I noticed most of those who did the rejecting came from Silvermoon and Blood Fang. I suppose that's just more proof that those Packs are moving in a bad direction," I say on a serious note. "We might need to rethink our alliances. We will worry about that later. For now, go to bed. Mother thinks it would be a good idea to invite all the Lunas to the table for breakfast tomorrow to discuss this tragedy. She will want you to be there." I grumble under my breath. I am so not looking forward to tomorrow. 
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