Part 22

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Alpha Stavros’s POV “Sit your @sses down!” I look out and see the fear grow. If they don’t know of my reputation, they sure as hell can feel my power oppressing them. I let it flow out in a blast wave, fast and furious. I haven’t done this in a long time, I relish in the familiar feelings of being at the top of the food chain, the thrill that comes with being the Alpha with the biggest bite. It makes you feel taller and stronger, and damn near invincible when their confidence fizzles out of them. The sound of small whimpers of pain and submission feed the Alpha inside of me. If I wanted to, I could make half this room p*ss their pants in fear. “Alpha Stavros, I don’t think Calypso would approve of this behaviour, do you?” Darius says quietly and calmly, “Just say what you need to say. I do hope it includes you acknowledging your own failings as a Mate,” I feel the hidden threat of his words. He wants to see if I can be honest about my past, if I can be honest I might find a way to redeem myself. “I have something I would like to say. I am Alpha Stavros of Blood Pact. If you heard the rumours about Alpha Stab and my Pack being savage beasts, with cruel intentions, and who ruthlessly torture and keep no prisoners- then you have heard correct.” I wait for my words to sink in. “That was until about three years ago. We took in one prisoner, a she-wolf. We didn’t have the right to take her, she was happily working for her Alpha on her own territory when our eyes met. She didn’t challenge me or commit any crime, but she was arrested by my former Gamma because I didn’t like the look of longing she gave me, I took it as an insult. I didn’t smell her across the room, I didn’t realize then she was my Mate. She clearly wanted me, but I had my bimbo girlfriend on my arm, so who the f*ck cared if some she-wolf who meant nothing to me got hurt, right?” I shake my head at them, disgusted. “She suffered from the moment she was drugged and brought into my territory,” I snarled out, Zeus was losing control over his rage at me. I may have not been the person who laid those scars on her body, but I was very much responsible for every single she went through. “She was beaten, starved, threatened with s****l assault and when she dared try to defend herself, we chained her to a wall in silver shackles. If you see the scars around her neck and wrists, Blood Pact did that, and it nearly killed her wolf. We did that to our own Luna.” I look out into the sea of wolves watching me with looks of horror, of disgust. I deserve this. “So right now you might be thinking this is where her dashing Alpha discovers her broken, abused body and the Mate bond kicks in, starting a fairytale romance.” I nod encouragingly and the females in the crowd nod along with me, looking hopeful and lost in their own fantasies. “Well, you are wrong. Life isn’t a f*cking fairytale.” I snap at harshly as I watch the ladies’ faces fall and some of the men’s eyes look at me confused. “You think the stunt you young fools pulled last night was bad? That the guys are nothing but callous pricks? Let me tell you something, I am Alpha f*cking Stab and I am the meanest, coldest sumb*itch you have ever met.” “I had been away from the Pack for a few days so my Beta went down in the dungeons to check out on the prisoner who had somehow managed to survive in my cells. We grill ‘em for info and kill ’em usually within the hour of capture, and this one had been down there almost a week. Beta Colin felt Caly was wrongly taken, that she may be the reason Alpha Darius was threatening my Pack, so he took her out of the chains and brought her into my infirmary. When I found out I was pissed, NO ONE escapes Blood Pact. NO ONE. I took one look at her and I wanted her f*cking dead. My wolf knew even without her wolf and no scent but blood and medicines she was his but I was so blind with anger, I didn’t f*cking care.” “Caly was locked into a hospital room where I didn’t have to see her while she recovered. I felt betrayed by my own Beta because he seemed to care if she survived, to the point he slept in a chair by her hospital bed to make sure I didn’t come into the room in the middle of the night to strangle her in her sleep. I felt she was being a general nuisance to me by helping Colin and pointing out all the sh*t wrong with me and my Pack.” “Now we get to the Mating Bond and where I made my first mistake. We had met so after a few weeks of ignoring her, she went into her first heat. She was already in the hospital, so I was going to let the Doctor handle it. She was in a f*cktonne of pain, so I told her to go rut with whoever she wanted, I didn’t care. Her f*cking heart stopped. Whatever the Doc was doing didn’t matter. My wolf wouldn’t allow me to let her die, I knew I would never shift again if I didn’t give in to him, so I bit her neck, deep enough to shock her awake, but not enough to Mark her. I released her neck at the height of her pain and didn’t risk numbing it or sealing it, I didn’t want her to grow attached to me. After all the sh*t my Pack had put her through, she was a survivor who had stayed strong but that was the moment she actually wished for death.” I paused for dramatic effect, all eyes were on me, they were all riveted by my words. “My Pack’s Doctor said it was the cruelest thing she had ever seen a wolf do, and she’s the Doctor of a war Pack.” “Dr. Blackheart, does that sound similar to what some of the females went through last night?” I look over my shoulder at him, and he steps forward. “Yes, Alpha Stavros. It was terrible. Some will have lasting effects.” “So, question for you: Do you honestly believe last night was the end of it? Have any of you considered that you have started the bonding process? If I bit my future Wife and that was barely acknowledging our bond, maybe 10 percent of what is needed to become truly bonded, if you males screwed your Mate then rejected her, you have completed at least 50 percent of the process. Mother Nature is going to keep trying to draw you together. You have no idea if your Mate will go into heat or not. Doctor, might they possibly go into heat?” “More than likely they will,” he says sombrely. “What if medical attention isn’t immediately available? She could just keel over anywhere, and no one would know what happened or how to help her. Perhaps she would wish for death too, because staying alive could mean unmated wolves hunt her down to do their worst. The touch of any other male would cause an incredible amount of pain and I do hope you feel every bit of it along with her.” “Even an innocent touch could cause pain, once my Mate went into heat and my Beta went to grab her elbow when she nearly passed out. She started having these seizures,” my eyes close as I try to push that memory out of my head, her trembling and frothing at the mouth. The Doctor speaks up on his own, “We had no idea what caused Luna Caly to have the seizures since her heat was early. The longer a seizure continues, the greater the chance of brain damage or death. Beta Colin was trying to hold her prevent her from hurting herself, not knowing he was actually the cause.” “The time between heats isn’t any easier, the longer you stay apart, the more distance you put between yourselves, the more you amp up that pain. The heats come closer and closer together and being in the presence of other males can trigger it. Their ability to care for themselves becomes impossible, they can hit a point they don’t know where they are, or who they are.” “That was my second big mistake, I stupidly let this drag on for months. Caly knew the reason she was Mated to a cruel beast like me, and she was completed devoted to me and Blood Pact. She nursed me back to health from an injury that should have killed me, knowing full well I might wake up angry enough to kill her. She put herself in my line of fire trying to keep me calm, she stayed up at night to soothe my nightmares. She worked her @ss off to transform my Pack while I sometimes ignored her, and sometimes even worked against her.” “Do you honestly think a good woman like her would have been that devoted to me without the bond encouraging her to keep going? Do think you can get that from a chosen Mate? Do you think you deserve a Chosen if you gave up your Fated? Do you have any idea how few human men would ever be blessed with a partner like that?” “She suffered my presence when she was well enough, but she couldn’t trust me. There was a time I was still trying to be player, so I kept her locked away. She often looked at me with such mistrust it felt like a kick to the d**k. By the time I wanted to make her Mine, I didn’t deserve her, and I knew it. I almost lost her so many times, I don’t know if I would have survived without her, I can see it so clearly now. Then Fate would pull the strings and her heat would flare up again. She would let down all her walls and cling to me, looking at me with such love. I could see she loved me, but she was holding it in so I wouldn’t push her away. In times of heat, I was her lifeline, her saviour, and the guilt of knowing you’re a total piece of sh*t eats you alive.” “I sure hope you know who you are messing with, the Goddess doesn’t f**k around with the Bonds. I like to think I’m a strong guy, but I wasn’t strong enough to resist my Little Mate. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t waste nearly 5 months denying Caly out of spite and my fragile male ego.” “Last night was pure stupidity from some of you, so I hope you all smarten the f*ck up enough to actually think for yourselves and spend time today reexamining your poor life choices.” They are finally listening, I just hope my bleeding heart was spilled so they can see the futility of what they are doing. “I won’t tell you what to do, you always have a choice, but I hope some of you try to repair your Bonds and give yourselves a chance at happiness.” I hadn’t looked away from the shocked faces of the crowd while I was speaking, but I had to see if the anger had left Alpha Darius’s eyes. I wanted to show him I have made changes, if he accepted my confession, then I know Caly would approve. He was one of the few wolves whose opinion matters to her, she respects him so much, and her opinion is the only one that matters to me. A small part of me wanted his approval, his forgiveness. He’s become an important member of our family, my kids love their Grampy D and if the pups need someone to be a role model as an Alpha, it’s him and not me. Alpha Darius stood up and clapped his hands, Tucker followed a millisecond later. The other Alphas and Lunas stood, too. Darius walked around the table and offered his hand for me to shake, and patted my shoulder. “You did well, Stavros.” Just a few words, but by far, the best exchange we have ever had, I have to admit it feels good. “Look around, a standing ovation.” The group was applauding, even as Tucker dismissed everyone. The warriors drew out their claws to snap the zip ties on last night’s troublemakers. I noticed Aaron had walked away, hauling his two prisoners with him off to the side. He was focusing on Julia’s former Mate, I think his name is Erik. Aaron is furiously whispering to him, jabbing his finger into the kid’s chest, then he casts a side-eye my way, and I bare my fangs. I know I just talked about the Mate Bond, but I’m not sure Julia needs this f’ing goof. She seemed a whole lot happier this morning than she has ever been, I ain’t giving her to this little punk-@ss b***h unless he proves himself. Gawd, am I turning into Darius? He must have read my mind, “Are you wondering if he is good enough for Julia? Now you know how I felt. Remember this, Stavros, I’m sure it will be ten times worse when Carrissa brings home her Mate,” Darius chuckles at me as he walks away. Tucker walks back with me to his parent’s place, once inside I follow my nose and find everyone in the living room. Caly is laying on her stomach in front of the T.V. watching kiddie movies with Carrissa sitting on her back and using her as a table to colour on. Atlas is laughing and hanging from Theressa’s arm while she is doing bicep curls. Julia is drawing and singing along to the movie. “You two took your time. Were there any other problems?” Caly asks tilting her eyes up to me the best she can without disturbing the tiny artist on her back. I lean down to kiss both their heads. “Nope,” I tickle Atlas’s exposed belly and catch him as he drops from Terri’s arm. I kiss his crown and he squirms as he laughs harder as I make him switch to her other arm. I sit in the chair closest to Caly. “I think we finally got through to them,” Tucker says cheekily. I wonder if he will tell her I spoke up. “So, are we going back to work today, or are we taking today off?” Tucker says, clearly already planning to do anything besides actually working. “We should get back to the Council files,” Caly says begrudgingly, I can hear the sadness in her voice, she’s not in the right headspace for that. “Coulda, shoulda, woulda. It’s Saturday, Miss Perfect, we should hit up Glossy,” Tucker rubs his palms like an evil villain. “We missed bonfire last night for a Mating Ball that brought about no Mating. What a waste!” He’s so dramatic. “Uggh, I’m too tired for that,” Caly lays her head down on her hands. “I’m down, so that means we are going,” says Terr. “Little Mama, you go have a nap while I take the pups Tree climbing.” “How am I supposed to get to sleep if you’re off doing dangerous stuff with my kids?” I can practically hear Caly’s eyes rolling. “I meant climbing all over Beta Tree, that way Aggie can curl my hair for tonight. I’ll even find you some club clothes,” Terr shoots me and Tucker a wink, knowing Caly’s idea of evening wear is the polar opposite of Terri’s. She’s just riling her up for the fun of it. “NO. I will go, but I’m not wearing anything you have pulled out of Aggie’s closet. Not happening.” Caly says sternly, Terr’s smile is all pearly whites and as wide as the Cheshire cat’s grin. “Can I go to?” Julia sits up with a sparkle in her eye. What? She hates crowds, well mostly she hates people in general, and she never wants to go anywhere. “You wanna go? To a bar? For real?” Guess Terr is as surprised as I am, but Julia nods eagerly. “I guess we have enough heavyweight fighters to keep an eye on you.” Julia starts jamming her art supplies back into her backpack. “Hold up, we aren’t leaving ‘til the pups are in dreamland, to make it easier for Luna Kat to babysit.” “I know, I just wanted to go get ready with you and Aggie. I want to try a new look.” “Ooooo-kaaayyy. Sure.” Terr shrugs her shoulders our way, I shrug right back. I don’t know what has gotten into Julia, but I think we should just roll with it. “Terr, you’re the one always bitchin’ how she’s young and should be doing girly stuff and enjoying life. Let her go with you, maybe hit up the mall. I’m sure you have stolen one of my credit cards for emergencies such as this.” I tell her, then mind-link, ‘Pick up something for my Little Mate, tastefully short of course. In red, preferably.’ ‘Sure thing, Boss,’ she says slyly. “Get your shoes and coats, Puppers!” she tells my two squealing pups. I smirk. Caly never thinks of herself as a sexy Mama, but she is, and Terr knows how to push Caly’s idea of appropriate attire in ways that benefit my view. I didn’t get to help my Luna out of last night’s tight lace dress, but I won’t miss out on tonight’s opportunity. Especially since I have been sitting here checking out her ass as she lays on the floor in that tight pencil skirt. When the kids are out of the room I lean down and slap that round @ss. As she gets up in her hands and knees to glare at me, I hoist her up and over my shoulder. “Stavros!” “Time for me to tuck you into bed for that nap,” I chuckle as she pretends to protest all the way up the stairs that someone might see us, but she doesn’t even try to wiggle out of my arms. She’s too busy running her hands along my back, feeling the muscles before pinching my ass. She wants me, bad.
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