Part 24

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Caly’s POV I watch as Julia confronts her ex-Mate, gawking along with just about everyone in the club tonight. She’s acting completely out of character; angry, combative and obnoxiously loud. It’s her right to be p*ssed, and I am all for it. At first, I see no reason to interfere, but I can’t mind my own business when she pulls him from his footing and her wolf comes forward. The Pack circles the wagons around her in case his wolf comes forward too.  “ can shift? You said you couldn’t!” Erik looks at Julia like she has done something dastardly by finding her connection to her physical wolf. My eyes narrowed at him, he should be bl*ody well be happy for her. “You’re thick in the head Hunter, I couldn’t before the rejection, this is now!" She hotly reacts to his accusation. “How are you not in pain? I felt my chest cave in, it was excruciating! I’m still hurting! My wolf has been screaming at me all day, and when he gets tired of b*tching at me, he ignores me entirely.” I'm not sure if this is another accusation or if he truly believes she should be suffering more than him because she is the female s*x, so I give him my unamused Mom look. “I was in pain. It was horrible and shifting for the first time didn't help. I feel fine now and my new version of my wolf isn’t bound to you. I’m glad your wolf has some common sense, it’s too bad you didn't listen to your inner voice, instead, you let that @sshole behind you to make decisions for you.” She juts her chin out in the direction of that fool who encouraged last night’s nonsense.  “Julia, that c*cky prick isn’t the only one whispering in his ear,” Stavros chimes in, glaring the young man down with volcanic amounts of Alpha aura.  “I saw your Alpha berating you after the meeting. Answer me, did Aaron f*cking tell you about Julia? Did he tell you to do whatever it takes to convince her to go back to Silvermoon?” Erik shrivels under Stav’s command, even if Aaron commanded him to keep his trap shut, he is forced to blurt out the truth to a much more d*minant male. “Yes, okay!  My Alpha said you were gifted and he wants you back. But that isn’t why I’m here. I’m still drawn to you, Julia. You say you can’t feel the sparks, well I can. They are faint but they are there. I know I f*cked up! Please just give me a chance to talk to you. Alone!” He’s looking between Terri and Conner, who look absolutely murderous before he winces as he looks at Stav.  Julia seems to be contemplating Erik’s plea. I nudge into her head to offer my support, wanting to get to her before Terri offers to kill him as a way of offering relationship advice. ‘Do what you feel is right, Julia. There is no perfect answer, and the choice is yours. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks about your Bond.’ She simply nods her head, acknowledging me. “I am not ready to talk to you. I’m too angry and my wolf wants to sink her claws into you. You can tell Alpha Aaron, that I cannot seek anything for him with my new wolf. I am not returning to Silvermoon, that’s never going to happen.” Julia tries to shake his hand off of her arm like he’s burning her with his touch. “I can give you some time. Anything you need. Can you at least give me your phone number so I can call you? Please?” Erik desperately clings onto her arm. “Yeah, I don’t think so. You should have worried about the needs of your Mate when you found me. I can’t deal right now…Please just go,” Julia’s sad expression tells me she’s a lot less confident in her decision right now. Maybe she feels that she is no longer ‘gifted’ or special in the eyes of others. She’s more than just some label the Council gave her, and it's far too early for her to know anything for certain. I mean I was never supposed to survive the next Moon after I battled my Father. The Council assumed I wouldn't be able to use my energy again after the birth of my pups. 'You are correct. If the divine wants her to seek something, she will be shown the way to find it. Mother Moon has always worked in mysterious ways.' Athena says cryptically.  I think to myself that I need to help her through this, just as my hands heat up with a staticky tingle. I smile to myself, knowing the Goddess has once again has graced me with her gift.  I look up and I see Erik as he thumps his chest with his fist, as if he’s trying to dislodge the pain that resides there. There's a faraway look in his eyes and I think I see a flash of red in them, but it might be a trick of the stained glass and moving lights. He might need help too, much to my chagrin. I reach for their joined hands, taking them each by the wrist. Julia shows no sign that my energy is affecting her, but she smiles before heading over to Tucker and taking a seat. The young male looks panicked and his eyes widen cartoonishly when he feels my energy seep beneath his skin.  “Take a few deep breaths and try to calm your racing heart,” I lean towards his ear and tell him in a hushed whisper as I demonstrate what I need him to do. “I know you are both hurting, but she isn’t ready to deal with you right now. If your intentions are to get her back, you need to do what’s best for her and give her some space. Use your time wisely and figure out how you can prove to her you have learned from your mistakes and make it up to her.” Terri gives me a nasty side-eye for trying to help someone who she already thinks of as the enemy.  “You’re pro-Mate! Can’t you talk to her for me?” He practically begs me. “I will talk to her, but I intend to tell her to follow her heart. It’s your job to convince her, not mine.” I release his hand, I still have some energy running through me, but I have given him enough. It’s up to him now to make this right. I turn my back to them as Stav led me away from the dance floor. “What did she do to you?” I hear the jerk from the mall ask Erik, his voice carrying over the loud dance beat blaring from all directions of the club. “I think she tried to help mend my broken heart,” Erik says, making me realize they were talking about me and not Julia. ‘You were too f*cking kind to him, my Queen. I wanted to see some real suffering,’ Terri mind-links as she and Conner came to flank me, as a highly unnecessary entourage. ‘Just say the word and I can let my knife do the talking…’ ‘We need to support Julia, not kill her Mate.’ Terri has yet to learn not every problem can be solved with her knife or the threat of violence. ‘Former Mate,’ she stresses. 'You want her to get back with him after what he did?' "I'm not picking sides, Theressa, I only want Julia's happiness. I just happen to believe the Goddess doesn't make mistakes, even if your friends and family don’t agree with the pairing," I say aloud as I flop down onto the kidney-shaped couch.  "Maybe she does make mistakes. Maybe her intentions are good but sh*t like Fate is subject to change without notice?" Terri huffs at me. "I used to think anyone stuck with Stab for a Mate was going to be an 11 on the batshit crazy scale or dumb as a box of rocks, but she gave him you! That had to be a mistake!"  Stavros growls at Terri for her insolence before looking sadly at me. "Terr’s right, you might have been a good match for me but the Goddess really should have given someone as gifted as you to someone better than me." I frown at my silly Mate. "Stop that! Don't think that way. I am glad she gave me to you, Stavros. I was always meant to be yours." He pulls me into his lap and nuzzles his nose into my neck to scent me. I press my hand to his chest and use what energy is left in me to literally warm his heart. His chest rumbles, a sure sign Zeus is happy to be holding me. Zeus is a closeted softy. We murmur 'I love you's' through our link. Around the couch, the air becomes tense, sucking the life out of any fun we had been having. It's slightly after 1 am, but we won't be closing down the bar tonight. Since no one wants to be the first to speak, I offer my suggestion, "Are we ready to call it a night?" Stav’s eyes flash to his dark blues, Zeus eager to hit a bedroom of any kind to have his way with me. "Yep," Tucker enunciated the 'P' with a pop and waved at the she-wolf who carries the room keycards. She saunters over, silently making him an offer with her swaying hips and bedroom eyes, Tuck shakes his head 'no'. I wonder what that's about? It's not like Tucker to turn down a piece of tail. She sticks out her bottom lip in a cute pout, but hands over the plastic without a word. Terri offers to take a double room with Julia in case "Loser ex-Mates show up." "I'll do you one better, Terri. I'll mind-link reception and give the names of everyone in his posse. If they try to stay the night they will find the Hills Hotel is booked solid," Tucker says with his signature smirk. "They aren't exactly the clientele we want to attract, even if their parents are loaded." ***** I wake early as Stav is used to being up at the @sscrack of dawn. Even with a long round of steamy shower activities, it's just after 7 am when there's a knock at our door, I hustle to answer it in only my hotel robe. I check the peephole and see Terri is dressed in her black leathers, skin-tight pants, coat and high-heeled boots, and a red tank top.  She looks ready to hit a biker bar for morning beers, not a fancy hotel with mimosas to go with Sunday brunch. That's alright, we will just head back to Luna Anne’s and have breakfast with the pups. The good news is Terri has brought up my overnight bag and a dry cleaner bag with a suit for Stav.  I unbolt the door for her. "I doubt Stav needs a suit for today." I packed casual clothes, I was looking forward to jeans and a sweater for the trip home. "Where is Julia?" "F*cker Tucker escorted her to the dining room for me. He said you should wear a dress. His 'Rents are bringing the pups and grandparents." Crap, now I have to dress up. "Wait! What about car seats?" I say worriedly. Yes, wolf pups are larger than humans, but mine still need boosters. I hope this isn’t one of those 'let's sneak out and don't tell Mummy' things. "Don't know. Luna Anne probably borrowed someone's. This isn't a two-minute drive on private territory roads, and you overreacted last time, Grampy D won't do that again," she shrugs. "Now, get dressed or I'll do it for you." Stab finds his things in my bag and takes the suit. He goes into the bathroom to change, muttering to Terri, "Don't be ogling my Mate!" While she gives her sweet and innocent (and incredibly fake) look. Even after Stav leaves she's still trying that fake look on me. Even if she was planning on ogling me, she wouldn't see the problem with it. I squint my eyes at her until she looks away. "I know your stance on nudity, so why the guilty face? What did you do?" I ask as I get dressed. You can never underestimate Terri's actions, she’s too wild and uninhibited. "And don't say 'nothing', I won't believe you." She snorts out a breath from her nose like a p*ssed of bull. "That kid tried getting to Jules last night. He slipped a note under our door at 2:30 when the bar closed." "What did it say, and does Julia know?" "Blah blah, bullsh*t bullsh*t and his phone number. And NO, she doesn't, because I burned it." I narrow my gaze. "Give me his number," I tell her sternly. "I told you, I burned the paper," she says haughtily. That might work on someone else, but not me. "Mmhmm. I bet you did, but there's no way in hell you didn't program it into your phone or something, knowledge is power, isn’t that right, Theressa?" She snorts and recites the number she has memorized and I add it to my phone. I plan on making sure she hasn't hacked into Julia’s phone to block his calls after we eat breakfast. “Quit your interfering. Last warning.” The three of us walk down Tucker’s private dining room together. He’s dressed in an impeccably tailored designer suit. Must be because his Mother is joining us. I’m suddenly glad I packed a backup outfit, or I would feel horribly underdressed. “Why are we all dressed up for the buffet?” I say sarcastically.  “Hmmph. Did you not read this month’s issue of Werewolf Style? The Hills Hotel was the centrefold article. We were voted best Sunday brunch,” Tucker drawls out with an eye-roll. He just so happens to have a copy sitting on the buffet that he tosses down the table at me. “Hmm. Is this a magazine that is published by Blackheart Media?” I ask coyly, even though I don’t read the mag, I know this is one of his businesses, he’s just tooting his own horn. I open to the center photo and see Tucker standing with a chef dressed in blindingly bright white uniform and the classic tall chef’s hat with the poofy top. I read the tagline, this man has a Michelin Star. Okay, now I’m impressed. “You can keep that copy. It’s about all the best restaurants in wolf country. I know how much you love food. Mother was over the Moon with excitement. She was bringing Kat and Darius here this weekend anyway. She even booked the Mom van for the whole day.” “Mom van?” “It’s a huge, limited edition, eight-seater. Even has built-in car seats for pups out of the forward-facing seats.  Mom put one of those baby ones in any way and we lend it out to anyone who might need to take their pups anywhere, but doesn’t have car seats or a car.” “That’s a good idea. Stav can I buy a minivan?” I shift my gaze to my husband. He snorts laughing, “Are you going to actually drive it? Or is this one of those ‘I desperately want something for the Pack but tell you it’s for me so my Alpha buys it without question?’ kinda deals?” My Mate knows me too well. “Caly hates driving. Let me guess, she hasn’t driven since college, when she was a designated driver for some frat party Jase and I attended?” Tucker joins in the mirth. s**t, he was right though, I probably haven’t driven in more than four years, I just renew my license just in case. “I don’t hate driving, I just happen to be directionally challenged, and navigating dirt paths through the woods to hidden territory entrances in the dark just to get a few drunks home safely is horrible. Besides, I never go anywhere alone, and all my guards are Macho and want to drive themselves, even Theressa. Why would I drive when I don’t have to, and it would likely irritate whoever I’m with? That is beside the point, this is a good idea! Lots of folks in our pack don’t have their own transportation. Ryan doesn’t have a car and the baby will be here any day! What if he wants to visit Tabi’s family? Why buy a car seat for one trip?” “Ryan is a top warrior and makes a good salary that he can afford a car, but most of our Pack doesn’t leave home enough to warrant their own car. Ryan just borrows one of the work trucks.” “You mean the ones with weapons stashed in the back? Hardly safe for a small child, Stavros.” “Fine.” He finally concedes. Isn't it me that is supposed to say that? “Don’t be like that, My One and Only.” I run my fingers through the back of his hair. ‘It’s going to cost you.’ he purrs in my head. I can just imagine what it will cost me, my horndog Mate. In case there was any doubt, he slides his hand up my skirt to rub my thigh. The door opens and our family arrives, my pups fly through the door to come to hug Mom and Dad. I notice my kids are wearing brand new sweaters, “What pretty shirts!” I say as Gramma Kat pretends she doesn’t hear me accuse her of spoiling them. I feel a gust of air that Terri has caused by running around the table, “Jules?!” Julia is shaking like a leaf, her whole body is trembling. “You need a coffee or something?” “It’s her wolf, her wolf is scared.” My daughter says wide-eyed. “Mumma, your hands are hot,” she says in the next breath as she wiggles out of my grip just as a sharp jolt of energy jumps up my arm painfully. Energy again? I went from a handful of times in three years to 3 times in 3 days. What the hell is going on? “Pups! Let’s go to the Tuck Shop, the hotel sells every flavour of chips imaginable!” Luna Anne easily distracts my kids, each Luna lifting a child to their hip and quickly leaving the room. “Julia, what’s the matter?” I ask softly as I pat her arm. She snaps her head in my direction and grabs my hand with both of hers, drawing vast amounts of energy until my pain is relieved. Her eyes flash bright green like strobe lights. “Julia!” I say a bit forcefully to grab her attention. “No! I can’t lose her!” she cries out frantically. “Lose who? Tell me so I can help.” “My wolf. I feel like I’m seeking something! I don’t wanna lose my real wolf!” ‘She isn’t going to lose her wolf. Help her calm down so I can think!’ Athena says as she paces my brain, feeding off the second-hand nervousness. “Julia, I know you haven't had a normal relationship with your wolf, but I am telling you that you should always trust her instincts. What is she saying to you?” “No, I’ll lose her.” Her wail is heartbreaking. “Julia, look at me. Your wolf is still with you. Try to grow out your claws.” I don’t want her shifting in the middle of this tight dining room, but maybe it will be enough to prove to her that she can still call on her wolf. Unfortunately, I didn’t specify not to grow her claws into my arm which she’s still gripping. I hiss and she immediately pulls them back.  Well, at least she is focused on something other than freaking out. “See! You can still shift. What does your wolf need you to do?” “The Elder!” She zooms towards Darryl snatching his briefcase and slamming it onto the table. With shaking hands, she holds them over the case like she is feeling what is within. She closes her eyes to focus, I can see her eyeballs flicking side to side beneath her lids. “What is in the case, Elder Darryl?” I ask curiously. “The paper files we were working on the other day, they still need to be scanned and shredded.” “Better wait on that,” Terri says. Julia’s eyes open, the bright green glow steady now. “Someone is Seeking.” Terri’s phone is in her hand, ready to write whatever Sage has to say. “The Collector. Seeking family. Foreseeing the All-Mother. They are coming for us.”
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