Part 9

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Theressa’s POV My Queen was distraught. I could hear her crying when I followed her to the bathroom, so I headed back to the boardroom and emailed the files she had gotten so worked up over to me. Her Mama's file, I should have known. I needed to find a workaround fast before our Luna ended up rocking and crying in a corner permanently. That Pack history thing was going to be a b***h but I already had a plan to delegate most of it to Tabi. We didn't have time to get a history lesson from each Pack individually, nor do I want Caly calling them all up and charming the pants off them, it would take forever. If Caly was in charge she wouldn't only go back the forty years we needed, she would end up working on 200 years, or 2000, or the dawning of freakin' time. The easiest way was to have Caly write a sweet as sugar email requesting the previous Alphas and Pack names and blast email it out. Arrogant Alphas loved bragging about how long their family dynasty is or how they conquered some lesser family and/or Pack to overcompensate for their wee little d*cks. Tabi can compile the info, from her forced bed rest. She was dying of boredom anyway while she waited it evict that pup she was housing. "Elder D, is Micah at the Packhouse or the Council chambers?" I was going to need a hand with some sketchy stuff, and I liked Micah, he still had plenty of low-life friends. Sure Jase still works for the Council, but he’s too straight-laced to have any seedy connections. And I personally can't stand him. Sorry, not sorry, to my Queen. Athena was right, he's a blasted Squirrel who can't admit I'm twice the man he is. "Packhouse. Why? What trouble are you planning to drag him into now?" Elder D gives me a suspicious glare. "If you need help, why don't you call Jase?" “Mr. Goody Two-Shoes ain’t got what I need. Do you got any idea what WIC stands for?” I ask casually, but I watch his face for any sign of recognition. I don’t care if he’s F*cker Tucker’s Daddy, he’s still Elders Council and the only person that I trust that works there is me. Okay, maybe I trust Heavy D, too. Alpha Darius has always been good to my Luna, even before she became a hot commodity. “None, I’m afraid.” Darryl looks contrite, so I’ll give him a pass. “Can I run a search for the term WIC on your computer? Then I’m going to make a few calls.” “Whatever you need, Theressa.” I set up the search, and then I grab my backpack to head to another empty room. I lock the door and scan for bugs before I pull out my ‘working phone’.  “Frederick’s Security,” A sharp, deep voice barks into the phone, and a familiar shiver runs down my spine. It’s been a while since I’ve had someone in my life, I must be getting desperate. It’s been a long time since I was even remotely attracted to the male species, and Fry was the last one. That male taught me about tracking, tech and all my sneaky skills. He taught me about life, and myself. I admit I had feelings for him when I was a teen and damn that wolf knew what he was doing to my body. It’s was a bummer we weren’t Mates, but we had a lot of fun for while. Then he met his Mate and that was the end of that. Story of my life, really. I started to explore more options, and since then it’s only been ladies that piqued my interest. “Your voice is still sexy as ever,” I say to put a smile on his face. Never throw away a contact, never burn bridges unless you plan on killing them. Fry taught me that. “Pitbull Terrier, I haven’t heard from you in months! What are you up to?” He relaxes and starts the conversation. “Working something for the EC,” I say straight up. “This isn’t one of their phones is it?” I can hear the edge creeping into his voice. “Nope, I know better than that. I never forget the things you taught me.” I’ll never forget you, I think to myself. I take a deep breath, “You ever heard of WIC - Whiskey India Charlie.” I spell it out for him, army phonetic style. “Don’t throw your hat in the ring with them. If you need something specific, let me get it for you. You don’t need to go to them.” It sounds like he had to force the words out. “I just want info. Who are they?”  I hear Fry sigh, “Terrier, don’t bullsh*t me. I know you. I made you tenacious, but you need to let this one go.” “I can’t.” I say softly/ “You don’t owe the EC anything!” he snaps. “Just gimme a hint!” I know he’s damn angry, but my Luna needs answers. All those missing she-wolves need answers. “We’re Information Collective. It looks like the short form of ‘We are’ to any humans involved, but we know the truth. Mostly a network to find black market wares. I’m serious, Theressa, do not go to them, even if you need something from a witch or vamp, I still got connections.” Fry hasn’t called me by my full name in ten years. He’s dead serious. “I answered your question, now give me something, why are you doing this?” “I’m looking for some missing she-wolves.” “Not worth it, I’m sorry.” “Two hundred and six,” I state matter of factly. “What’s that?” “That’s how many missing she-wolves.” “F*cking hell, Terrier. You mean to tell me they sold 206 weres?” “You mean that WIC is trafficking werewolves?” I shriek, but I try to pull myself together quick, Fry would be mad I let my emotions get the best of me. “Not just run-of-the-mill stuff. They deal in curiosities and exceptionally rare goods. Max profits.” “These she-wolves have signs of having hidden talents or abilities.” “Now you’re talking. Like that Luna of yours?” “Yeah,” I say as my mouth goes dry. Granted, a few more people know of Caly’s gift these days, but it is not exactly common knowledge. Werewolves who had seen her in action were commanded to keep their mouths shut. I rub my temples, this sh*tshow just became a right royal headache. F*ck! I punch the office wall and only dent the drywall. It’s too late when I realize it’s cinderblock behind there, I suck on my bleeding knuckles. “I’ll prolly call you back later, Fry. Say hi to the wife and pups for me.” I cut the call. Tucker pops up at the door, “I heard a bang. Do I need to replace any furniture?” “I put a dent in the drywall.” I point to the impression of my fist. “Building code for a large building like this is all steel beams and concrete for stability and fire protection. If you fight the wall, the wall will win.” He’s got that patented c*cky smirk on his face. ‘We could punch him,’ my wolf tries to encourage me.  ‘Assault on an Alpha is bad news,’ I have to remind her. ‘Phooey!’ She huffs out. “I think Caly is spent for the day, it looks like she’s shutting down. Come help me convince her to head back to my parent’s place.”  That sounds good. ***** Stavros’s POV “Colin! What’s Aggie’s phone number? She’s too far away to mind-link,” I ask as soon as Colin gets off the phone to whichever i***t twin he’s talking to. “Whhhhyyy?” he stretches out the word. “What do you mean, why? I’m the Alpha and I want her phone number! I have a question.” It’s a simple question, why won’t he just answer me? “First off, you can look up her number on the computer. Secondly, your hair is fine, so why do you need her?" “If I tell you, you will just blab to Caly. I can’t have her thinking there’s an emergency at home and I can’t handle it.” “Having a bad hair day is hardly an emergency,” Colin has the audacity to laugh at me. “Atlas fixed his cow-lick with school glue. The Den Mother said she tried to wash it out but he screamed like a banshee and she gave up. Now it’s hardened with sand in it. I need professional help here!” “I’ll call her,” he laughs as he dials his phone. I can hear him talking to Aggie, trying to convince her to come to the packhouse. “Tell her the Alpha f*cking said so,” I grumble, I can hear her loudly objecting. I need this fixed before Caly video chats with the kids. “Aggie please, it’s an emergency, Caly is at Blue Moon’s bite for the next few days.” He hums a few bars of Blue Moon and says “Thanks” but I don’t hear her reply. “Is she coming?” I ask nervously. “She can’t. She went with Caly to Blue Moon. She said she could have talked Caly through it, but she doesn’t trust either of us to manage a delicate operation,” he says sardonically while he rolls his eyes. Sh*t, why didn’t I think of that. Aggie is unmated, but she has a boyfriend I guess you would call him, at BMB.  “She said she would discreetly call her roommate for us, and not let Caly know. Go collect the pups, I’ll wait here for her.” I head down the back stairs and head straight to the Den Mother’s. I can see the teen wolves working on their drills with Shane and Ryan out on the training field. They start pushing harder when they spot me. Good. The Den Mother makes a small frightened noise when she sees me. Old habits die hard, I guess. I deserve my bad reputation, but Caly would never forgive me if I used my Alpha voice in a room full of pups. I assure her that it’s not entirely her fault and I am not mad. We all know easily Atlas can get into trouble, even under supervision. I remember coming home from work one day to my tearful Mate. Atlas wasn’t no more than one year old. She was consoling my Princess in one arm and wiping down Atlas who was sitting at her feet. He had taken the tin of thick white cream you slather on diaper rash and managed to open it up. She was sitting right above him at the time and hadn’t noticed until it was too late. He had drawn all over his clothes, the bottom of the couch and the carpet with it. He had stuck his fingers in his mouth to see what it tasted like. Caly called the poison control hotline, and the nurse on the phone had put her on hold to laugh about it, but apparently, Atlas would be fine, only his poop would be a weird colour for a while.  Caroline had been away for the weekend with Colin, and I made the mistake of asking why she hadn’t mind-linked one of the nurses downstairs? She bawled all the louder and said she didn’t want the whole Pack to gossip about her being a terrible Mother and a ‘fail’ Luna. Okay, it might have made the gossip circles if it got out, I mean I thought it was funny, too. But I knew my Pack. They would never have said anything bad about Caly, they absolutely adore her.  I look at my boy. It’s worse than I imagined, and I tend to believe everything is a catastrophe until proven otherwise. It looks like a beanie was sitting on top of his head made out of hard sand. He watched me completely unconcerned about the state of his hair. “Bia tolds Attly not to use glue,” my daughter fretted. She was going to be a worrier like her Mother, and so was her imaginary friend. She put her tiny fists on her hips and shook her head in disappointment at him. That move was pure Terri. “Let’s you get home. Aggie’s friend from the salon is coming over to help fix this.” I grabbed one pup in each arm and headed back to my apartment.  I won’t let Atlas go play, I take him and drop him into the empty bathtub in my room. I direct him to close his eyes and pretend he is shaking out his fur, and a fair bit flies loose I can hear it hit hitting the bottom of the tub. I carefully pick through what I can while I wait. I accidentally tug his hair and he covers his head with his arms. “Little Dude, what did you do to your hair?” an Omega I don’t recall appears with her tool kit full of beauty crap. She starts pulling out some cotton pads, nail polish remover and an extremely fine metal comb. What the F*ck is she going to do with all that. “I glued it.” He says simply, not a care in the world. “You’ve got a plan, I hope,” says Colin as he folds his arms and leans against the door to watch. “I would shave it all off, but Caly might notice that,” he says smugly. “Ya think?” I shoot out at him. He’s not being helpful at all. “Yep, the acetone will dissolve the glue and the nit comb will help me drag the guck out of his hair. Maybe a hot oil treatment after,” she says out loud, then mind-links me, ‘He’s going to squirm. You need to be ready to hold his arms.’ She soaks the cotton pads and holds them to small patches, so it doesn’t irritate the scalp. She talks to him and Carrissa making them giggle, trying to distract him when it pulls. My daughter holds her little Brother’s hand the whole time. “Bia tolds Attly not to use glue,” she says again. “Oh? Is Bia a Den Mother’s helper?” The Omega asks. “Nope. She’s in me,” Carrissa says nonchalantly. The hairdresser raises her eyebrow at me, questioningly. ‘Imaginary friend,’ I mind-link her. Carissa doesn’t like to hear that Bia is a figment of her imagination. ‘You sure about that?’ she responds, but I don’t want to get into this argument again, so I say nothing. My Little Mate thinks we should already be concerned with Carrissa’s insistence that Bia is real. De-glueing the pup takes less time than I thought. “Alright Alpha, now for the hard part. You need to wash his hair and make sure you use conditioner. If his hair seems dried out, tell Luna Caly to use her leave-in conditioner on him for a few days.” Great. “Let’s let Alpha help your brother wash up. I think I have a pretty clip perfect for such a good helper.” She says and Carrissa excitedly follows her out to the living room.  “Well, I’m out,” says Colin. “Coward.” I have to convince Atlas to have a shower since the tub is a sandbox. I know I can’t send him in there without getting soaked, so I strip down to my boxers and get in with him. I stand him up on the bench and wait for the screaming to commence. He only squawked a little bit, when I went to put the conditioner on, he didn’t want me to wash it twice.  I rinse him and wrap us both in towels.  Colin must have put Atlas’s pyjamas on the bed for me, knowing he would have no shame and would run through the house naked no matter who might still be here. The she-wolf was already gone, and Carrissa had a glittery butterfly clip holding up half her hair in little twists. We had finished dinner just in time for Caly to video call. She looked tired and stressed. More than that, she must have had an emotional day. I watch her talk with the kids, and it helps brighten up her day. I decide me and the pups are leaving after work tomorrow night. She needs me there. Everyone else can wait until Friday. I was so intently watching her face for signs, I missed when Carrissa dropped the truth bomb that her new clip came from the hairdresser. Caly groaned and asked what Atlas had gotten into. I blew most of it off like it was no big deal.  “I’ll call you back once I get the kids into bed, okay?” I tell Caly. “You don’t have to, Stavros. I’m fine,” she said her words without any conviction.  “I want to. I love you.” We had snacks and storytime. I kissed them and tucked them into bed. I waited a while to make sure they were sleeping. I didn’t want to have any interruptions. I got ready to call my Mate back. I had an idea how to help her relieve all that stress, something I knew she would never do for herself. I stripped off and got into bed under the covers before I hit dial. “Hello My One and Only,” she says tiredly into the phone. “Are you in bed already?” She notices my surroundings. “Yes. You look like you should be in bed, too. Lock your bedroom door and get on the bed.” “Why?” Her eyes go wide with shock. “I ask the questions, Little Mate. Bed. Now.” I know I can’t command her, but she’s forgotten the rules.  “Yes, Alpha,” a sultry voice responds and I see her eyes flash black, Athena heard me loud and clear. She sits on the edge of the bed and slips off her shoes. “Start getting undressed. I want you in your bra and panties, kneeling on the bed. Put your phone against the headboard so I can watch you.” “Stavros! I’m not doing that. I…” Caly’s eyes slip away and Athena seductively starts unbuttoning her blouse. She gives an extra wiggle to her hips as she slides her skirt slowly down her thighs. “Are you going to let Caly at least watch?” I ask her wolf. I want my Mate to be aware, but I know Athena takes control and doesn’t mind shutting Caly out. “You know I’m more fun than Babe is,” she purrs. “Now how is she ever going to learn to play if we don’t show her?” “Yes, Alpha.” I see hazel eyes flash for a split second. “Good, I’m going to help you work all the stress out of your sweet body. I want you to imagine all the things you want me to do you. Pretend you can feel me touching you. Where would I touch you first?” Her eyes are half-lidded with desire, “My lips, Alpha.” She brings a hand to her mouth and pinches her bottom lip roughly and gives it a tug, just like I do when I nip at her. “Good Girl.”
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