Chapter 2 Don't Be Shy

1022 Words
Knowing that his gaffe would go viral on the Internet, Norman blushed and struggled to his feet and fled! And just then there was a flood of screaming behind him! "My goodness, his skin is so smooth and taut. " "Did you see his abs? I bet Norman has the most symmetrical figure under the sun!" "He's really my type. I am sure he is the sexiest man alive. " "What a lovely runner, even though he's shirtless. " "I'm utterly in love. I'm in heaven." Where Norman passed, there were girls screaming for him. Some girls were so excited that they felt like their hearts were going to miss beats. Followed by these female fans who obsessed over him to a frightening or perverse degree, Norman was eager to look for an exit when a red Ferrari suddenly stopped in front of him. "Get in the car! Now! " The window was rolled down and Emma was waving desperately at Norman. Looking back at the frenzied journalists and fans, Norman dared not think about it and hurriedly got into the Ferrari. Emma drove all the way to her private villa. Norman's dangling heart was finally relieved. Before he could catch his breath, Norman's cell phone rang. It was from his father, Baron Levine. Norman pressed the answer button with trembling hands. No one could understand his excitement! It had been years since he had received that call! "Hello, dad, it’s me. " Cried Norman hoarsely. Tears welled up in his eyes.   "Norman, are you all right? Your mom and I saw you on TV just now. " At the sound of his father's concerned voice, Norman burst into tears. Men only wept when deeply grieved. Norman could no longer hold back his emotions. He would never forget the year when he was thirty. He had no money to pay for his father's operation, his father died. "Dad, I'm fine. How are you? " Norman asked, almost choking on his words. He was afraid it was only a dream. "What nonsense are you talking about, you silly boy? " "Your father and I are fine!" Just then, the voice at the other end of the line changed into a soft female voice. It was his mom, Mary. Norman could no longer contain his emotions and cried out, "Mom!" "Hey, stop howling. Have you lost your mind? " His mom chided, but with concern in her tone. "Promise me that you won't become one of those useless, good-for-nothing gigolos. "   "Your mom is right, you have to work and live with your true flair. "   "All right, I got it. " Norman nodded desperately with tears in his eyes. "If anything happens to you, just call me, okay?" "You've got to protect yourself, my dear son. Do you understand?" "Beware of pretty girls; they may cheat. Don't be fooled by them. If you get a girlfriend, you can take her home, okay?" Norman couldn't seem to get enough of his parents' nagging. He enjoyed this moment of affection between family members. After about half an hour, he finally hung up the phone. Only then did Norman begin to understand what was happening to him. He was reborn, or more accurately, he got a "do-over", a second shot at life.    He returned to a world much like his old one, where he was only 20 years old, his parents were still alive, and his sister was in high school. But the most important thing was, he changed from an ugly man to the most handsome man in the world! Now his face was the moneymaker. But Norman would not be a kept man. He swore to make his family live the happiest life in this new world and make his sister be a carefree princess! Just then Norman noticed a pair of eyes staring up at him. The way Emma kept her eyes fixed was absolutely adorable. "Ah!" As his mind wandered, he was so startled that he almost fell over when he saw Emma. "What are you doing here? " Norman asked, alarmed. He didn't even notice that Emma was next to him just now. "This is my house. I take you here." "Well, I…" He was lost in words. His muscles started to get tight, his neck strained, and his jaw clenched. "Oh, look at you! What a stud." Emma pouted "No, please, no! I'm not who you think I am." Norman was so frightened that he picked up a pillow, covered himself with it, and said nervously. "Ooh, come on, don't be shy. You’re going to love it." "Now everyone in Boston knows you're my man!" "What? Do you think you have a chance to get away?" Unexpectedly, Emma approached Norman little by little and finally pushed him against the wall. In a flurry, Norman seemed to touch the TV remote control and caught the latest news. A pretty anchorwoman on the TV said in a somewhat hoarse voice, her eyes red. It was evident that she was repressing a great deal of grief. "Norman Levine ran naked from Copley Hotel, got into the sports car of Miss Emma Stewart, and drove away. What do the people of Boston think about this?" And then she handed it to a cute little girl in a princess dress. The little girl, her face still streaked with tears and her lips pursed, looked as if she had just cried. "I don't believe brother Norman likes that ill-favored woman!" "She had nothing but her stupid wealth." "Emma, let him go, or you're an enemy of all!" Seeing that the little girl was so excited, the anchorwoman hurriedly handed the microphone to another white-haired granny who seemed to be in her seventies and eighties. The old woman was undulating in her chest and the wrinkles on her face shook. "He's sensationally good-looking! I even feel suicidal when I hear that he has been defiled by another woman! Oh, what a pity!" As soon as the old woman had finished speaking, she foamed at the mouth. She seemed to have fainted.  
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