Chapter 5 Mother-In-Law

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Norman was overwhelmed by the sudden questioning. He was trying to figure out how to answer Emma's father. Should he say he's Emma's friend? But Emma was aloof by nature and had few friends. All her friends were on intimate terms with her. Would his parents not know such a friend? Should he say he's Emma's boyfriend? That didn't sound like a good idea. If he admitted directly that he was her boyfriend, she would reasonably mess with him in various ways in the future. Well, forget it. "Get out of the car!" Frank became more suspicious when he saw that the man in the car did not answer for a long time. Frank thought Norman looked delicate and had nothing to do with manliness. He was either a car thief or a kept man.   At the thought, Frank's face darkened a little. Norman quickly took off his seat belt and got out of the car. "Why are you in my daughter's car? What do you want?" Mrs. Stewart, who had been sitting in the car, could not help herself when she heard the conversation. "What? Who tried to set his mind on my daughter? May I warn you, my daughter is…" But in the middle of her sentence, she saw a handsome man standing in front of her. Although Mrs. Stewart had seen a lot of people, this was the first time she had seen a handsome guy like Norman. Well, she thought this was the kind of cute guy to match her baby girl. "Hey there! Nice to meet you. " Mrs. Stewart looked at Norman with a smile and a nod of satisfaction. While Mrs. Stewart admired Norman, Lily pulled her brother aside. "You didn't steal this car, did you?" Lily was afraid that his brother would go astray. "I told you, no." "Everything will be all right. We can't do anything that violates the law and discipline!" Norman flicked her sister's forehead. "What are you talking about? You can rest assured that there is no more law-abiding honest person in the world than I am." "Hey, what's your name? Where are you from? What do you do? How many people are there in your family?" "This little girl next to you isn't your girlfriend, is she?" Norman was bombarded with questions. He couldn't help but sigh that like daughter, like mother. Emma and her mom shared the habit of making sensational remarks "Hello, Mrs. Stewart. I'm Emma's friend. My name's Norman." "This is my sister, Lily." He pointed at Lily who was standing beside him. When Mrs. Stewart heard that the girl was not Norman's girlfriend, she smiled even wider. "Here is the thing. I borrowed the car from your daughter because of an emergency, and I'm going to return it now." "Emma's friend? Why haven't I seen you before?" Frank was dubious. "Hey, Frank, why are you talking to our daughter's boyfriend that way?" Mrs. Stewart simply ignored the fact that he was Emma's good friend. He was now her preferred son-in-law. "He is such a gift to our daughter. Don't you scare him away!" "With our daughter's hot temper, she is lucky to find such a cute guy."   Mrs. Stewart grew more and more excited as she spoke, fearing that the next moment Norman would be scared away by Emma's father's stony face. After all, he was also the boss of the group. Being scolded by his wife in front of outsiders made Frank feel embarrassed. He just wanted to get away. "Aren't you returning the car? Come on, come with us." Frank said impatiently. "Oh, oh, okay, after you, Mr. Stewart." Norman also wanted to get out of this awkward situation, so he offered to open the door for Frank and asked him to get in the car. Frank's car was driving in front, and he and his sister were driving behind in Emma's Ferrari. "When did you find me such a rich sister-in-law?" "Don't talk nonsense. You don't have a sister-in-law." Norman was scared into a cold sweat by the self-styled mother-in-law. Oh, my God! It would be a disaster if she really became his mother-in-law. Emma was definitely her own daughter. Before Norman could recover, a phone call disturbed his mind. Caller ID: Gina, Regal Entertainment. Regal Entertainment would be the company he signed to now. Is she calling about work? Norman thought as he pressed the answer button. "Norman, how dare you ignore what I say?" Norman was confused. What's going on? "How did you run naked from the hotel? Who permitted you to appear in public?" "As an entertainer, shouldn't I be in the public eye? How am I going to make money for the company if you hide me?" Norman was puzzled by the woman. Although he had never been a star in his previous life, at least he had a basic understanding of this profession. The leaders of the entertainment company always think that the artists they signed have no chance to show their faces, so they try every means to fight for all kinds of opportunities to let the artists show their faces so as to increase their popularity. Why was the company treating him like this? "You just can't." "Why?" "You still have my word. As long as you promised to be my man, your life or career will prosper forever." "If you are as ignorant as you are now, then you can only get out of show business once and for all. It's your choice. " Gina felt the need to remind him again. After all, it was hardly possible to find another handsome man like him, and she wanted Norman to be owned by herself. Norman got it a little bit. Gina must have taken a fancy to him. His mind was racing in vain to find evidence from the fragments of his memory that would confirm his guess. "What happened?" Lily glanced at his brother. Seeing the solemnity on his face, she couldn't help asking. "The girl who just spoke is your sister, isn't she?" As if she had found something new, Gina became interested in talking to Norman again. "She ought to be good-looking, too, like you. It would be a pity if anything happened to her, like a cut on her face or something." "Gina, what's the problem with you? You're a manager and I'm nobody. Why are you putting me on the spot?" "Don't play dumb with me. Either give me what I want or pack up and go. It's up to you!" "Oh, by the way, if you go on behaving like this, next time I'll get someone to visit your mom and dad." "I know your address. And I hear your family business is not doing very well lately?" "As long as you promise to come and stay with me tonight, I will help you through." "I'll send you the address later. I'll wait for you till twelve o 'clock. It's your call."
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