Wrong move

1498 Words
Madison POV Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or at least that’s what Madison had thought when she had moved out of the suite she and Nathan shared. At first, he had been very apologetic and had sought her out at every turn. “Maddie, can we talk, please?” Nathan had been waiting for her in the foyer as she stepped out of the elevator. Madison looked up at him. The desperate look in his eyes had her agreeing as he took her hand into his and led her to his office. “Maddie, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that I forgot our date and that you had to see me with Lauren. I promise you, it really wasn’t what it looked like. I just need a little more time to sort this out. I would never be unfaithful to you, Madison. I hope you know that.” Madison stared into his eyes for a few seconds. She couldn’t deny that the thought had crossed her mind, but she had quickly pushed it back down. She knew Nathan. He was a very loyal person. “I know.” Madison smiled at him. He stepped closer to her and caressed her cheek. “I missed you last night. It was so hard to sleep without you snuggled against me.” Nathan whispered, causing Madison to giggle. A smile appeared on his handsome face. “Really? Because I slept perfectly fine.” Madison threw her hair over her shoulder as she pretended to be indifferent. But she had a hard time suppressing her smile. “Oh, is that so?” Nathan chuckled, pulling her into his arms. Goddess, they had spent mere hours apart, but she had missed this. His embrace, his smile, everything about him. Madison licked her lips as her eyes moved from his lips to his eyes and back again. He smirked at her as his face got closer to hers. He was purposely moving painfully slow. Just when his lips were about to touch hers, the office door burst open. Nathan pulled away from Madison as though her touch had burned him. Well, that was a first. “Nathan, do you want to join me for…” Lauren asked in a sweet voice before it turned to an angry one. “Oh, I can see that you’re busy.” She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing out her breasts in the process. Madison rolled her eyes. She was clearly doing it on purpose, with the way she had dressed. “What did you want to ask?” Nathan stood up and made his way across the room. “I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me for the tour of the pack. Your father decided to show me around, and I thought…” Lauren trailed off as she glanced at Madison. “I thought that you might want to join me. It might give me ideas for my own pack.” She smiled at him. “Eum, yeah, sure. You don’t mind, do you?” He asked, turning to Madison. “Oh, so you do remember that I’m also here?” She wanted to yell at him, but she didn’t. She held her tongue. When she heard Lauren mentioning her own pack, her racing heart started slowing. Lauren seemed to be accepting the idea of leaving. That was a good thing. Right? When Madison didn’t answer, Lauren’s face turned somber. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to impose.” Her bottom lip started wobbling. “Hey, it’s okay.” Nathan placed a hand on Lauren’s shoulder as his voice turned soft. “Madison didn’t mean anything by it, did she?” Nathan spoke, turning to Madison. Madison arched an eyebrow at Nathan’s sudden concern for his fated mate. When she didn’t respond, Lauren started sniffling. “Madison,” Nathan warned. Madison had to swallow her anger at Nathan’s tone of voice. Who the hell did he think he was talking to? “No, it’s perfectly fine. Go ahead.” She stated with a dangerous glint in her eyes. “Have fun.” She added in a tone of voice that left no room for argument. “See, it’s fine.” Nathan pushed Lauren out of the office, leaving behind a dumbstruck Madison. Anger started bubbling inside of her. She was ready to move back to the suite and give Nathan some time to figure out how he would best fix this mess, but now…. Now he could just go f**k himself. Madison couldn’t help herself. She let her claws elongate and swiped them over Nathan’s favorite office chair. “Whoops!” She announced out loud as the filling started spilling out. She then proceeded to move onto the white leather couch. Half an hour later, she looked around the room feeling slightly embarrassed. She had not only trashed Nathan’s chair and couch but also torn apart a few books. These pregnancy hormones were really messing with her sanity. She decided to just shrug it off. If Nathan hadn’t pissed her off, none of this would have happened. She decided to head back to her room to take a nap. She felt exhausted after her little meltdown. Five hours later, Madison was woken up by an angry voice inside of her mind. Madison! What the hell! What did you do to this place? My chair! My books! Madison decided to block the link. She couldn’t deal with this right now. Not when she had woken up completely nauseous. As she stood up from her bed, her stomach started turning and the room started spinning. She made it to the toilet just in time as the contents of her breakfast poured out of her. Goddess, she hoped that this wouldn’t last her whole pregnancy. There was nothing more disturbing than throwing up. Madison stayed hauled up in her room for the rest of the day. For the first time, she wasn’t upset that Nathan hadn’t come to look for her. She was still too upset at him. The following morning, Madison had expected to get into a fight with Nathan about the state of his office, but he was nowhere to be seen. When he still hadn’t surfaced during lunch, Madison decided to look for his unit. She found his beta, Robert, on the training ground, sparring with Christopher, his gamma. “Bobby, where is Nathan?” Madison called out to Robert, causing him to get hit square in the jaw because of the distraction. “Maddie,” He rubbed his jaw while glaring at Christopher, “what can I do for you?” He asked, coming toward her, with Christopher in tow. “Nathan.. Where is he? I can’t seem to find him anywhere.” She knew something was up when she caught the glance thrown between the two guys. When Robert’s eyes turned back toward hers, a look of guilt flashed in them, before he composed himself once more. “Nathan is out on a business meeting to discuss a treaty with another pack,” Robert explained. “Without his beta?” Madison asked, arching her eyebrow. Nathan never went to other pack meetings without Robert. “Yes, eum, A-alpha Nyle decided to go with him… so.” Robert trailed off. The guy was terrible at lying. “Where is Lauren?” She asked next, looking from Robert to Christopher. This time, Christopher stepped closer to her. He must have felt her anxiety. “She…she,” Robert started, stumbling over his words. “He’s out with her, isn’t he?” Madison asked in a small voice. “I’m sorry, Maddie.” Robert said quietly, “But it’s not what it looks like, it’s complicated.” There it was again, that f*****g word! “Complicated?! Complicated!? You know what I think,” Madison’s voice started rising in volume, attracting a small crowd, but she didn’t care. She was beyond that point. “I think he just wants an excuse to f**k another woman! What’s next, she becomes his Luna and I get to be the mistress?” She was full-out yelling now. Madison didn’t notice she was crying until she felt something wet on her shirt. Suddenly, calm started swarming through her as she felt warm hands on her shoulders, sliding around her back. She was pulled into a hard chest. “It’s going to be okay, Madison. Listen to my voice. Everything is going to be okay. It’s not what it seems, calm down.” Christopher whispered soothing words while using his gamma charm on her. Madison gave in to the fatigue that overtook her and soon felt herself being lifted and carried away. She didn’t even care where they were taking her. She felt so at peace. Soft sheets caressed her skin. She knew they were placing her in a bed, but she couldn’t even lift her head. She was so tired that she just let sleep claim her.
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