Chapter 6-1

184 Words
Chapter 6 Abby had been gone for the past five hours. Zoran was frustrated at her insistence to go alone. He walked with her down to a building containing an oddly shaped transport. She assured him she would be perfectly safe and asked him to keep an eye on Gloria and Bo for her until she returned. She explained where he could find food and drink, showed him how to operate a thing called a microwave, and gave him a remote if he wanted to listen to music. She apologized for not having a thing called a TV, explaining she didn’t care to watch it, but he could look at the computer if he wanted. Zoran returned to his ship instead to contact his brother Creon. They discussed his captivity and plans for attacking the Curizan military base where he had been held. He also communicated again with Kelan and Mandra about what had happened and the trade agreements he had finalized before his captivity. They would be trading some of their crystals for women to supplement the needs of the men on his planet.
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