Chapter 8-2

1122 Words
Abby finished cleaning the workshop, took the needed pictures, emailed them from her cell phone, and prepared the packing material. She received a text stating a plane would arrive for her early the day after tomorrow after she explained she couldn’t leave before then. Edna was due back tomorrow and she needed to be there for Edna, Bo, and Gloria. Abby sent a confirmation. She had a feeling Zoran wasn’t going to be happy with her, but realized she had no choice. She promised she would deliver and set the piece up. It was part of the price and she had already been paid. She still had her responsibilities and her reputation to maintain. There was still plenty of light left, and Abby knew she could always use the firewood so she decided to cut up the tree that had fallen by the barn. Abby was in the middle of chopping it when the sound of a truck pulling up out front caused her to stop. Abby walked around to the front thinking that maybe Edna had made it back sooner than she expected only to stop with a groan when she saw Clay climbing out of his sheriff’s truck. This was the last thing she needed right now, she thought with dismay. “Hey Clay, what brings you up to the mountains?” Abby asked, setting the ax down to lean against the door to the barn. She moved toward the cabin, taking off her gloves and wiping her hands on her jeans as she went. “You’re beautiful!” Clay said as he walked over and pulled Abby into his arms, pressing a kiss to her surprised lips. “Clay!” Abby flushed. She had never known him to be so aggressive before. “Seriously. Let me go.” Clay laughed as he held Abby close to his body. “Abby, I’ve tried being patient. A man can only wait so long, you know.” Abby felt a flush of unease fill her at his words. “Clay, I thought you understood. I like you, but I don’t feel that way about you. I…” Clay laid a finger against Abby’s lips. “Shush, all I’m asking is for a chance, Abby.” Abby shook her head sadly. She knew she could never love him. Tears filled her eyes; she didn’t like hurting anyone or anything, and she knew she was about to hurt Clay. “Clay, I can’t give you false hope. I like you as a friend, nothing more,” Abby said softly. Clay looked down into Abby’s eyes. His face tightened in anger. He had spent the last four years trying to get Abby to notice him, to give him a chance, and she wouldn’t even try. “Is there someone else?” Clay demanded angrily. Abby tried to pull away, but Clay tightened his arms around her, refusing to let her go. “Yes.” “Who is he? How long?” Clay demanded hoarsely. “You don’t know him. I just met him a few days ago,” Abby said, trying not to hurt Clay any more than she had to. “That’s bullshit, Abby. A few days ago? s**t, you haven’t been off this mountain in over a week until yesterday! How could you have just met him if you haven’t left this damn mountain?” Clay asked roughly. Abby frowned. “How could you know the last time I left the mountain? For that matter, how can you know every time I come into town and know exactly where I am?” “I know everything about you, Abby. For the past four years I’ve tracked every move you’ve made. I know when you go to a gallery showing and who you talk to, who you call, when you leave your mountain, everything, baby,” Clay said softly. Abby felt a chill go down her spine. Clay had been in the Marines’ Special Ops before he was hired four years ago as sheriff of Shelby. She didn’t know much more except that he had been discharged after his last tour. She figured it was just time for him to get out. “Clay, please let go of me. You’re scaring me,” Abby said as she tried to get her hands between them. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, baby. I just want to protect you. I love you, Abby. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you,” Clay said as he brushed a kiss along her forehead. Abby began to struggle a little, stopping only when Clay grabbed her hair tightly in one fist. He brushed a kiss over her lips. “It will be good between us, Abby. You’ll see. You won’t remember anyone else but me.” Abby shivered as Clay continued kissing her. She couldn’t move her head because of the grip he had on her hair. He held her close to his body with one of her legs between his and bent slightly back so she couldn’t knee him without falling first. She cried out in pain as he jerked her head to one side, pressing a biting kiss to her neck. She fought the urge to gag when he ran his tongue up her neck and along her jaw. Surely Zoran would come soon. If she could get to the gold bands on her wrists maybe she could somehow call him. He seemed to be able to communicate with them. As if the symbiot could tell Abby needed help, the ones on her wrists moved up her arms. Clay let out a yell when he felt a shock go through him. Jerking back away from Abby, he stared down at her in disbelief as he shook out his arms. “What the hell was that?” Clay demanded, furious. “Clay, you need to leave. Right now. I apologize if you think I’ve been leading you on but I never tried to. I told you over and over I wasn’t interested. If you know what is good for you, you’ll leave right now,” Abby said moving back toward the cabin. If she could get away from him she would be okay. “What. The. Hell. Was. That,” Clay said through clinched teeth. “It’s a new personal protection device I picked up in New York,” Abby lied. “Like you said, it can sometimes be dangerous living alone in the mountains. Now, please leave.” Clay took a step toward Abby just as Bo burst out of the path leading to the meadow, barking excitedly. He glanced at Bo for a moment before backing toward his truck. He looked at Abby one more time before he slammed the door shut. “It’s not over, Abby. You are mine, and I keep what is mine,” Clay said as he put the truck into drive and pulled out, spinning gravel as he went. Abby sank to the ground, shaking so badly she couldn’t stand any longer. She had never been so scared in her life. How could Clay know every move she made? She shivered as she realized what could have happened if she hadn’t been wearing the gold bands or if Bo hadn’t come back to her. Abby fought tears as she tried to understand what Clay had told her. She no longer felt safe—and the bad part was she couldn’t call the local authorities.
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