Chapter 7

2155 Words
Chapter 7 Abby stretched her arms over her head, arching her back like a cat. She didn’t feel nearly as tired as she had been. It was only when she felt her skin on the sheet that she froze. Something was wrong. She never, ever slept in the nude. She had tried it once and it felt too uncomfortable, not to mention she had gotten cold. Right now, though, she felt nice and warm, like someone had put a heating pad or an electric blanket on top of her. Opening her eyes, Abby turned her head to look outside the window. Frowning, she rose up on her elbows. The sun was just coming up. She didn’t remember getting ready for bed last night. Turning her head the other way, she let out a squeal of terror. She was not only in bed naked but she was in bed with a naked man. Abby tried to roll out of the bed, but was pinned instead by the sheet tucked around her. She was warm because her other side was pressed up against Zoran’s hot, naked body. “What are you doing?” Abby squeaked. She tried to drag the covers up to her chin. “You have awoken,” Zoran said with relief. After Abby fainted last night, he had brought her inside. He undressed her and placed her in his bed, but she still did not wake up. As the long night passed, Zoran became concerned and had his symbiot constantly monitoring her to see if she was injured. He finished bringing in the food products, guessing what went where by the temperature of it, while he waited for her to recover. When she appeared to have fallen into a deeper sleep, he finally undressed and joined her in the bed, as was his rightful place as her mate. He held her throughout the night, waking frequently to make sure she was well. Abby frowned. She really needed to learn his language or get one of those translator devices, because this one-way communication was getting on her nerves. Abby’s eyes widened as she recalled her last thought before everything turned black. She stared at Zoran, picturing how his eyes and face had changed. She remembered his skin turning to scales and wings coming out of his back. He had turned into a dragon. A real, live dragon! Making sure she had the sheet tucked up under her arms as she rolled over until she was propped up on her one elbow, Abby tentatively reached out to touch Zoran’s face. It was warm and smooth. She moved her hand down to his shoulder, running her hand gently over his back where the wings had been. “You changed. Last night, you changed into a dragon. I saw you,” Abby whispered, her eyes wide with awe. “Zi,” Zoran said hoarsely. Abby sat up, pulling the covers with her. “Can you do it again? Change?” she asked. Zoran frowned. He did not want to frighten Abby again. He liked having her in his arms. He liked her touching him. He did not like the look of terror on her face as she stared at him last night before she fainted. “Ni,” Zoran said, shaking his head firmly. “No? No, you can’t change, or no, you won’t?” Abby asked staring at Zoran. Zoran ran his hand through his hair frustrated. He wanted to explain why he wouldn’t change, but there was no way to do so where she could understand. He had six more days before his brothers arrived and could have a translator implanted into Abby so they could communicate. This was driving him crazy. There was so much he wanted to ask her, so much he wanted to tell her and yet he couldn’t. Swinging his long legs over the side of the bed, Zoran stood up completely at ease with his nudity. It wasn’t until he heard a gasp and turned to see Abby pulling the covers over her head that he began to chuckle, then laugh. She was so adorable with her shyness. It had taken all of his enormous will power the night before not to take her after he undressed her. If not for the fact that he wanted to watch her respond to him, he might have considered taking her anyway just so he could mark her as his. As it was, he had barely been able to cover her up without touching her. During the night, she had gotten cold and sought the warmth of his body. He was only too willing to offer his body to hers. It was pure hell as the scent and feel of her in his arms made sleep impossible. Now, he stood before her harder than hell and she was shaking like a leaf under the covers of the bed they had shared. Abby kept her eyes firmly closed as she stuck her head out from under the covers. “Laugh all you want to, but I don’t normally have naked men in my bed. Now, go into the bathroom so I can get out of here.” Zoran growled at the idea of Abby having another naked man in her bed. The sound made Abby’s eyes fly open as her gaze flew to his. He had made that same sound the night before right before he changed into a dragon. Zoran moved back to the bed, pulling Abby up into his arms. He moved so fast that Abby hadn’t even seen him. The sheet was ripped out of her hands as he pulled her close, crushing her lips to his as he kissed her deeply. Abby could feel the coarse hair on his chest rubbing against her breasts. Zoran groaned as he moved one hand behind Abby’s head to hold her still while his other hand moved down over her body to rest on her bare hip; never before had Abby been held so intimately against a man. A shiver of desire ran through her as her p***y clenched with desire. Zoran pulled back, sniffing. He let out a growl when Abby tried to pull away from him. He could smell her desire. It was a heady scent, and he breathed it in deeply. Moving his hand down from her hip until it covered her moist mound, he refused to let her look away from him or move as he let his fingers brush the hot pubic curls. Abby couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her. She had never felt so hot or needy in her life. She struggled to break Zoran’s hold, but she couldn’t look away from him as he slid two fingers into her p***y. Abby’s hips jerked at the invasion of her body. She moaned as he rubbed her clit before pushing even deeper into her. Abby shook as she felt the hot desire build inside of her. Instead of letting her go, Zoran lowered Abby until she was lying flat on her back in the huge bed. He still kept his grip on her neck and never took his eyes from her, even as he lowered his head to catch one of her n*****s between his lips. Abby jerked, arching upward as Zoran grasped her swollen n****e between his lips. A cry escaped her as her hips jerked in response to the pleasure she felt; the move drove Zoran’s fingers deeper into her hot channel. Zoran sucked deeply on her n****e before releasing it. He never took his eyes off Abby’s as he moved to her other n****e. Abby couldn’t contain her moan of need as he moved over it, his hot breath causing the n****e to swell, almost painfully, in expectation. Abby’s hips were moving back and forth on their own, driving Zoran’s fingers deeper and deeper each time as her body picked up the age-old rhythm of lovemaking. “Please,” Abby whimpered. She didn’t know what she was begging for exactly, just that she needed relief from the pressure building inside of her. “Zoran, please.” Zoran moved down to replace his fingers with his mouth. He needed a taste of Abby. Her scent had been driving him insane since he woke up yesterday morning. He needed her like he needed air to breathe. Abby cried out as his mouth covered her mound, pushing closer to him. Zoran moaned at Abby’s response to him. Using his tongue, he ran the rough edge over her clit, causing Abby to scream as pleasure swamped her. Zoran gripped Abby’s hips, holding her to him as he sucked, licked, and drank her essence, burning it into his soul. Abby cried out loudly as her o****m took hold of her. Zoran moved up between her legs, settling his thick, heavy c**k against her v****a. Lifting Abby’s legs until her knees bent over his forearms, he pushed slowly into her. “Mine, elila. I claim you as my true mate. No other may have you. I will live to protect you. You are mine,” Zoran said in his language binding them together as he drove forward into Abby’s slick entrance. Abby cried out in shock as Zoran pushed through the thin barrier of her virginity. She gasped several times as pain washed over her. Zoran roared as he realized Abby had never been with another. He forced himself to hold still for a moment to let Abby adjust to his thickness and size. She was his, totally. She had never belonged to another. The dragon in him wanted to roar out a challenge to any man who would try to take her from him now. He would kill anyone who tried to harm her. His hips began to move on their own accord. He pulled out almost all the way before pushing back into Abby’s body as deep as he could go. Abby’s gasp of pain and shock quickly turned to moans of pleasure as Zoran began pumping into her faster and harder. His arms and neck strained as he fought his own release until Abby could again feel the hot release of pleasure he wanted her to have. Reaching down between them, he flicked her sensitive clit with his finger driving her over the edge. The muscles in Zoran’s neck stood out as he roared his release for all to hear. Abby watched in disbelief as Zoran threw back his head, his eyes closed, and his mouth falling open as he filled her with his hot seed. Never had she seen anything so beautiful or so erotic. Her own body responded to Zoran’s claim on her, clamping down on him as if claiming him for herself. Zoran held still until he felt the last of his seed empty deep inside of Abby. His scent was now deep inside her, claiming her as belonging to him, Zoran Reykill, leader of the Valdier. She was now his queen and would always belong only to him. Her body would never accept another male. Zoran collapsed on top of Abby, holding himself up by his elbows so he wouldn’t crush her under his huge body. He ran little kisses over Abby’s forehead and cheeks before rolling over and holding her tightly against his body. “You are mine, elila,” Zoran murmured softly as he ran his hands possessively over Abby’s soft figure. Abby sighed contently. She couldn’t undo what had happened. She had always been honest with herself. She really didn’t understand what happened, but she would accept the reality of it. She’d wanted Zoran from the first moment she saw him lying unconscious in the damp meadow of her mountain. She knew she would not have very long with him. What lay between them was an impossible fantasy as they literally came from two different worlds. In as little as a few days, he would be leaving to return to his world, and she would remain on hers. She believed in fate. He was meant to crash on her mountain, and she was meant to find him. What happened next would take care of itself. The only thing she regretted was they would not have very long to be together. He couldn’t stay here with her; it would be too dangerous in the long run and she couldn’t leave; this was her world, her home. Abby pressed a kiss into Zoran’s shoulder before turning to roll out of the bed. It was a little pointless being shy now about her body, especially after what Zoran had just done to her. She stood next to the bed, looking down at Zoran with a soft smile, before walking toward her bedroom. She needed a few minutes alone to deal with what she had just done. She pressed a hand to her stomach as she thought of the consequences of her actions. She wasn’t worried about getting pregnant. The likelihood of their two species being compatible enough to reproduce was probably slim to none. No, what she was worried about was losing something far more important. She worried she would lose her heart to the one man she could never have. She knew she loved him. She didn’t know how she knew. She hardly knew the man, but she could feel it deep down inside her. Stepping into the shower, Abby tilted her head back, letting the warm water wash her tears away.
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