Chapter 20-1

554 Words

Chapter 20 Abby screamed again as she fought against the bonds holding her. Her skin tingled and itched as she struggled to break the straps around her wrists and ankles. She would not let him touch her! She would rather die than let another male take her. Abby felt a sudden wave of dizzying heat rush through her. She barely noticed Ben’qumain’s sudden stillness as his eyes widened in surprise in the process of unzipping his trousers. Her breath came out in pants, and she noticed the dark room started to look clearer. She could make out the high, rough-cut ceiling of a cave and the beginning formations of stalactites. Suddenly the straps holding her ankles snapped, and she was able to twist over onto her stomach. As she pulled on the straps holding her wrists, she watched as pale blue,

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