Chapter 2

1475 Words

Chapter 2 A little over four hours later, Cara stretched out her arms and legs, shooting the little gold symbiot on Abby’s wrists a wink as she sat all the way up. Trish was announcing they would be landing shortly. Cara glanced at Carmen, who had removed her sleep mask and was busy pulling a leather jacket out of her duffle bag before turning to look out of the small window of the jet. “So, how long before we land?” Cara asked. “Cool, not a cloud in sight. Man, this is a little bitty place, isn’t it? Looks like the town I grew up in.” Abby laughed in excitement. “Yes, it is small, but it’s home.” “Looks like you have a reason to be back. Is he cute? Does he have a brother?” Cara asked mischievously. “Yes, he is, and yes, he has four brothers,” Abby replied distractedly before she rea

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