Chapter 22-1

603 Words

Chapter 22 They did not return to the palace until the next day. Zoran wanted to make sure Abby was well rested before transforming again and flying such a long distance. Of course, once Zoran showed her how to transform into her dragon, Zoran’s dragon had other ideas, and it involved a chase and capture. It was well after dark by the time they arrived, and Abby was weak with fatigue. As soon as they landed on their balcony, Zoran swept Abby into his arms before she collapsed into a puddle on the cold stone flooring. He took her to the bath, where he bathed her gently before putting her to bed. Abby remembered very little of it. It was late morning before Abby woke up to banging on the outer door of the suite of rooms she and Zoran shared. Abby barely had time to get a silk robe on befo

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