Chapter 11-3

200 Words

Trelon let out a bellow of rage as he hit the door for a third time before it finally gave way. Yelling for Cara to stop, he neglected to look down as he burst through the door and hit the wet, soapy mess she had dumped. His feet went out from under him, and he hit the hard surface of stone, sliding across the hall and knocking down two huge planters. He lay on his back, stunned for a moment as piles of thick, black dirt mixed with the soapy moisture. The servant stood there staring at him with his jaw hanging open. Trelon rolled over onto his hands and knees, trying to get up only to slip and slide some more, becoming completely covered in the filthy mess before he was able to get his feet onto drier ground. He ignored the snickering coming from the men who had gathered around the door t

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