Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 "Hey, Mister Chris. Is Jim around, she wasn't in school today?" she heard Bones ask from the front door. Jim's dad let him in but Jim didn't hear what her dad said. She was too busy bracing herself for the conversation she knew was coming. "Hey, Jim. So, I… Why are you packing?" "We're leaving," she mumbled. "Since when? Aunt Pip said we had six months and she didn't get orders," he said. "Not the Olympus, they have another two months in the dock. Dad got orders to be the XO on the Aldrin. They're going out on some six month mission and I can't go with them," Jim said. "So, where are you going?" Bones sighed. "Tarsus Four. You ever hear of Hoshi Sato?" "The communications officer on Enterprise NX-01 and on the Endeavor?" he asked. Jim nodded. "What about her?" "I'm staying with her and her husband. She's pretty cool, maybe I can get her to teach me a language or get Mister Takashi to teach me stuff from his MACO days," she told him. "You can't stay with us?" Bones looked like he was about to cry. To be honest, Jim wanted to cry too. "Dad thought of that already but I can't go on the ship with Miss Pippa when the Olympus leaves. I'd be right back at square one in two months and dad wouldn't be here to do anything about it. This is what happens when there are only three people in your family. I usually stay with Grandpa Charlie but he's on the Aldrin too. I don't know what's up on that ship but bringing in a new XO instead of promoting someone on the senior staff means the brass thinks something is going on." Jim plopped down on her bed. "This sucks." "No kidding. Who's gonna be a pain in my ass now?" he asked with a nudge. "You think you can get rid of me, that's cute. It's not gonna be forever. And I can still torture you from afar," she smiled. "I just won't answer my comm," Bones countered with a smirk. "Liar. You'd miss me and you know it. Besides, I could probably hack you and force your comm to answer me anyway," Jim said. He chuckled and nodded because he knew she was right. Jim sat up on the bed and looked at him. "We should make a promise that we'll talk to each other." "Once a week, at least, no exceptions," he said. "Agreed. Pinky swear?" she said. Bones nodded and they intertwined the smallest finger on their right hands for a few seconds before they let go. "I'm gonna miss you, Jim," her friend said before he chuckled. "Wow, I never thought I'd say that." "I'll miss you too," Jim smiled. "You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder." "Jim-chan," Hoshi said when the young teen hopped off the shuttle. "Hoshi-san," Jim said as she hugged the woman who was the closest thing to her grandmother. This isn't the first time Jim's stayed with Hoshi but she was just six then. All that Jim could remember was that the woman was sweet, brilliant and firm but fair. "Is this your only bag?" "Yes, ma'am. I travel light," she answered. It was true, the side effect of spending her life hopping around. "I remember when Chris brought you out here the last time. He packed enough stuff for a small army," Hoshi chuckled. "He was still a little new at all the parenting stuff back then. I pack my own bags now… mostly because I wash my own clothes anyway," Jim said with a shrug. "So, you have chores now?" Hoshi asked as they stated walking. "Yes, ma'am. My laundry, though I usually just do all of it. I do the dishes, even though we're both horrible cooks. I was learning how to cook before we left. I wonder if Bones is gonna teach me over the comm." "Bones?" her father's friend asked. "His name is Leonard but I call him Bones. He wants to be a surgeon," she said. Unlike most people, Hoshi immediately understood Jim's choice of nickname for her friend. "What did he teach you so far?" Hoshi asked. "Snickerdoodles, peach cobbler, homemade pasta, simple pasta sauce, shrimp and grits, baked mac and cheese, chicken noddle soup and country fried chicken," Jim rattled off the list. "Well, it's about time one of you Kirk-Pike's learned how to cook," the woman chuckled. "I figured all three of you would have to live on food synthesizers forever." "Make any new friends yet?" Jim asked. "Nope. I don't like these idiots," Bones grumbled on the vid-comm. "You didn't like me at first," she reminded him. "And now I'm your bestie." "True but you're smart so I can ignore the fact that you're occasionally annoying. These idiots are annoying and stupid," he said. "Well, not everyone is as awesome as me." "Hey, you okay?" Jim said as she walked out of the educational building and spotted one of the kids sitting alone. School let out two hours ago but she was working on a project. "I think so. Just bored," the boy said. He looked up at her and his eyes went wide. "You're the girl who lives with Miss Hoshi and Mister Takashi." "Yep. Jim Kirk," she introduced herself. "Kevin Riley. My parents live down the street from you," he told her. "That so?" He nodded. "Mind walking me home?" Jim asked. It was actually the other way around but she's not gonna mention that to the kid. "Sure. You don't have many friends, do you?" Kevin asked. "Not really. I'm not staying long. My dad is on a mission and he couldn't take me with him. Once he's done, I'm outta here. I have a best friend but he's on a ship," she answered. "I could be your friend," he said. Jim smiled, he had to be the cutest six or seven year old she's ever met. "I just turned thirteen, I'm not too old to be your friend?" "I don't think so," he asserted. "Well, alright then. I would love to be your friend, Kevin," she smiled. "Cool." "You okay?" Bones asked. "I don't know. I have that feeling," she mumbled. Her best friend sat up straighter in his chair. "You mean that one you get when something's about to happen?" he said. "Yep. I don't know if it's just in my head but I feel like… I don't know. My skin crawls and this chill runs up my spine," Jim sighed. "Tell me I'm crazy." "Well, you are. But if you think something's going on, ask Miss Hoshi. You said it yourself, she wouldn't lie to you if it affected you. And, if it makes you feel better, you'll be with Mister Chris in about a month and a half, right?" "That does make me feel better," she smiled. Hoshi called her for dinner. "Hey, Bonesy, I gotta go. Ta ta for now." "Hey, Jim," Bones blinked his eyes open, "what's up?" "There's something wrong with the crops," she whispered. "What do you mean by 'wrong'?" he asked. "They're dead and dying. Right now, the food's being rationed off but I don't know how long that's gonna last," Jim told him. "I need you to do me a favor and have Miss Pippa comm dad, I can't get through to the Aldrin. I keep trying but it's not working." "They might be running comms dark but I'll tell her to comm him. I'll try too," Bones said. "You look worried." "I am worried." "Everything's gonna be okay, Jim," he said. "I hope you're right." Subspace Comm-Link Failed To: McCoy, Leonard H. - USS Olympus NCC-1618 - Starfleet From: Kirk-Pike, Jamison T. – Tarsus IV Colonial Settlement - United Federation of Planets The UFP logo glared at her. It was odd. Mainly because she's tried three different ways to get in touch with Bones, her dad and Miss Pippa, all nine attempts should've worked from this end. There had to be a problem with the comm station and by 'problem' she means that they were shut-down because even the emergency channel was down. That was something that took the governor's authorization. That bad feeling she told Bones about was getting worse by the moment. "Jim-chan," Hoshi ran into her room faster than anyone over a hundred should move. "Put on you boots and your warm jacket, now." Jim didn't know what was wrong but she was smart enough not to argue. "They're headed this way," Mister Takashi said from the door. "You know how to shoot, Jim-chan." "Yes, sir," she said. The man handed her an older phaser and a combat knife. "Take these," he told her. "There's food in the bag, it's not much but it's enough. Go out the back and head down the ridge." "I don't under… understand," Jim said. "Kodos has something planned and he's sending men here. We can't let them take you, or worse," Hoshi said as she added some of Jim's personal belongings to the 'Bug out Bag' and tossed in Jim's PADD at the last second. "What about you?" she asked the woman. "Whatever happens, you fight. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Hoshi-san." Jim zipped her jacket and pulled the bag on. Together, they ran down the stairs. Hoshi and Takashi gave her a tight hug before they told her to stay in cover and run.
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