Chapter Six-3

1856 Words

“I will do that,” Larentia said. “Can it be early?” “As early as you like.” “Then I will come, if I may, at about ten o’clock.” “That would suit us all. Goodbye, Miss Braintree. Take care of yourself.” Larentia smiled at him, then as a servant opened the door she said, “I forgot to ask. Another of Dr. Medwin’s patients came in at the same time as my father, a Miss Katie King. How is she?” There was silence. Then Mr. Curtis said, “I am sorry to tell you that despite everything I could do she died this morning!” He saw the shocked expression on Larentia’s face and added, “The growth in her body had got too much of a hold and was different from your father’s. I do not think even Mr. Lister himself could have saved her.” “I am sure no one could have done more than you, Mr. Curtis,” L

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