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Chapter 11. Kiss me where i lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks.  ANAAYA X HASSAN                   --- "What are you typing?" Hassan questioned as she typed furiously on her laptop, clearly annoyed. Anaaya made a face. "The chief editor rejected my article saying it's too unrealistic so I have to re do it." She told him, he nodded..not saying anything about the matter. He got ready, wearing his black suit and spraying his usual cologne. He glanced at Anaaya who was still in her pajamas. "I have a meeting right now so I'll be home by, say 7?" Hassan spoke, drawing her attention, she closed the head of the laptop and stood up, walking up to him. "Be ready, okay? I want to take you out to dinner tonight." He informed. Dinner sounded nice. "Okay." Anaaya said, surprised. "Dinner, like a date?" The corners of Hassan's mouth twitched, breaking into a small smile. "Yeah, We can call it that. We haven’t been on a real date yet." He wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her against him. He looked at the time before lowering is head and pressing his lips against hers. His beard grazed the sides of her  lips and chin but even that feeling was pleasurable. He kissed his wife without hurry until she relaxed completely and kissed him back with as much effort. She raised her arm and touched the back of his head, her fingers brushing his hair. His black hair was thick and soft. She envied him for having such soft hair without taking care of it at all. Men hardly cared about their hair and skin and yet it remains in the best condition. Her right hand was pressed against his chest. His hand also rested somewhere near, his left hand was placed right on her breast, he would squeeze it a little after every while, leaving Anaaya breathless. His mouth explored hers, deeply. He would nibble and bite and suck, Anaaya hadn't been kissed this way before, with so much passion and intensity. She felt tingles down there, something that she had experienced with him for the very first time. Okay, wow. They kissed for a while, without any rush. Didn't he have a meeting? "You know I really have to go." He murmured pulling away. Anaaya pouted at the loss of contact  and he chuckled at her. His fingers touched her swollen lips and he placed one more chaste kiss before pulling away again. "Tonight." He whispered softly and kissed the top of her head again before leaving. Tonight? What did he mean by that? Anaaya spent almost two hours after Hassan's departure, writing something that was realistic and yet drew the readers' attention. She didn't realise that she had even skipped lunch in her work, untill Rania had knocked on her door, bringing food to her. She had been rather enbarassed but her sister in law understood the gravity of her work. Anaaya played around with her food, not really eating. Tonight? Did he mean s*x tonight? Or dinner tonight? Or s*x after their dinner date? Was she ready? She didn't know. She wanted to do this with him but even his kisses left her overwhelmed. Since there were feelings involved, she always felt more intensity at their intimacy. After completing her work, she decided to take out something nice to wear. Kurta jeans or tanktop and jeans? Anaaya figured there was no harm in wearing a tanktop but at the sane time, she was newly married. She had heaps of fancy clothes and she had to wear them. She took out an Ali Zeeshan peace and paired it along with her emroided heels. She curled the ends of her hair and applied her makeup. After getting dolled up, she sat on the couch, waiting for Hassan. He arrived at almost seven. Anaaya smiled greeting him with a salam. He nodded. "You can rest for a while. You look tired." She noticed. He gave her a shake of head. "No, it’s alright," Exhaustion was written plainly on his face. "How did the meeting go?" She questioned. He looked away. "Come on, let's not talk about that." He held out his hand for her and she took it. They walked downstairs where his family was gathered, watching some television show. "We are going out for dinner." Hassan announced to his family and they nodded, not really caring much since they were too busy with the television show. He seemed stressed for some reason and barely said a word on the way to dinner. Anaaya didn't know what to ask or say, she figured his meeting must have not gone well. She decided to give him some space. He parked the car in a gated parking area and opened the door for her after getting out of the car. Even that small gesture meant the world for her. A steak house. So he liked Steaks. Stunned, she walked inside along with him. They sat on the table by the window. The couple ordered the food and he glanced at her, observing her properly. "You look nice." He complimented. "Thankyou." Before they could eat the food, she quickly used her phone and snapped her picture. Hassan looked at her, confused. "It's for my snapchat." She murmured as explanation. He rolled his eyes playfully. As they slowly started to eat, Anaaya started to talk. "Okay so since we are trying to get to know each other, why don't you tell me what you think about me so far?" She questioned. She often wondered what he thought of her. Did he like her for her personality or her face? Did he like her? His attitude showed her that he did but she wanted to hear it from him. "You know, Anaaya. I think I have pretty much figured you out." Hassan replied, looking at her. She raised her eyebrows at her. "You have?" "Mhmm," He hummed. "So tell me husband, what do you know about me?" She enquired, her playful demeanour making their conversation more lively. "You are well, complicated. You are someone no one knows properly and you want someone to know you. You want someone to explore you and understand the kind of person that you are. You want to give people the respect they deserve but you don't want them to tell you what to do with your life." Hassan finished with a lonh sigh. Her eyes were wide and her face, impressed. She didn't realise he had figured her out so much in just a few days. "Wow, so maybe you really are observant." She remarked, and he gave her a smug smile. He took a bite from the steak and glanced at her. "Your turn." He murmured. Anaaya took her time in reading people and hadn't figured him out much, just that he was thoughtful and extremely passionate. She blew out a breath. "You just want someone to walk with you, not in front of you, not behind you. You're passionate and you want someone equally as passionate as you to be your partner." She told him. He nodded. She had figured out a small part of him. He liked it. "Which would mean you." He stated. She smiled. "Yeah, which would mean me." Since they were talking about various things, she decided to question him about his earlier mood. "Can I ask you something?" "Ofcourse." He said, listening to her attentively. "You were kinda upset when you came home, why?" She interrogated. He bobbed his head, agreeing. "Well, actually Anaaya, I had made plans for our honeymoon, in Corsica." She gasped. Corsica? As in, in France? Anaaya loved that place. It was so romantic and so peaceful, the perfect place for honeymoon.  "I love Corsica." She said with a happy smile. He gave her a hesitant one. "And they got sabotaged due to something." He completed his sentence and her excited demeanour returned back to her normal one. "Oh.." She murmured. "Yeah, we had to go to Corsica but now if I go then I'll be losing my biggest client. I have to fly to London tomorrow night." Anaaya felt bitter at the fact that he was about to go and leave her alone. Where was his thoughtfulness now? "Oh..when will you come back?" She asked, focusing on her food. "In a week or two. I'm not sure yet." "So no honeymoon then?" She asked with a small pout. Hassan's heart skipped a beat at that sad face. "I won't cancel it, we can delay it. I mean we might be able to go next month." He told her with a reassuring look on his face. "Okay, I guess we can do that." She started to eat again and didn't talk much, he felt like he had ruined dinner by telling her all of this. He sighed, holding her hand. "I don't want to leave you alone but you know how long the processing for Visa takes and I-" She knew that, he didn't have to explain himself to her. She just didn't want him to leave, but she had to be mature about this. It was his career. Besides, she couldn't go even if she wanted to. She had to go to her new office for a few days, the headquarters had instructed her to atleast be there three days a week. Even though she could easily do all the work at home. It was office policy, she couldn't complain. She squeezed his hand back softly. "No, it's okay. I understand. It's just that it will be weird for me to stay here without you." She replied to his statement. "You can go to Islamabad if you want," He advised but she shook her head.  "I can't, I have to go to Niche's Lahore branch and give my joining from monday. The HQ emailed about it today." She informed him. He nodded, they ate their food in some more silence after that. Hassan could feel her silence and it felt awkward to him. He understood that she must be worried about the fact that she had to stay behind with his family without him. "Hey, you don't have to worry..okay? No one will say anything to you here." "I know that, I'm not really worried about that." She responded, he frowned. "What are you worried about?" He enquired. She bit her lip, sighing. "When you left for work you whispered "tonight" in my ear and then you left. What did that mean?" She asked the question that was bugging her since the morning. He chuckled, looking at her in amusement. "How about I show you what I meant by that?" Anaaya knew she was in for a long night, and even though she was nervous, she couldn't wait.
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