twenty two

1184 Words
Chapter 22 I want to stay. Anaaya. We were sat in our cottage, still too lazy to get up and go outside. Our bodies snuggled close to each other. Last night was one of those glorious nights where we failed to keep our hands off of each other, I had gotten too confident of my sexuality ever since I had been with him, I was pretty confident before as well but not like this. Nothing like this. I woke up with a groan, my eyes opened to see my husband staring out the window from the cottage, taking in the view, a pair of sweatpants hung loosely over him. He turned around at hearing the shuffling and he gave me a small smile. "Finally woke up?" He mumbled, still standing beside the window. "I did, and you're not here by my side." I replied, he chuckled as I slowly sat up on the bed, leaning against the head board. He walked over to me, grabbing my cheek and kissing the side of my mouth. "Good morning, wife." He greeted. "Morning, husband. Any plans for today?" I asked, a slight yawn escaping my mouth. "I got some coffee and croissants since we're having brunch with a friend of mine today." He informed, I frowned. "A friend? Here?" I asked, raising my eyes. "Yeah, he lives in Paris but is here on vacation." I nodded at the response. I stood up from the bed, walking towards the bathroom. I freshened up and decided to change from my night gown to clothes that could be deemed appropriate for brunch. I changed into a tight fitted jeans along with a white top, I paired it with some red stilletos and decided to do my makeup, I drank my coffee side by side, putting some foundation on my face and letting it blend. After putting on various products to make myself look presentable, I finally put on a soft pink lipstick and brushed my hair. Alright, good to go. I noticed Hassan was still staring by the window, outside. "You keep staring at that view like it's going to vanish." I commented, dragging his attention back to me. He smiled, his eyes taking me in as he took a few steps towards me. "It calms me, feels like there are no worries here." He replied. There was a certain softness on his face ever since he had been here, I hadn't seen that softness back home, there was either a blank face, a firm one or just a normal one. Even his behaviour was different, it was much more gentle. I liked both sides of him. It didn't matter but this soft face was a pleasing sight to see. "There won't be any worries when we go home too." I told him, he nodded. "I hope not." His face was a little blank and I couldn't figure out what he was really thinking. I laced my fingers with his. "What's gotten you to think so much?" I enquired. He sighed. "We're different people, Anaaya. But somehow we're making this work. And I'm liking it, alot." He replied. I gulped. Why these sudden thoughts now? "Then what's the problem?" I murmured, frowning. He cupped the side of my face. "When we go back in a week, and I get busy with my work, don't think that I don't care or I don't want to spend time with you." He told me. "I told you already that I can't give you as much time or attention as any wife should get. I know you understand that but don't get petty about it when we go back to our normal lives." He explained. I sighed, that was it? "Hassan, I'm not going to be mad about such petty things," I continued "Besides I'll get busy in my work. We'll figure it out. Okay?" I tried to ease up whatever he was feeling. I knew how important work was to him and I knew that I couldn't come in between that because of attention issues. If I didn't understand his work's demand, then he wouldn't understand mine. I put my hand on his chest and he gave me another one of his faint smiles. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, before pulling his mouth away from mine. "Am I ruining your lipstick?" He whispered, I shook my head. I wouldn't even mind if you did, baby. "It's kiss proof." I answered chuckling. Thank God for liquid matte lipsticks. "Good." He murmured, kissing me with much more intensity. He lowered himself closer to me, taking possession of my mouth, kissing me, his hand moved the my shirt away from my body, in the upper direction, his right hand gliding up the softness of my skin. I wouldn't even care if he tore my clothes right here, I would totally let him do that, ever since I had been with him, I had gotten way too comfortable with my sexuality. I had been pretty confident before too but this was different. He was in the middle of picking me up from my waist when all of a sudden, we heard a little vibrating. He dragged his mouth away from mine with a heavy groan, his phone ringing loud and clear. I clicked my tongue, annoyed. "Ignore it," I mumbled, pulling him back in for a kiss as his phone continued to ring. He let it ring. The room grew silent after a while and all that could be heard was the sound of our heavy breathing. The phone started to ring again. "I need to pick up." He murmured against my lips, leaving a few quick kisses before he reached out for his pocket again. "It's mama." He informed picking up his phone and looking at the caller ID. "Salam, mama. Is time call? Kheryat hai? (Call at this time? Is everything okay?)" He questioned with a frown, greeting his mother. It was a little confusing to me too, his mother calling at this time, it must have been late in Pakistan. Hassan's whole demeanour changed all of a sudden, his eyes widening. I observed him, standing in front of him. "Mom, please stop crying and tell me what happened?" He tried to ask calmly but I could see he was panicked as well. Dear God, please let everything be okay. His mother kept talking to him and I could see the frown and worry on his face. "But how?!" He exclaimed, making me even more nervous. What the hell was going on? "Okay, don't worry. I'll see you soon," He ended the call and looked at me. "We have to go back." He declared. "What happened, Hassan?" I enquired. The worry and stress on his face made me feel like something really bad had happened. Why did things always get screwed up? I didn't want to leave Corsica. It had just been four days, I wanted to stay here more. Hassan leaned against the table, a wave of distress taking over him. "Rania's missing." He answered and all I could do was gasp.
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