To catch a killer

2105 Words

Thomas goes to Daniel's home. He knows Daniel is not home. Thomas has been watching Daniels's house all day. He knocks on the door, and Daniel's mother opens the door. She looks confused at Thomas, who looks so much like her son. She does not know this young man, but she is sure he must be a friend of Daniels. "Good day, Mrs Lake. I am a friend of Daniels. He asked me to pick up his script as he had forgotten it and had an appointment with a movie director," Thomas says. Thomas needed the script for the last piece of his plan. Mrs Lake smiles and opens the door for Thomas. He walks in, and she shows him where the script is. Thomas thanks her as he takes the script with him. Thomas knows he needs to be very careful and does not tell Mrs Lake his real name. He knows that the only descripti

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