
1522 Words
Present Day "So, let me get this straight. This man witnessed you tossing your cookies in a vase; that was worth more than your life, no offense. Insulted you and gave you the vibe that you might get raped. And you're all like, okay, let's see if this will work out for the second time?" Det. Harris questions. "Making fun of me, I see," I replied deadpan. Leaning back in his chair, he began stroking his goatee. "Nah, I'm curious how you two ended up together. You two didn't seem to go together." "Oh, because I'm black?" He leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "No, because you seemed so innocent back then?" I leaned forward, making sure to give my most sultry stare. My black dress is low-cut and form-fitting, and the movement causes my breasts to poke out for full viewing. Det. Harris cannot help but take note of my ample cleavage. "I am still innocent." Det. Harris's eyes are lustful as he takes in my assets. If nothing else, my time with Karlus has taught me how to use my womanly wilds to tempt men, to break them. Det. Harris isn't immune, despite his cynicism, which will only carry him so far. In the end, I know he wouldn't mind a taste. That is one reason why I must tell my tale to him. With his curiosity so palpable, only a full confession would suffice. I smile. The action breaks his trance; Det Harris straightens, distancing himself from me. He clears his throat. I recline in my chair, a confident smirk on display. "You are many things except for innocent, at least not anymore. Don't think I have forgotten that fact for a minute," Det. Harris states, "Get on with the story. I want to know everything." I shrug. The retelling of the next stage of our story isn’t one I look forward to; my naive nature back then isn't something I embrace nowadays. Yet, this is our deal. Is it not? For me to tell you everything and walk away. Det. Harris's eyes bore into my own. A sinister smirk spread across his face. Bracing myself for his words. Somehow, knowing he was about to say something f****d-up, and he didn’t disappoint me. "How did he introduce you to hoeing?" Hoeing, did he just ask me that? I had tested him, and it was only natural for him to lash out. If his statement was meant to shock me. I am happy to disappoint him. "Hoeing, prostitution, participation in the oldest profession, whatever you want to call it, you can. There's so much more to it than you can ever imagine. At the same time, it isn't what you think at all." "f*****g for money; is f*****g for money," he states. With blunt finalization. There's hurt within his voice, the kind only reserved for personal issues with my former line of work. "What exactly are your motives for learning about my husband's business?" "Don't stress your pretty little mind about it. Continue with the story." I watched for any clues behind his reasoning, but I soon lost interest. The sooner I am done, the sooner we can part ways. “Very well, on with the story.” The Past I walked out of my hotel to find a limo waiting for me. The driver stood outside waiting to seat me. I peered at the tinted windows to see if Karlus was sitting inside. “Hello madam, I am Theo. I will be your driver. Mr. Gallo is waiting for you at his villa.” I was disappointed but got inside. He drove me through the countryside. I noted the rolling hills, the verdant valleys, and the rugged terrain; it was beautiful. I spent a few hours in the car before I arrived at my destination. The driver opened my door and helped me to my feet. The vineyard was lovely, only something I have ever seen in the movies. There Karlus stood at the threshold of the front door seemingly unbothered and unfazed by my presence. Yet my body quivered at the sight of him, my nerves frayed. I concentrated on my footing as I walked toward him. The last thing I needed was to face-plant. He watched me with his hypnotic eyes. His clothing was casual, unlike the posh appearance of the formal wear of last night. Still, he commanded my attention. He wore a white button-up, that he didn't bother to button all the way, permitting me a sneak peek at his chiseled chest. His tan slacks fit loose so that when a breeze blew, the fabric rippled. The sun shone on him at the exact moment, giving him an ethereal aura. Breath. I approached; my knees knocked together as I ascended the stairs to be with him. "Welcome to my abode," he said and extended a hand. I slid my hand into his and felt the warmth and the firmness of his grip. “I notice you didn’t add the word, humble, to your greeting,” I quipped. He laughed, and I promised you it was the sweetest sound I ever heard. “I think I have established that I am everything, but humble,” he replied. “Shall we?” He offered me his arm, linking mine with his, reminding me of the ease we had before Sergio’s party. If I could recapture any fragment of that moment, agreeing to see him again was well worth it. Yet, before I entered, I halted. He frowned. "I want to say how embarrassed I am for behaving so poorly last night," I said. "I thought we had already established all has been forgiven. Why bring up such an unhappy memory?" "Still-" "I will not dwell on the past. We'll start anew?" I smiled, "I would like that very much." We entered his lavishly decorated home. I marveled at the elegance of his manor. He walked me to the back patio, where a banquet awaited. "I didn't know what you liked, so I had my chief make a variety of food. Please, sit." He pulled my chair out for me. I sat flattered by his attentiveness. Yet, I cautioned myself not to read more into the moment; it was merely a dinner. It was nothing more than a farewell to my pending departure. I determined, no matter any kindness he showed me, he wasn't going to be more to me than a fling. The familiar pang of pain struck my heart, but I pushed the ill thought aside. I would dine and enjoy my time. Of course, the meal was excellent, and the conversation came as easy as it always has. Karlus had a strawberry cheesecake for dessert. I eyed it with the longing reserved for someone who has been on a strict diet since the announcement of her engagement. “Would you like to have a taste?” Karlus asked. “No, no. I’m sorry for staring.” Karlus waved off my words. Then he leaned closer with the fork full of the cake. “I insist.” I smirked at him. “Why not,” I said. I opened my mouth and Karlus fed me the cake. He removed the fork slowly from my mouth, and I made sure to get every bit of the delicious dessert. His gaze fell heavily onto me. "You are a beautiful woman," he confessed. There was admiration within his eyes. He made me believe there was truth in his words. How could the same man make butterflies flutter about in my stomach? Also, cause me to rage? “Karlus?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper. “Yes, love?” It was then I realized that maybe I did want to be that to him. His love. If only for one night. "You are wealthy and charming whenever you aren't actively pressing my buttons. Why do you desire to spend time with me? I mean... I'm an awesome girl," I added with a chuckle. "But seriously, what is it about me?" Karlus arched an inquisitive eyebrow, before he pressed his lips into a hard line. He tilted his head to regard me, but instead of providing an answer, he reached over to grab his glass of white wine and took a sip. Thoughtfully, he set it back onto the table. "Do you want to take a stroll on the beach?" Karlus asked. His question came out of nowhere. He had no plan to answer my question. I should have demanded a reply, but I politely smiled and nodded. He escorted me to the shoreline. There we stood, the sun soon to set, the waves gently crashing along the sandy beach. It was breathtaking and made me wish I had my phone to snap a picture. His arms wrapped around me from behind. I felt contentment that I had never known. Yet, there was a nagging notion of concern, even in the sweetness of the serenity, that urged me to run, but I didn't listen to my inner voice. Furthermore, sealing my fate.
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