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Adira POV They are in shock all stood there like statues until her mum pulls back, cupping Cindy face in her palms, looking into her crying daughters eyes. "Cin.. Cindy" her mum whispers and when Cindy nods yes her mum screamed and hugged her child with all her might. Snapping the others out their shock, her brothers were crying stroking her head and back like she was going to dissappear. Her father still stood there in shock " I don't.. I don't understand" he whispered, Cindy pulled back from the others looking at him "Daddy" she whispers making her father sob and rush to her hugging her like his life depended on it. I came to learn that her mum, Carol, is a cook for the pack, her dad, Bill, is a warrior and her brothers Zac and Ben were training as warriors. After they had sometime Cindy belly rumbled, I look across to her smiling at her family. "Ben, Zac could you take Cindy to the kitchen and get her some food please" I asked her brothers who agreed. I know I could get her food but we need to talk about what she has been through and I think it's for the best if she was not here, she won't feel like she has to talk about it until she is ready. "Thank you again Alpha, Luna for saving me" Cindy said quietly to us before leaving bowing her head with her brothers before leaving. "Thank you so much for bringing her home but I don't understand what has happened, we thought she had died the day of the attack, burned in the fire at the day care, where she was helping out" Bill said with confusion. "I've cried for our little girl every night, missed her sweet laugh and pure heart every day. How I hoped she was at peace but heartbroken thinking we would never see her again. I don't care how they got her I'm so happy we have her back" Carol said smiling at her daughters return. "We need to dicuss how we found her and what she has been through so you have a better understanding of any help she will need" Blane says getting their attention. "what do you mean Alpha, we can see she is severely under weight but we can help her now she is back" Carol said looking at her husband when he nods in agreement. "I'm sorry but that isn't just it, Cindy was taken the day of the attack by the wolf that double crossed Alpha Luke" Blane growled. Both parents had their full attention on Blane. "He had found her hiding and kidnapped her, with the fires and deaths in the pack, it seems she was overlooked with the amount of damage and c*****e of that day." Blane said with regret. "but she is here now so that is what matters Alpha" Bill said holding his wifes hand. I walk to Blane holding his hand I can feel he is struggling with guilt and also with the words he has to say to parents of an abused girl. "He had taken her and made her travel around with him and rogues. Where he tied her up to stop her escaping and because she hasn't got her wolf yet there was nothing she could do." Blane takes a deep breath preparing himself to speak the words that will break their hearts. "We don't know everything she has been through but we do know that the man that kidnapped her had starved, beaten and.. and.." " And what" Carol asked but Bills eyes said he didn't want to hear anymore. "not my baby girl" Bill whispered tears falling from his eyes. "what, what Bill" Carol asked but he couldn't say the words. He was heartbroken and looking at Blane he was also struggling to tell her mother. I walk to where she is sat and kneel down in front of her holding her hand. "please know we are here for you all, any help you need but also we are here anytime day or night for Cindy, ok," "Thank you Luna but I don't undertsand" Carol said confused. "I'm so sorry to have to tell you that Cindy was treated in a way that no-one should ever be treated, she was... she was raped..." I choked out the last word not wanting to say it out loud. "NO...NO...NO...NO...NO.." She screamed, crying absolutely heartbroken for their daughter. I move back to Blane while they cuddle and cry using each other for support. Tears fall from my eyes at the scene infront of me. Parents that thought their daughter had died years before to have them overjoyed with happiness to have found out she was alive and had returned home and now there they were holding each other for support in the knowledge that their daughter has been through so much and had been taken against her will. It's going to be a rough and long road ahead of them but I know they will help her all they can. After a while their sobs turned to sniffles, wiping their faces they faced us. Bill took a deep breath trying to steady his breathing. "I will kill anyone that has touched her" Her dad said with a growl. "Bill please know that the man that is responsible for doing this to Cindy is also the reason for the fall of the pack 3 years ago. the fall of the royal pack, the death of mine and Adira parents and so much more but be assured that we were pissed at learning that but when we heard what he had done to Cindy, my mate made him pay with a slow and torturous death, please know that when he begged for mercy he was not given any he was made to feel pain until the very end" Blane said looking at them. They bothed looked at me, bowing the heads "we can't thank you enough Luna, you made that scumbag suffer for what he did to our angel and you both brought our little girl back and we will be forever grateful" Bill said. "Thankyou" Carol said still sniffling. "There is no need to thank us we are so glad to have found her. I'm always here if you need me ever, no matter the time" I tell them smiling at them. They have gone to find their children and start repairing the damage that has been done. Meeting them and how they have each other to lean on, I know they will be there for Cindy, they are good parents. I'm sat on Blanes knee cuddling into him, inhaling his scent, feeling myself relax in his arms. It's been a crazy few days and so much has happened. I feel drained mentally, physically and emotionally, trying to take in everything that has happened over such a short time it's so much that I'm hoping we get a break before anything drastic happens. 'Hope I'm so happy we could help everyone, I finally feel like we are doing what we were destined to do' I say feeling like we did good today 'we kicked ass Addy, you really were amazing today and you also got justice for everyone involved' Hope replied making me smile. Maybe this is really our destiny and I really think we were made to do this, I was worried that I'm not really the best choice but today we made a difference and that feels good. "Are you ok my little mate, it's been a lot to take in over last couple of days or should I say months" Blane says giving me a gentle squeeze and kissed the top of my head. "it really has my love, I'm feeling ok, happy that we could help though" "yeah me too my little mate, and who would have known that you are stronger with me holding you" He replied chuckling. I giggled "I always have known I was stronger when your with me, but just never like that". Let us go to bed love, it's late and I'm dead tired" .

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