Chapter 5: A Wolf in the Dark

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  Emily's Pov   My conversation with Amy echoes in my mind for several days after my birthday banquet. I know Jimmy harbors resentment for my refusal. Every now and then, he shows up at my house with excuses to talk to Dad about alliances between wolf packs. Jimmy Doorson greets me and tries to engage in conversation. However, whenever he appears, I quickly try to leave the room. Lily, my she-wolf, has been increasingly thirsty for blood, both for him and Nina. The loss of our little pup is still a recent pain. I try to keep my mind focused, not allowing myself to be carried away by emotions or grief. Only when I bring down Jimmy Doorson and my younger sister, Nina Turner, will I be able to mourn my loss.   I haven't slept for many nights because of this, so I've been letting Lily take control. When I'm in my wolf form, Lily can release her frustration and thirst for vengeance. She hunts defenseless animals and tears them apart. Lily runs for many kilometers. Initially, she used to roam around the old mansion that belonged to our previous life. Currently, another family lives there. When Lily takes control, she sharpens our senses. I notice things more, scents become ten times stronger, and my hearing improves. Whenever I let Lily out, things improve between us. Lily is a part of me, just as I am a part of her.   Since I'm living with my parents again, I've been integrating more into the presence of Mom and Dad. I want to make up for the lost time I had away from them.   Our next celebration will be the birthday party of our wolf pack, Blue Bay Pack. It will be a grand celebration with many alphas in attendance. I hope Berson Doorson attends the party of our wolf pack. I didn't get a chance to see him on my birthday. I need to find him and talk to him; my revenge plan against his uncle, Jimmy Doorson, requires his involvement.   Would Berson agree to my plan? He is not just an alpha; he is our king. All wolf packs, including ours, are under the rule of the alpha king of the Lycan Kingdom wolf pack. Berson might find my plan senseless, accuse me of treason, or something worse... maybe even kill me.   These doubts want to take over my courage, but Lily keeps these doubts at bay. Amy explained everything to me about Berson and his rivalry with his uncle. Jimmy considers Berson unworthy of the throne because he is the son of a king's mistress. Jimmy sees him as a bastard and too young to rule. Amy informed me of all the intrigues between the two.   "My dear, shall we?" Minnie asks, pulling me out of my reveries to be present. Mom is at the door of my room with a gentle smile on her face.   "Yes, I'm ready, Mom," I reply and go to her. The two of us descend to the garage, and Nina is already waiting inside the car, in the passenger seat. It's been challenging to maintain the same relationship I once had with my younger sister. However, I try to make an effort to keep up the act of a caring sister who loves her.   "A day with my two beautiful daughters—couldn't be more perfect!" Mom declares with enthusiasm in her voice. Nina and I agree amicably. The car's engine is running, the windows are down, and Mom is driving. The plan is to go to the flower shop to choose arrangements for the birthday party of our Blue Bay Pack wolf pack.   We are engrossed in conversation, and none of us can predict what will happen next. Two dark vans cut in front of us, causing Mom to brake abruptly. My whole body goes forward, and my head hits the seat, causing a cut on my forehead.   Everything happens too fast; hooded men emerge from the van. My vision becomes blurry; my sister and mother start screaming as the men approach us.   They release gas inside the car, making everything spin for me. The smell is too strong, causing me to cough and feel weak. It must be verbena gas. Before I can process everything that's happening, I lose consciousness.   I wake up to distant male voices. My head is aching, and I feel pain in other parts of my body. Gradually, I become more aware of what's happening around me. I am tied to a bed, a chill runs through my entire body, and I realize someone has taken all my clothes off. I try to free myself from the handcuffs, but my efforts are in vain. Lily is asleep inside me. Whoever kidnapped me must have injected verbena, drugging my she-wolf, leaving me defenseless, like an ordinary human.   I try to identify how many men are on the other side of the door with my hearing. The mix of voices talking seems to be maybe three men. My suspicion is quickly confirmed. Three muscular and tall men enter the room; from their scent, they are werewolves like me. They have bright and bloodthirsty looks. Once again, I try to break free from the handcuffs; my heart is racing, and I'm too scared to think about anything. One of the men starts caressing my leg; I try to push him away, but it's impossible.   "Please, no. Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone! I can give you money. A lot of money," I say with a trembling voice, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. The men let out a malicious laugh.   "No one's going anywhere, princess," one of the men declares.   "Not before we have a little fun," another werewolf responds with a voice full of malice.   They advance towards me, running their hands over my body. I struggle, but none of it helps. When I close my eyes to avoid seeing what these monsters will do to me, a loud and shrill growl emerges.   At the door of the room is a massive wolf, the largest werewolf I've ever seen. Its fur is as dark as the night, its eyes glowing scarlet red. The giant wolf bears all its fangs. The giant wolf advances towards the men, and everything happens in a bloodthirsty manner. It tears off the arms of the kidnappers; the men scream and even try to transform to fight the giant wolf. The scene is chaotic, full of screams, including mine. Blood flies around the room, even hitting my own body. The werewolf devours parts of the men and guts some other parts.   Blood and human flesh soak the snout of the giant werewolf. The werewolf looks directly at me after destroying all the men on the floor.   At this moment, it petrifies me; I know it will kill me. But something even more surprising happens—the werewolf advances towards me and bites the handcuffs, freeing me. I curl up on the blood-soaked bed; when my eyes meet the werewolf's again, it returns to its human form with its back to me.   The man moves away quickly, heading towards the door. I remain motionless, looking around and seeing the c*****e that has occurred. I am trembling and unsure how to react. The verbena is still in my system, causing discomfort.   The man returns now dressed; he keeps his head down and covers his eyes with one hand. The man comes towards me with the other arm extended, holding his leather jacket. As my fingers touch his, I feel an electric current pass through my entire body. A spark ignites in my heart, causing it to skip a beat. I put on the jacket and feel warmed, his scent permeating the fabric, which calms me down. My heart embraces the new feeling of gratitude. A new sentiment, one that takes me a while to identify, arises within me—love, and passion. How could this be possible? Especially for me?   Our eyes meet again, and I realize how beautiful and gentle the man is. His eyes are a dark green, no longer displaying the bloodthirsty expression his wolf had. Instead, the man's eyes are kind. His hair is as black as the night, and his facial features enchant me. I didn't think that would happen again after my disappointment with Jimmy. I don't know how long we stay like this, looking at each other. Before I could thank him for saving my life, the mysterious man left the room without saying anything.   When I gather the courage to go after him and leave the room, I am surprised by the arms of another person in the hallway. They hold me, causing me a scare and then disappointment. "My princess, you're safe now!" Jimmy says with a relieved voice, pulling me into a forced hug. I notice that behind him, members of my wolf pack, Blue Bay Pack, begin to appear. Everyone is relieved to see me.   "Jimmy Doorson saved Emily Turner!" someone from the crowd declares, and a round of applause follows. Jimmy continues to hug me, and I realize how proud he is feeling with all this attention. I try to search among the people standing in front of me for the man who saved me, but I can't find him. I feel disappointed by the absence of the young man, and a sense of longing begins to grow within me. I wish I had dared to thank him. I wish it were him embracing me now, not Jimmy Doorson. I wish it were the mysterious werewolf calling me princess. In my heart, it's the werewolf who saved me that I want.
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