b****y lies

842 Words
Charming peered at him for a while and asked his guards to thrust the powder into the ginger's mouth. Eric cried out moronically when a bitter taste invaded his tongue, while two puckered fingers were jabbing at his throat. The powder dissolved inside his mouth like cotton candy and brought forth its effects to his head almost instantly, driving the Knight to near frenzy. "Now, answer my question. Are you perhaps a traitor?" the prince asked slowly and the knight screamed out a loud "No!" So on, began the pain strike. It didn't take a second for the magic to activate as Eric started coughing, blood tickled down his nose pores and dripped onto his lap. The light brown corduroy pants he wore got tinted in red while the blood kept on pouring, with no end. He could see the way Charming's eyes beguiled with guilt at the way he unraveled, slowly, painfully. His ribs ripped out of his refuge. He held in a loud wail and chose to scream silently, while feeling the ropes that confined his wrists being untied. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." Henry held his hands as Eric winced, making the prince look down in shame. "I was so sure you were lying, I was just frustrated- I'm sorry." The infamous powder that's known for detecting lies, was something that could bring an innocent person pain. Here's how it works: If you tell a lie, nothing will happen. But if you tell the truth, you'll slowly lose your life. Since the prince got too cocky and confident about his distrust towards his subject, his choices lead him to almost kill a person. But luck was on their side as Eric didn't- well, die. While the prince uttered out apologies on repeat, Eric gave him a feeble smile, telling him it was fine. The light seeping from the fireplace brightened the dark void as Eric was finally set free. Maybe it was because of the magic that he couldn't stand up properly, but the guards helped him, small 'sorry's falling past their lips endlessly. As the prince asked his subordinates to give the knight a cup of tea, Eric smiled to himself a little, slowly regaining the strength that had been dissipating earlier. His flustered eyes fell over the prince's frame, who took a seat on the table again and rested his face on his palms. "Honestly, things were just hard to take in, and I did something reckless-" "I told you my prince, it's okay." Charming shook his head and sighed a little, "I need to get married before my mom's anniversary. But of course, my bride just had to be kidnapped by some hideous hag. And the frustration took a toll on me.. I almost killed an innocent, ginger," he stopped to look at the Knight again. "What's your name?" Henry asked, making a whit of warmth spread through the knight's face as he muttered out a quiet, "Eric." in response. Charming flashed a charming smile. "Okay, Eritte. I apologise for the trouble I caused you, and I hope you wouldn't take this to heart by any means." Though Eric wanted to correct the Prince on his name, he didn't, and smiled back. "Of course I won't, your majesty. I'm a Knight, and I would still serve you in the same way I had been doing before. For your grace, I wouldn't mind joining the others in the quest to find the princess either." he said, obviously in a joking manner as he wanted to prove how much loyalty he had for his prince. In response, the Prince hoisted himself up from the desk and lowered his face towards the knight. "You would?" he asked, and Eric had to take a feathery breath in to calm himself down due to the close proximity between them. But in the end, he nodded, as the prince stared at him with a small tilt. "It seems that the whole troop was going towards South because that's where the witch disappeared into with our princess," he began, "but to be honest, I think at least one person should search North, just so we can make sure the princess isn't being held captive in another place." "Well, you're right. But we can't afford much soldiers since we need security in the kingdom too-" Charming cut himself off and looked at the Knight, wide eyed, "How about... I come with you? Then we can both clear the North!" The statement made Eric goggle at his prince and shake his head aggressively, "My prince, if you aren't here, who's going to rule the kingdom!?" "It's a mourning period, and I'm not crowned yet. So practically, I'm not entitled to rule the kingdom right now." "But-" "No buts," Prince Charming cracked a smile, his blue eyes twinkling endearingly, "Meet me tomorrow morning before the sun rises, and we'll travel North to find my bride." Eric wasn't given the chance to say anything else as the prince spoke again. "I'll be expecting you there, Enrique."
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