a creepy lady's letter

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"Sir, do you perhaps sell unicorn horns?" the shop keeper gave them a weird look in response. "Are you crazy kid? If you don't want me to yell burglar out loud then I suggest you step out of my shop this instant." Though Eric didn't appreciate being called a kid when he was already twenty-three, he ended up nodding like a distressed puppy as he muggled outside, his mood messed up to the pinnacle. "No clue?" Sebastian asked when he had huffed. "Nope. Let's just go back, there's no point in staying late." he grumbled, making the white haired knight whisper out a small 'I guess so.' as they settled to leave. The darkness was swallowing the land eerily, the sounds of low chatters that once resonated through the streets long gone. As the two knights walked with their shoulders slumped, Sebastian suddenly stopped and ran towards one of the stalls that sold churros after telling Eric about his hunger. The ginger let his friend do whatever he wanted, knowing the white head deserved it after cooperating with him for the whole day without any oppositions. Eric watched how Sebastian spoke with the vendor, and let out a sigh. When he looked around, he could see that almost every knight had left, except few who still hadn't given up hope. While waiting for his friend, Eric's thoughts ran back to Prince Charming, the mere envisage giving his heart the chance to c***k pitifully. He wondered if the Prince's soon-to-be wife was taking care of him, cause Henry could get very emotional sometimes. Notheless, he had to remind himself that he wasn't in the place to worry about the prince beyond the limit that was set in front of his position as a low-tier knight. "Ahem." Eric turned towards the source of the sound, feeling his eyebrows furrow at the sight of an old woman standing idly in front of him. She had small smile chiselled on her wrinkled chapped lips, the skin on her cheeks hung loose to her bones as she continued to stare at the knight, who raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. "Hello young man," her voice came hoarse as Eric blinked, but then he bowed politely before greeting back with a 'hello to you too, ma'am.' A gentle rhythm knelled in the knight's ears, making him feel absurdly calm all of a sudden as he examined the old woman. Weak, and fragile. Those were the words he could make out about her appearance. It reminded him of her own grandmother for a second. "Can you do this oldy a favor? I know you work as a knight young man, so I hope you can help me by giving this letter to our princess Mary." she slid a nice envelope to Eric who went stone. She knew he was a Knight? Was he that obvious? "Uhm.. Ma'am," he called awkwardly, "I don't think it's possible. Princess Mary wouldn't take letters from just anyone, she's a royal after all." The words tasted bitter in his mouth as he didn't want to upset a lovely old granny, yet he knew the truth. There was no way the future bride of Prince Charming would accept something given to her by the poor, although she too had a past of living a rotten life. "Oh no, don't worry. Cinderella is such a humble girl, she wouldn't refuse someone without a reason. Plus, I've known her since she was young. I used to be a worker in her mansion before I was fired." the old lady added thoughtfully and smiled. "Ah.. Okay then, I'll try my best." Eric too smiled back, although it felt a little uncomfortable to do so. With a goodbye, the old lady left as Sebastian came kicking in with a bag of churros. When the two left back for the castle in defeat, but still contented, Eric couldn't help but wonder whether he should deliver this letter tonight or tomorrow morning. In the end, he decided to do it tomorrow, as going to a princess's chamber in the middle of the night would probably make him seem like a creep, even though he had no ill intention behind.
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