Chapter One

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Chapter OneIt started as a rather ordinary day in September. Eric King, who had led the London branch of the New Alliance, found himself with not much else to do but to flip through TV channels at home. Ever since the big reveal earlier in the year, the New Alliance had been struggling to remain relevant, and the only real work that had come along was PR related. That was not something Eric was good at. He—like most bears—was more comfortable outside of the limelight. So he found himself alone on the sofa, watching the news, which had grown increasingly unnerving over the last few weeks. They kept repeating the same images of seemingly ordinary people—shifters just like him—pouring into makeshift camps in Dover. His heart grew heavy at the sight. They had done this. The New Alliance, under Henry's leadership, had orchestrated the events that had led up to this mess. They were lucky with how things had gone down in the UK; the human government seemed to be willing to accept the shifters as part of their citizenry. But not every country had followed the same approach. That was the reason so many of their kind were now trying to relocate. France had implemented a mandatory registration policy for all shifters, and The Netherlands had a similar law up for vote in an upcoming referendum. People—humans and shifters alike—were scared of what the future would bring. The camera panned across the latest group of arrivals: a family of five, scanning their surroundings as they disembarked the ferry that had brought them across the Channel. The children seemed to not realize why they had come across; it was still all a big adventure for them. But the mother's face couldn't disguise the uncertainty she must be feeling. In her eyes, Eric saw his very own mother, when an unfortunate and badly timed shift on his part had forced them to abandon their hometown of York and find refuge in London when he was only thirteen. Looking at him and his younger brother now, nobody would be able to guess that they weren't native to Greenwich, East London, where they'd moved to at that time. They'd adopted the local culture flawlessly, down to the right accent and the same dress sense everyone in their age group seemed to follow. They'd done everything they could to avoid standing out. But it had taken him a long time indeed to feel like he belonged. Current events had reminded him of that old struggle. How long would it take these families? These children? Some of them had traveled in groups, others had arrived on their own. How long before they could live in peace like they had done before the New Alliance had blown the rules of secrecy to smithereens and exposed all of their kind to the world? Just because the current government was determined to make shifter equality work didn't mean that their futures were set. It wouldn't take all that much to sway public opinion, perhaps just a few unfortunate events involving shifters, capitalized on by the growing anti-shifter movement under Victor Domnall's leadership. Then, the next general election could turn their reality on its head all over again. He took a deep breath. It was too late to second-guess their campaign now. No matter how he felt about all this in retrospect, he couldn't take it back. Even without his involvement, Henry and his people would have just found someone else to run things in London. His phone rang, forcing him to look away from the depressing images on the TV. He grabbed the remote and muted it. Speak of the devil, Eric thought as he picked up his phone. "Henry. What can I do for you?" he answered. "Eric. I have a job for you," Henry said. There were other hushed voices on the other end of the line, but Eric couldn't make out what was being said. "What's that?" Eric closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was in too deep. No matter what he thought about the fallout from their campaign, he couldn't back out. All he could do now was help with damage control. "I would like for you to join Alpha Squad." The line went quiet, as though everyone else on the other end was waiting for Eric's response with bated breaths. Eric opened his eyes again. The news had switched over to a newsreader in a studio. Alpha Squad? Him? He wasn't sure how to respond. If that was what Henry wanted, then he ought to agree. "The training starts Monday," Henry added. "I thought that was just a PR stunt set up by that politician we met together, Oliver Teese." "Be that as it may, I think it is vital for us to have one of our own inside the team, don't you think?" Henry said. Eric made a face. He hated that Henry was right. "True. All right, as you wish. I'll do it." Again, a muffled voice said something on the other end of the line, but Eric couldn't identify the exact words. "Oh, Gail is wondering if your brother might be interested. We need all the help we can get." Eric sighed. Adam had a bit of a reputation as a troublemaker; at twenty-six, he'd never even held down a regular job. "Send me the details. I'll talk to him," Eric mumbled. "Thanks. Knew I could count on your support." With those last words, the line went dead. Eric sat back and switched the sound of the TV back on when he saw a familiar face appear in the studio: Oliver Teese, the politician. "So your new position as Secretary for Shifter Affairs is completely unheard of even internationally. How do you intend to put voters' minds at ease about these new developments we've been seeing?" The female reporter turned to Oliver Teese and folded her hands. "Well, I've said so from the start and will say so again. Shifters do not pose a threat to the general public. I've had the privilege of meeting with them from the start of all this." "Do you mean you were aware of the New Alliance before they made their presence public?" the reporter said. The politician smiled mysteriously and waved away her question. His demeanor made the hair on the back of Eric's neck stand upright. A liar by omission. "The important thing to remember is that we have the matter under control. We have a reputation internationally as a tolerant, accepting nation, and that's not about to change. Of course, as part of the European Union, citizens of the other member states have the right of free movement, which isn't something we are looking to limit or take away for shifters looking to move here." The reporter turned to face the camera. "Of course, freedom of movement applies to all citizens of the Union." She turned back to face Oliver Teese. "That's right. But it's important for everyone to understand that we are not giving preferential treatment either. Anyone who comes here under the freedom of movement directive will be required to conform to the requirements laid out within." "Meaning European migrants have to have the means to sustain themselves while they are here?" the reporter asked. "Indeed. New residents will be required to show proof of income or sufficient capital if they are to stay here permanently or be actively seeking work." "What about the allegations by Victor Domnall and his group that this influx of shifters is going to swing the balance in their favor as they start to outnumber the human population?" Oliver Teese let out a chuckle. "I would advise people not to follow that man's sensationalist and outlandish rhetoric. The numbers we are talking about here are tiny in comparison to the human population of this country. There is absolutely no risk of shifters outnumbering humans. Latest data from Dover shows that the shifter migrants coming in have added up to about a thousand at the most over the past three months." "Right. So compared with normal immigration rates—" the reporter started. "Compared to normal figures, it's practically negligible," Oliver Teese interrupted. "Well, there you have it. That's all we have time for now. Thank you for coming in, Mr. Secretary. Now we go back to Rachel Kinley, in the field in Dover." Eric picked up the remote and switched off the TV. This whole situation had made the man's career. Hardly anyone had even heard of Oliver Teese before any of this had happened. Eric had only made an appointment for Henry and the team to meet with his office because he was his local Member of Parliament at the time. Not that you could tell as much from looking at him now. He seemed to have received media training during the months leading up to his promotion and was now as smooth and slippery as they came. Eric shook his head. Once a politician… He picked up his phone and dialed Adam's number. It was noon, still a bit early in the day for his baby brother, but he was keen to get this particular conversation out of the way. Chances were Adam would tell Eric where to shove the suggestion of joining Alpha Squad together, but after getting this over with, at least he could tell Henry that he'd tried. That was all anyone could expect. Eric was up bright and early on Sunday. Not that it was a must; the drive to Wales, where the training for Alpha Squad was to take place, was not that long. No, something else had awoken him. Nerves? Doubts about whether he was doing the right thing? Surprisingly, Adam had agreed to join the taskforce with him. Perhaps it was the promise of a regular paycheck that had attracted him, or perhaps he thought it was glamorous somehow. Either way, he would be arriving sometime during the morning and they'd make the drive up to South Wales together. The training would be tough. Eric already knew that and was prepared for it. Was Adam? Only time would tell. He checked his bags for the tenth time, then put the coffee maker on for some much-needed caffeine. A knock on the door of his flat interrupted him. "Adam." Eric greeted his brother with a quick hug and slap on the back. "Hey, bro. You ready?" Adam smiled widely. He looked excited. That was sure to change once he figured out there'd be actual hard work involved in completing the training. Eric shrugged. "I was just making a coffee. Want some?" Adam nodded and placed his large gym bag on the ground beside the door before following Eric into the kitchen. They drank the first cup in silence, with Eric eyeing his younger brother suspiciously. What was going on in Adam's head to make him so cheerful this early on a Sunday morning? He'd always been the rebellious sort and terrible at accepting authority. That was why Eric hadn't involved him in any New Alliance stuff before the big reveal. "It'll take us about four hours to get there," Eric said as he poured the remaining coffee into a steel flask. "Right. Road trip!" Adam cheered. Eric scrutinized him. Adam was so young when their family moved to the city, he had never had a taste of the great outdoors. The training grounds where they were headed were used by the SAS, among other branches of the armed forces. As bears, they'd have a natural advantage as far as physical training was concerned, but still. Eric shook his head. He'd figure it out soon enough. Adam wouldn't last more than a few days. A week, at the most. "Let's go then," Eric said. "The sooner we reach there, the more time we'll have to explore the place before training starts in the morning." Adam nodded eagerly and grabbed the flask off the counter on his way out, leaving Eric to shake his head some more. This was going to be interesting.
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