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EpilogueIt had been almost a week since Alpha Squad's official graduation ceremony. They were a proper task force now, no matter how much General Stone hated it. Despite that, they were still lingering around on this base where they had spent the last month and a half, waiting for further orders. It was fine and well that all the recruits had made it through Boot Camp, but without being deployed anywhere, Alpha Squad might as well have failed just like Stone wanted. Plus, it would only be a matter of time before he would try to make their life here miserable. He had no influence over the squad directly, but the entire base itself fell under his command, and as such, he controlled their infrastructure. Janine sat at her desk, shuffling around paperwork. The grade sheets and training schedules were ripe to be filed away until a later date when someone new would join their ranks. But she was only half thinking about the future of the task force. There was another, more pressing matter on her mind. Eric. She had always vowed to keep her professional life and personal life separate. Fate had intervened and forced her to reconsider. But this was not the military anymore, this was Alpha Squad. That meant it was a new job, with new expectations and new rules. And after everything they'd gone through together, she knew that she could not have done it on her own. Eric was her right hand man now, a position which extended into her personal life as well. Of course, that was no reason to rub it in people's faces either. Bentley had wanted a more prominent role in the Squad, so any hint of impropriety in Janine's choice would get him even more riled up. No, they could not openly celebrate their love; at least, not yet. But that did not make what they had any less special to Janine. This was the first time she had ever felt so deeply for someone else, after all. The phone rang—a sound that had previously only ever meant more complications—but on this bright young morning, Janine did not mind. "Yes?" "Major Williams, I have Oliver Teese on the line," Callahan said. Rather than dread the upcoming conversation, Janine was simply curious. Did he have some good news for once? "Put him through… Yes, Mr. Teese. What can I do for you?" "Major. I hope your men are ready?" Janine's heartbeat surged at Secretary Teese's question. Ready for what? "They are indeed, Sir," she said. "Wonderful. We have a developing situation in Sevenoaks, Kent. One that might benefit from your team's special skills and expertise." Janine pulled her notepad closer to herself and picked up a pen. "No problem. We will be there." "That's good to hear. My associate will stay on the line with all the details. A good day to you, Major." "Good day, Sir." Janine was still scribbling down instructions when the door opened and Eric appeared in her office. Good news? he asked. She smiled briefly. We have an assignment. He approached her desk, leaned across it, and cupped her face in his right hand. Great. When do we leave? Janine checked the clock on the far wall of her office. Sevenoaks would be a good four to five hours away by road, depending on traffic conditions. "How quickly do you think the rest of the team could get geared up?" Janine asked. A little glint appeared in Eric's eyes. In about as much time as it would take for you and me to spend a bit of quality alone time together. Janine did not directly respond to him. Instead, she picked up the phone on her desk. "Private. Get the men ready to move in an hour. We have an assignment." She hung up as soon as Callahan acknowledged her orders. Then she diverted her attention back to Eric. Well, what are we waiting for then? - END OF BOOK 1- Alpha Squad: Friends & Foes
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