Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter FifteenIt had taken longer than he would have wanted, but finally, Felicity was free. After a quiet night in reflecting on everything and sharing their respective sides of the story, Adam and Felicity were back at the police station. Not as persons of interest or even suspects, but as witnesses to the press conference the major had promised the journalists. Adam glanced over at Felicity as she stood by his side just a few paces away from the podium; her brown hair glistened in the midday sun. How beautiful she was. How radiant, despite everything she had been through. He also exchanged a look and a nod of understanding with Eric, who stood directly in front of the crowd. He, as well as the rest of Alpha Squad, had been instrumental in getting Felicity released based on the evidence Adam had seen Detective Nye plant at her house. The entire scene, the team preparing for its first press conference in front of a crowd of people outside the police station, reminded Adam a lot of the brief ceremony that had marked the end of Alpha Squad's boot camp training. Only this time, their audience didn't consist of army and government officials, only reporters and ordinary citizens who had come to find out exactly what was happening in their little town. The microphone emitted a horrible screeching noise as Chief Inspector Huddersfield pointed it up closer to his mouth. "I am pleased to announce that we have a number of suspects in custody, who are have already confessed to their role in the recent murders that have shocked our town." He glanced over at Major Williams and hesitated. "We started the investigation expecting to find only one or at most a few culprits acting on their own. What we found was a much wider conspiracy, involving members of my own department." A whisper passed through the crowd. Although Huddersfield had named no names, everyone knew he was talking about Detective Nye. As soon as Alpha Squad had moved in and arrested the man at his home, the story had spread through the town like wildfire. The journalists would have found many willing to talk and give their side of the story; everyone had been very quick to cut all ties, actual as well as perceived, to Nye and the two Sons of Domnall members he had identified as being behind the murders. "Although the worst is now over, we must not make light of what this investigation has uncovered. My very own department, embroiled in a scandal of corruption, which led to the unlawful detention of a citizen and loyal servant of Sevenoaks, Felicity Weir. I hereby wish to take full responsibility and apologize on behalf of Kent Police. Your rights were violated on my watch, and I know my words can hardly begin to make up for all you went through." Take responsibility, huh? It's all just talk. If he truly felt responsible, he ought to resign, Adam thought. Felicity squeezed his hand. Let it be. It's over. "I also want to take this opportunity to thank the fine men and women of Alpha Squad, who were instrumental in unraveling this case," Huddersfield continued. "It was through your hard work and cooperation with my department that the truth could finally be uncovered and the culprits brought to justice. I salute you." Chief Inspector Huddersfield stepped back, allowing Major Williams to approach the podium. "Thank you, Chief Inspector, we appreciate your kind words. I also want to take this opportunity to highlight that Alpha Squad would have been unable to solve the case without the dedication and hard work of the local police. Sure, Alpha Squad has been conceived as a special government task force to handle shifter related incidents nationwide, but we cannot work in a vacuum, neither do we wish to replace local law enforcement. Our role is purely supportive, to share our special training and shifter related knowledge with local authorities in resolving crimes relating to or affecting the shifter community. On that note, I wish to highlight that with the help of local Detective McMillan, we have managed to resolve the case of the horrible attack on the shifter camp a few days ago. Once again, suspects are in custody, and they're ready to talk." The major as well as the chief inspector had been vague on purpose while announcing the arrests of everyone involved in the attacks on both the human and shifter population of Sevenoaks. They could not share too much information about an ongoing investigation for fear of jeopardizing it, but at least Adam and the rest of the team knew the truth. Victor Domnall had been behind it all. His presence in town had indeed not been a coincidence; after sending in some of his henchmen to start a terror campaign on the human citizens of the town, he had come in to reap the benefits by making speeches and stirring up hatred against the shifters. But save for handing the evidence that was meant to convict Felicity to the crooked detective, he had not gotten his own hands dirty. And even the pictures showing the exchange were not sufficient to hold up in court; all you could see was a sealed envelope, and the actual evidence was not within view. The leader of the Sons of Domnall was a slippery fellow indeed. Apparently, he had already left town in a hurry as soon as the arrests had taken place. But Alpha Squad would not give up so easily. It did not matter to them where Victor Domnall was; they would return to base and continue to investigate behind the scenes, waiting for the illustrious man to make his next move. It wasn't ideal, but it was all they could do. Sooner or later, he would make a mistake. It would only be a matter of time before Alpha Squad would find something that proved his direct involvement in an anti-shifter crime and put the man away once and for all. "What about reports that the victims were mauled by a large animal, say, a bear?" one of the journalists called out. Major Williams shook her head. "Rumors, I'm afraid. The victims were stabbed. In fact, I have the murder weapon right here." She leaned down and picked up a strange looking metal contraption off the ground behind the podium and held it up for everyone to see. Journalists and civilians alike gasped in shock. It was a scary looking thing, an intricate set of blades and pulleys that could be operated by hand to simulate either a set of claws or a jaw full of sharp teeth. It was easy to imagine just how much damage this thing would do to a human body. "I trust this answers any remaining concerns. If there are no more questions, my team and I would like to get back to work," Major Williams ended the press conference. The journalists started to disperse; no doubt they were all eager to report on the announcements made in the conference. Meanwhile, Alpha Squad, along with Felicity and the local police, headed back into the station. Once inside and shielded from any remaining prying eyes, Felicity took Major Williams aside. "I wanted to apologize too." The major turned around, her eyebrows raised in surprise. "What for?" "I jumped to conclusions about the squad and felt compelled to continue investigating things myself. I should have trusted that your team would look at the case objectively and draw the right conclusions." The Major stared at Adam for a moment, then looked at Felicity again and shook her hand. "Well, perhaps we should have done a better job in the first place. It took us a while to follow the right lead, but at least we got there in the end. Together." Adam nodded, and rested his hand on Felicity's shoulder. "Mr. King, I very much hope that this experience here has not permanently impacted your involvement with the team?" Adam raised an eyebrow. "Not at all. Does this mean I'm back in?" "I understand that what happened here was a one-off that could be blamed on extenuating circumstances…" Major Williams's voice trailed off. A one-off indeed. It wasn't every day that you stumbled across your one true mate while in the midst of a murder investigation. "It certainly won't happen again," Adam said. The major glanced across at Eric, who had been observing their exchange from across the buzzing police station, and smiled subtly. "Very well then. Welcome back to the team." Major Williams shook his hand to seal the deal. Adam felt Felicity's heart rate surge in excitement. Congratulations! I was worried I'd cost you your position on the team. Even if, it's only a job, Adam thought. That wasn't totally true, though. This job, unlike any other he'd ever had, actually meant something. It was meaningful, and it had the potential of being satisfying as well. That didn't make it more important than Felicity, but still. It was a relief that in the end, he didn't have to choose after all. "We leave in the morning, back to base," Major Williams said, then observed the happy couple for a moment. "I suppose you'll want some time off?" she asked Adam. Adam nodded. "Just a day or so, to sort things out here." Adam and Felicity exchanged a smile. It had been a tumultuous few days; it would be such a relief to get away from everything and everyone for a little while. After that, they'd sort out exactly how their future together would look. They were about to leave together, when the major cleared her throat. "Actually, Ms. Weir, there's something I've been thinking about which you might be able to help me with." "Oh?" Felicity asked. "What's that?" "The refugee camp. You know those families like nobody else. The way everybody spoke about you, you seemed to have made a real impression." Felicity blushed, which made Adam feel rather hot under the collar as well. Do you know what she's talking about? Felicity thought. No idea, he responded. "Well, it seems that the Ministry of Shifter Affairs is looking to relocate the camp. Sevenoaks was never meant to be a permanent spot anyway, plus with everything that happened here…" Adam frowned. He wasn't at all sure where the major was going with this. "Long story short, the Secretary of Shifter Affairs is looking for someone to run the camp in its new location. The current management has been deemed… less than effective." Felicity held her breath. Is she saying what I think she is? It would appear so. "There have been management issues at the camp indeed," Felicity agreed. "Well then, with your previous experience, plus your proven track record here, what do you say? Would you like the job?" Major Williams asked. Felicity opened her mouth, but no words came out. Adam grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently. That's great, congratulations! "I… yes… Yes, of course!" "Wonderful. In that case, you will be expected to oversee the relocation and report to the Alpha Squad headquarters once your work here is complete. But again, feel free to take a couple of days off first. You've been through enough lately," Major Williams said. The two women shook hands again, then the major marched off with the rest of her squad in tow. "Let's pack up whatever evidence we'll need for our case against Victor Domnall. We head back to base at eighteen-hundred-hours!" she said. "Yes, Ma'am," the squad—minus Adam—responded in unison. Adam watched as the door closed behind them and he was left alone in the police station's reception area with Felicity. "This isn't how I expected today to go," he remarked. "Me neither." "What do you say, we head home, unwind. I'll cook you some dinner…" Felicity turned and c****d her head to the side. "I didn't know you could cook!" "Oh, there's still a lot you don't know about me. But from the sound of things, we have a few days to figure it all out before we both have to get back to work." Adam smiled down at her, and sure enough, a smile broke through what had previously been an endearing little frown on her face. It was like the sun had burst through the clouds on a rainy day; Adam's entire being lit up at the sight of it. "I intend to find out everything there is to know," Felicity said. "You can be quite nosy, you know that?" Adam teased. "What's nosy about wanting to know my mate's every secret?" Adam shrugged and opened the door for her. "There's this thing people say about keeping the mystery alive, you know." Felicity laughed as she left the building with Adam following closely behind her. "There's also something about relationships being built on trust and honesty." "Oh, all right. If you insist." "I do." She hooked her arm through his as they walked across the square in front of the police station toward the parking lot. Thankfully, most of the journalists were long gone. Now that the case was over and done with, and the squad was heading back to base by evening, they'd have some peace and quiet together. He'd show her exactly how much she meant to him, in every way he knew how. From the bedroom, to the kitchen, he'd take care of her every need. Thanks to how everything had worked out, this was only the beginning. And he was ready for a lifetime with her by his side.
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