Chapter Ten

2080 Words
Chapter TenAfter her run-in with Detective Nye, Felicity had stayed at the camp for a few more hours, just to make sure that the families she had worked with all these weeks were somewhat settled. The administrative building had been the worst affected, but some of the residential units had also been damaged in the fire. The ones that were still standing were now doubly occupied as most families had taken in some of the now homeless refugees. And that wasn't even the worst thing; these families had left their homes following increasing hostilities aimed at them simply for who they were. They had tried to flee from this same kind of danger in their home countries, and now the place they had run to for safety had betrayed them. It had been a big shock for everyone. Felicity's heart hurt for everyone affected. At the same time, she was overwhelmed by a deep, stinging shame. It was her town that had turned on them. The people she had grown up with were responsible. And if given half a chance, they wouldn't care that she was a local, born and bred in Sevenoaks. They would turn on her too. The mood had not just soured; it was rotten and beyond saving. That was how it felt, anyway. She was in a good mood to run and never look back, if it wasn't for all these people depending on her. When she started looking into the attacks herself, she had felt like the investigation was the answer to everyone's problems. If only she could prove that the shifters had nothing to do with the murders, the hostilities would die down. Now she wasn't so sure anymore. Tensions had risen to dangerous levels. And as her interactions with Detective Nye had already proved, it was extremely difficult to argue with zealots who had already made up their minds about everything. The sort of people who would take it upon themselves to attack a camp full of vulnerable families with small children, would they really back down, ever? Even if the murder case was resolved, and it was clearly proven that the shifters had nothing to do with it all, would it really make any difference? Was there any hope left for these people? For this town? It was almost noon by the time Felicity took a breather and sat down on one of the tree stumps that lined the edge of the camp. The clean-up was well underway, thanks to the people from Alpha Squad, though strangely, Adam was nowhere to be found since their encounter in the woods. Perhaps that was for the best. She might not have been able to focus on anything else if he was around. The refugees were now settled for the most part. And Felicity was beat, both physically and emotionally. "Felicity, thank you so much for everything," a familiar voice spoke. She looked up to find Sophie standing beside her. The woman looked beat herself. "It's no problem," Felicity mumbled. "Why don't you go home, rest a bit? We'll manage things here," Sophie said. Although she didn't want to admit it, Felicity knew that Sophie was right. She ought to head home, maybe lie down for a bit. Like this she was no help to anyone. "Fine. But promise you'll call me if anything else happens," Felicity said, as she forced herself back onto her feet. "Of course. It will be okay. We will be okay, I can feel it," Sophie said. Felicity studied the woman's face for a few seconds. She couldn't be sure if she was being honest, or just saying what she thought Felicity needed to hear to keep it together. "The people from Alpha Squad are going to stay and make sure the camp is secure," Felicity mumbled. Sophie nodded. "I know. They told me." "Okay then, I will see you tomorrow," Felicity said. Sophie stepped up and gave her a warm hug. Only then did Felicity notice just how sore she was. Her shoulders, her back, even her arms were aching. She forced a smile, and tried not to let it show. "Bye, Felicity," Sophie said. Felicity nodded and headed to her car, pausing before turning the key in the ignition. Where was Adam, actually? She hadn't seen him in hours. Perhaps they'd sent him off to do something else while the rest of the squad helped at the camp. Although his absence was a bit odd, Felicity knew deep in her heart that she'd see him again soon. That thought alone kept her going as she drove back home. Felicity wasn't sure what woke her up. It wasn't a noise, but a sensation or a presence. She blinked a few times and stared at the ceiling. There it was again. A tug in her chest which told her she wasn't alone. It wasn't a bad feeling; it was reassuring and warm, like a cozy blanket to keep the cold out. A smile formed on her lips. It was Adam. Felicity got up and made her way through the living room straight to the front door. There he was. "Hi," she said, and opened the door wide. "I didn't disturb you, did I?" he asked. She shook her head. "You came just at the right time." Felicity stepped aside and watched him enter. There was something different about him now. He was a mess of feelings and thoughts, making it hard for Felicity to focus on any one of them. "What's going on?" she asked. How did you know where I live? Of course, she didn't mind him turning up here, but that didn't make her less curious. Adam turned and fiddled with his vest, retrieving a familiar looking notepad and holding it up in her direction. "I got this off the detective," Adam said in a matter-of-fact tone. Felicity took the notepad and studied it carefully. A rare glimpse into the inner workings of the mind of her main enemy on the police force. "You stole this?" she said. She wasn't even sure she wanted to know the exact circumstances under which he obtained it. Adam shrugged. "Borrowed it. I was hoping to get insight into the police investigation. They're not exactly telling us anything." Felicity frowned. "No? I thought Alpha Squad was collaborating with the police." "Yeah, we thought so too. It's a rather one-sided affair." If that was the case, then why was he here sharing the detective's notes with her and not with his team mates…? There's something you're not telling me. Adam pressed his lips together. I'm sorry. Felicity stepped up to him and rested her hand on his arm. What is it? "I'm off the team. At least for now. The major wants to avoid any appearance of impropriety." Felicity sank down onto the sofa, her hands tightening around the notepad. Now what? Adam sat down next to her and took her hand. A jolt of electricity passed from his skin into hers; at least that was the nearest description to how it felt. I'm so sorry. But no matter what, we'll figure things out together. Felicity closed her eyes and tried to think. But all that achieved was to flood her mind with imagery of their kiss in the woods. How did shifter couples achieve anything at all, when the intense attraction between them overwhelmed everything else, even rational thought? "It'll be okay, right?" Felicity mumbled. "I know it will." Adam wrapped his arm around her and held her close. She could hear his heartbeat so clearly. How it had sped up the moment they touched and continued to hammer away at a feverish pace now that she was safely tucked in his embrace. Perhaps this was the right thing to do. Perhaps they owed it to themselves as well as each other to blow off some steam, so that they could dive into the investigation with renewed vigor and focus. That was her justification to satisfy her mind anyway. Her heart and body didn't care to rationalize; they just wanted to act. Adam sensed the change in her; of course he did. Such was their connection. He scooped her up off the couch and carried her through the short hallway into the bedroom. It was a mess; the bed wasn't made and laundry was piled up on the chair that stood by the wardrobe. Felicity might have felt awkward about the state of the room with anyone else, but not with Adam. He hadn't even noticed it. His eyes were fixed on hers. His hands roamed her body, unbuttoning, undressing, peeling away the layers until she lay naked before him. The entire scene happened in a haze of passion. Felicity didn't consciously do anything; neither did Adam, probably. Things just… happened. Clothes, discarded on the floor. Limbs entwined in ecstasy. Sheets crumpled underneath her back. They kissed until their lips were sore, nibbled and licked at any body part that came within reach. Their fingertips explored every curve and crevice. The air was heavy with the scent of arousal. Their heads filled with images of pleasure. This was the endgame, the supreme purpose of their connection. This was what their bodies, hearts, and minds had worked toward since their first meeting. Propriety and morality didn't hold any relevance. Biology dictated that this was what they do: celebrate their union. Please each other. Allow their spirits to merge into one. Adam spread Felicity's legs and dove down, licking her most intimate parts. Making her cry out with the intensity of it all. She lifted herself onto her elbows and looked down at him. His face diving down again and again, teasing, tempting, seducing… It was the most beautiful sight; the way he looked up at her from between her thighs. But lying helplessly on her back wasn't natural for her. She struggled to regain control and turn the tables. Adam allowed it, barely. She went down on him, teasing him with her tongue until he hit the brink of pleasure, causing him to push her away. Not like this. Felicity got up on all fours and circled him, as he did the same, with the mattress wobbling awkwardly underneath them. To an outside observer, it would have looked more like the start of a nude wrestling match than lovemaking. It was a game, in a way. A competition to see who would push the other over the finish line first. Finally, they came together again. Adam wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her on top of his lap. This was a suitable compromise; they were both somewhat in control. It didn't take them long to find their rhythm. She rode him, guided by his hands on her hips, faster and harder. Although she wanted it to, the moment didn't last. They were too far gone, too hormonal and impatient. When Felicity's o****m hit, she could feel a similar surge of pleasure pass through him. They were perfectly timed, perfectly matched. Perfectly mated. Adam continued to hold on to her. His powerful arms cradled her as they both caught their breath. This was how they stayed for a while longer, neither willing to move or change anything at all. Finally, Felicity's heart rate settled, as did her breathing. She closed her eyes and nuzzled Adam's neck. This was her new safe place. Her sanctuary. With Adam's arms still wrapped around her, slowly, Felicity's faculties started to return. The calmer her body became, the faster her mind tried to work. It had just been an excuse, but now that they'd released the tension between them, she did find room in her mind for other thoughts. At last, they'd achieved clarity. "This is just part of the picture, that horrible detective's note pad," she said, breaking the silence. If they weren't already in each other's thoughts, her comment would have been weirdly out of context. Luckily, he was right here with her, thinking the same thoughts. Adam leaned back slightly and glanced up at her. "What are you saying?" "Well, seeing as we don't have any outside help anymore, it's more important than ever to figure out what we're up against. You know Alpha Squad doesn't have any viable leads, but neither do they have access to everything the police has. How will they ever solve the case without all the facts? How will we?" A smile crept over Adam's face. "I see where you're going with this. It'll be dark soon; that's when we'll get our chance." Felicity didn't dare say anything else. Was she asking too much? He was already risking his career for her; if they went any further, his freedom might be at stake as well. Anything for you, Adam's thoughts reassured her. Don't worry. She still felt bad for having the idea, but the sad fact was, this was the only way they'd find out the whole truth. There was simply no other way of moving the investigation forward. It was the two of them against the world.
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