67 - Meeting With the Lawyers

1195 Words

Luke     When I was called upon to have a meeting with my lawyer and Audrey’s lawyer, I had high hopes of seeing my wife for the first time in months.  However, I was met with disappointment after her lawyer arrived solo.  Learning Audrey had no intention of making an appearance on our court date only added to my disappointment.     As soon as I heard that, I slammed my hands down on the table and glared at the blonde b***h who had the audacity to snicker at my expense.  Angered by the information, I menacingly growled, “If Audrey doesn’t show her face tomorrow, I will fight her on this divorce, and I will win!”     “And if she makes an appearance, what will you do?  Willingly sign the papers and let Audrey move on with her life?” Miss Milford probed.     I gave it a moment of thought

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