41 - Time to Process

1048 Words

Katerina     Dmitriy came to my mind first, then the realization of everything hit me with full force.  My marriage was officially ending after only three years, and it was utterly disheartening.  Especially since the last two years felt more like ten.     It was bittersweet news to say the least, and there was no stopping the tears from welling beneath my eyelids.  I was happy to know the ball was rolling, and I would soon no longer be tied to Luke in any way.       However, I felt incredibly sad at the same time.  I had once loved that man with all of my heart.  When we exchanged those marriage vows, I expected Luke to be my forever, but he turned out to be a cruel, heartless bastard, and I was better off without him.     Adelina could tell by the look on my face that I was on an emo

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