Chapter 6 Found

997 Words
Ace's POV Early the next morning, Alex and Lauren met me in the driveway. We loaded all of our gear in my black Hummer. The mission would be easier by taking a small more efficient group. Plus, I had the support of Alpha Sam and his troops. My wish was for the rest of my troops to help the people of Cambria Pines recover. After driving for several hours, we crossed the Western border. I called Alpha Sam to get an update. Sam started explaining, "We have tracked them to the city of Whitestone. It's one of our roughest cities and known for slave trafficking. Meet me in Whitestone. I'll send you our location." Great, he already had a lead.   Alpha Sam had us meet him in a back parking lot. He walked up to my car, "Start combing the streets. Keep the windows down so we can try and smell our mates."   "Good plan," I said. "Since you already know this area, we'll follow you."  We started driving up and down every street. I wasn't able to smell my mate or the rogues.   Abruptly Sam's car came to a stop in front of a building. Sam parked and got out of his car. I followed and parked beside him. "Surround the building. I smell my mate inside," he ordered. I was so confused. Why couldn't I smell her scent? I inhaled some deep breaths. That's when it hit me, the stench of the rogues.   Sam and I kicked down the front door. We could see the girls huddled together on the floor. One by one, the rogues started attacking us. We easily overpowered and killed them. I didn't want to scare the girls with all the bloodshed, but that wasn't possible. I checked the whole building for Alpha Bane, but he was nowhere in sight. In one of the back rooms, I found some pure silver chains. My heart sunk when I could smell my mates' scent on them. Running back to the girls, I asked them, "What happened to the other girl that was here?" A young girl with light brown hair stood up and said, "One of the guards was about to rape me when she transformed into her wolf. She attacked him and killed him right here." I looked down and saw a large bloodstain on the concrete. With tears in her eyes, she continued, "Then they put her in silver chains and sold her at the slave market." Upon hearing the news, I was actually impressed. She wasn't even Luna yet, and she was already saving her people.   We quickly untied all of the girls. Lauren helped to clean and bandage their wounds. I sent Alex to get food for them. I sat down at a desk and started to make a list of all of their names and families back home. When the list was completed, I sent the names out over mind-link to my entire pack. I wanted to give their families some peace of mind. I was racking my brain, only 24 names. Who was my missing mate? Then I remembered my conversation with Captain Douglas. His name wasn't on the list of families to be notified. " Hey, girls," I called out, "What was the name of the girl that saved you?" "Her name is Kaylee Douglas," Breanna answered. "What was the color of her wolf?" I inquired of her. "She has a pure white wolf." I knew it. She was the girl from my vision.   I looked behind me to find Sam. He was in the arms of his mate, consoling her. A twinge of jealousy ran up my spine. That could have been me right now. I had to swallow hard to control my anger. Finally, I had enough control to walk over to them. "Alpha Ace, I would like you to meet my mate, Daisy." Sam introduced. "Nice to meet you, Daisy," I said, shaking her hand. "We have made arrangements for all of the girls to be taken back to their homes'" he informed me. "All except for this one. Daisy will be coming home with me," he said with a huge smile across his face. "In all seriousness, we will still be looking for your mate. If there is anything I can do for you, give me a holler." I thanked him for his kindness. In the future, I could sense a new alliance forming between his kingdom and mine.   Turning around to leave, I said goodbye to the girls. I gave them an update on the Cambria Pines Recovery Project. "You are all welcome to stay in the pack house as long as you need." Taking Alex and Lauren with me, we drove to the slave market. When we arrived, the place was empty. "I need to speak to the manager." I barked. The man behind the counter frowned and smugly replied, "You're looking at him." "A young woman was sold here yesterday; her name is Kaylee Douglas." He said, "The girls that are sold here have a number, not a name." Hearing that infuriated me. I could reach over the counter and strangle him. "Can you describe her?" he asked me. "She was in silver chains and sold by a rogue." I managed to choke out. "Oh yes, I do remember her, an old man bought her. Let me check the logbook." He pulled open the leather book and started thumbing through the pages. "It says here that she was sold to Fred, from the Blue Mountain Pack for 100 pieces of gold." He's one of our regular customers." What a wild goose chase. She was being brought back to my own pack. Slave trade is illegal in my kingdom. Death would come to whoever bought her; I would have their head for this. I turned to Alex and Lauren, "Lets go home. I want a list of everyone named Fred in our kingdom. Mark my words, I will find her."
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