2423 Words

CHAPTER 15 "What the hell are you guys doing here? Damn it Zev, you were supposed to get them out of town, until we could figure out how to clear Day's name," Morgan snapped. Zev glared in Day's direction, with a frown. "I tried, but neither man would leave." Day stirred some sauce in the pot and then went to drain the noodles. "I have no intention of leaving here until we catch whoever is setting these fires and is trying to kill my mate and his father." "We think we might know," Angelo said as he went to help Ethan set the table. "Angelo, what the hell are you doing?” Morgan asked angrily. A shadow of annoyance crossed over Angelo’s face, as he replied, "Morgan, get a grip. If it was you being accused of setting fires and killing your mate's mother’s as well as your closest friends

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