WOLF ME-part 4

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"Oh, please...don't stop!" I felt so full. He was gifted in all departments. The way he saddled his way into my weeping püssy felt wonderfully sublime. "Yes, just like that!" "Shít. Your püssy gripping my cóck like a good slüt, kitten. You feel so good around me. Take it...Take. It. Deeper!" His words mirrored his actions. Slowly in and out, then short quick thrusts that made me see bright stars behind my lids. He was holding my legs over his shoulders, tilting my body for his easy assault. I felt him impossibly deep inside me, boring through, stretching me out. I could feel how my insides trembled around his huge girth. His strokes became sinfully wild and quick as he looped his hand around my leg to reach for my throbbing cít, heightening the already overflowing pressure, drumming the bud with so much ferocity. It wasn't long before I was screaming for his name. His feral growls made me even wetter. He sounded so sexy. "Conall! Ohh! I'm so close..." I liked his name. Unique and strong. "That's the plan, kitten," he growled, rotating his hips and working on my clít. "Uhh, fück! Don't stop! I'm gonna come..." My body shook at the hammering assault of my órgasm, fabricating my body into a messy writhing slut, hungry for his díck, and instead of stopping, he plowed it all back inside with a feral growl, his hands squeezing my bréasts, and I knew what he wanted, to cast aside all the inhibitions to which my body surrendered, I squirted around his raging length as he prodded deeply my body spasmed, unable to control the pleasurable assault. "kitten-oh, shít...You're getting impossibly tighter." He growled. After coming down from my high, with his length still buried deep inside me, he brought my legs to rest over his legs. Chest heaving, eyes dark with lüst, he hovered over me and nuzzled my neck, inhaling my scent as if it's what he needed the most at the moment. The first flickering of colors in his eyes—from black to unusually dark to almost red— surprised me at first, but the more I saw it happen, I thought it was unusually beautiful and strange. He was probably just at the height of his own pleasure. "I love it so much when you do that." He whispered against my ears, drawing a soft moan and goosebumps all over my skin. And I knew, my püssy constricted around his shaft, he moaned. "Tell me...Has anyone made love with you the way I did, pleasured you the way I did...and fücked you the way I did?" I gasped for he thrust slowly as he asked the question. He ran his tongue from the skin on my neck down to my clavicle. "Answer me...Calista? "Ohh," a whimper-surprised gasp escaped my lips. "How...how did you know...my name? I did not tell you-" I groaned. I was confused. Yes. But his stiff rod stimulating my walls created undeniably pleasurable sensations alongside the alien sparks I felt when his skin touched mine. It was as if, with his single touch, he could bring me down to my knees and let him do whatever he wanted to do to me. "I have my ways. But that's not the answer to my question." He bit down on my neck. It wasn't hard, but enough to feel a slight pain that... that wasn't uncomfortable either. In fact, my body even reacted, my legs wrapped around his waist. He chuckled. "You still haven't answered my question." "No one. You're the first man I ever shared this intimacy with. I pleasured myself with toys, but not a real díck." I felt him smile against my skin. I shrieked loudly when he suddenly changed our position without uncoupling our connected bodies. He was so fast. Straddling his waist, the cóck buried deep inside me, his back against the headboard, I could feel his hard stomach at the tip of my fingertips. Hard muscles, so firm and strong. I wondered what his job was. "You're mine, kitten. You're not leaving this island without my imprint on you. Everyone will know you're mine." He possessively growled, grasping my globes in his rough hands, tweaking my n*****s before his mouth descended to one and encased it, suckling, circling a tongue over it before toying the pap to a slightly painful tickle and moving to the other twin to do the same play. I, on the other hand, sought more friction. My hips gyrated around his thickness. Moaning. Whimpering. Such bliss was beyond what I had imagined being penetrated with real cóck. The sheets under us were moistened after being soaked, but he seemed to enjoy it. He was never bothered at all. And yes, I couldn't care if he was being very possessive; I liked it already. He was talking weirdly, I didn't care. If that's how he showed his desire for me, so be it. He could imprint anywhere on my body I'd let him. After all, he's already doing that; his touches, lovemaking, everything we did here would be unforgettable. I'd bring this memorable encounter back to my home. My heart seemed to protest at the thought, but...he's a stranger. He will never be mine. "Conall!" I cried out his name as he picked up his pace. I appeared to be riding on an extremely bumpy rough road by the way I bounced up and down his thickness. We danced to the same rhythmic patterns I only get to experience with him, get to feel the realness of such intimacy. "Fück! Forgive me, kitten." His whisper sounded like a suppressed growl. He's apologizing for what? I was on the edge of a huge explosion. I could feel the new profound building up of pleasure in my lower abdomen drawing my breath out of me, leaving me panting and gasping. "Oh, fück! Harder!" I cried out. "Come...for me, mate," he growled, grabbed my neck, inclined to the side, and thrust hard, eliciting a scream out of me at how his movement changed; he became rough and vigorous. The grip of his hand on my hair was creating a tingling pain, but instead of focusing on it; it even aroused me to no end. He was giving me what I wanted at the moment. The harder he thrust, the wetter I became. "You're mine, Mate..." His lips captured mine in a passionate duel, swallowing my moans and gasps as his strokes went deeper and harder, pushing me to the edge. "Yes, yes, yes!" I managed to articulate when he moved from my lips and put his face in the hollow of my neck. Lava flowed into my body in a mass as the gush of pleasure was released. "Mine!" He growled. My órgasm struck me as hard as the shock registered when the pain from his bite penetrated the skin on my beck. He bit me! I convulsed around him and felt his essence painting the walls of my insides white and warm, mixing the pain and the pleasure. I felt him tense under the heat of my palms. My eyes rolled back, my heart pounded as newly strange sensations streamed down my bloodstream. What is he doing to me? "Conall..." His mouth drew back. I whimpered as my head lulled to the side, feeling dizzy, exhausted, and drained. Before my eyes completely closed like tulips at night, the blood in his mouth completely took the sanity from me and I went out like a light. . . . I stretched out my limbs, sighing down at the relief my strained muscles released. I’ve never felt this good. I felt amazing. The softness of the bed against my back reminded me of the good sleep I had the whole night. My hand patted my neck. There was no pain nor discomfort, but Conall bit me last night. I shook my head, probably I was only hallucinating last night because of the exhaustion many órgasms brought me. Getting out of bed, I looked around the room and listened for distinctive noises, but it was very silent. I also noticed the new bedding. I would say I was completely out last night. I didn’t know at all what happened next. He must have cleaned me as well, for I was already in a new white shirt. His shirt, I suppose. After relieving myself from my daily morning routines, I was ready to go out to find him. Without pretense, I wanted to see him, talk more, get to know each other, or do more than that. I inwardly giggled, but then, my stomach growled. I’m hungry... Opening the door, I heard voices, one I’d say I was very familiar with. Ciara... They were arguing. She was angry. “You can’t just mark her like that, Conall. You know she’s human!” I halted my steps. They didn’t notice my presence. They were standing on the veranda, arguing. The transparent glass let me see that they were indeed in a heated argument. One thing that really felt strange was my eyesight. From where I was standing, I could see them clearly despite the glass and the distance. Their voices were also too loud in my ears. I could hear their loud breathing. “You told me you'd look after her, give her time to understand so she’ll accept us, but look what you’ve done. You’ve mated and marked her! Are you out of your damned mind!?” She vehemently screamed. Conall nonchalantly took the seat next to him, ignoring Ciara’s outburst. “She’s mine. She won’t get away from me.” He said. I thought I scoffed. He’s pretty sure of himself. But there I doubted. Wasn’t I too eager to see him? After last night, would I be able to stay away from him? “You’re so full of yourself, Conall. Calista had never trusted any man for a reason. What makes you think she’ll trust you after you marked her without knowing who you really are?” Before I could stop myself, I strolled out of the living room to where they were arguing. I saw how fast their heads snapped in the direction of the sliding door before it even sent me forth. “Ciara,” “Calista! Are you fine? Thank God you’re okay.” She hugged me. “I thought you were angry. I heard you two arguing about something. Nope... It’s about me.” Her sudden change of atmosphere really piqued my interest to obtain the reason for her outburst. Her eyes looked a bit surprised. “You heard us?” I nodded. Sighing down, I hugged her, just to keep my eyes from looking in Conall’s direction. Last night was still fresh in my head. “If you’re angry at me, you can tell me, you know. After all, it was actually my f--” “No way. I’m not angry at you.” Her arms tightened around me. “I’m angry at this asshole with us right now,” I heard his low growl. “Why?” I asked. One word and I felt her body go stiff. “Ciara?” She distanced herself from me, leaving me uncovered, exposed to Conall’s intense eyes. Our eyes met and my hand automatically went to my neck to touch that part he bit. His back iris flickered to dark and a speck of red, making me hold my breath as I slowly swallowed the fear back down to my stomach. I was hallucinating this time, for sure. “Calista...” My head turned to Ciara. She looked crestfallen. “He’s my brother.” I bit down on my lower lip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get involved with your brother, Ciara. It was just too fast. It was my fault. I think I had seduced him into doing it. I didn’t know he’s your brother—” Her laugh cut my rattled speech. “Ciara...” Her shoulder was still shaking. “You silly woman. I didn’t mean that. He’s my brother and he’s the Alpha of this pack.” She said. I gave her a ridiculous look. “Alpha? You mean the president of this community? The owner?” “Have you ever heard of werewolves, Ciara?” She asked in a tone filled with humorlessness. I skeptically smiled and shrugged my shoulders. “Uh-huh. And?” “Three years ago, when I met you at school, you were just 18. I thought you were different, I felt safe and relaxed with you around.” What she said put a smile on my face. It was true. She also captured my attention and we became friends so quickly. “When I came back here, Conall, my brother recognized your scent on me. He wanted to come with me, but I stopped him. You were too young to understand us, him. It was complicated. He’s found you but couldn’t touch you. He’s been sick.” “I can’t understand, Ciara. My scent is on you. I made him sick. Why? You ask me about werewolves, then change the topic to something more perplexing. I don’t get it.” “We’re wolves,” Conall finally spoke.
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