
173 Words
AcknowledgmentsNONE OF this would be possible without the authors who diligently write and submit stories for the SA Horrorfest Bloody Parchment short story competition nearly every year—and yes, there are some familiar faces who keep cropping up. Thank you. And then thank you also to the words of encouragement I receive, often unasked for and unexpected. This issue particularly, I’m offering a huge thank you to our judges, Cat Hellisen, Dave de Burgh, Diane Awerbuck, Efemia Chela, Lauren Smith, and Sarah Lotz, who all devoted their time to reading the stories and offering valuable commentary. Next, a special thank you to Yolandie Horak and Masha du Toit, who assisted with proofreading and formatting respectively. As editor, designer, and layout artist, I can only do so much. These two ladies saved me. Last, but not least, my continued gratitude to Paul Blom and Sonja Ruppersberg, for their ongoing, tireless work to keep the South African Horrorfest going, and for allowing us to keep the literary component steaming along and a part of the main film festivities.
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